


Outline und Comment







How to write an Outline:
First sentence:
- text type
- title
- author
- date of publication
Second sentence:
- topic
Third sen
How to write an Outline:
First sentence:
- text type
- title
- author
- date of publication
Second sentence:
- topic
Third sen

How to write an Outline: Introduction: First sentence: - text type - title - author - date of publication Second sentence: - topic Third sentence: - The aspect(s) of the topic that the outline will focus on - Use indirect speech to outline what the author / people/ he/she quotes says in the text Don't: - copy from the text - use direct speech / quotations Lernzettel Englisch Example: The(text type) (title) written by(author)was published on(date). - give your own opinion - repeat the same ideas - give irrelevant details Example: It is about/deals with(topic)./ / The author discusses/shows(topic).// The reader gets to know/is informed about (topic). Main part: - linking words to structure the text Example: Linking words to start the main part: - give the important information on the requested aspects in a logical order - e.g. I would like to comment on... Main Part: Example: In the following, I want to (outline / give an account of/ sum up) the information on (aspect) as given in the excerpt Firstly, / To start with, / First of all, / To begin with To add Information: Secondly, / Moreover, / Furthermore, / Apart from that, To order information/ events: How to write a comment: Introduction: -Name the source and refer to the topic, question or statement - clearly state the problem/issue at stake - attract the attention of the reader First, Next, / Afterwards / During / While... -ing Useful verbs to outline what the author or other people...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

say: state, claim, point out, believe, suggest, explain, (+): agree with approve of, be in favor of, support, (-) criticize, object to, question, oppose e.g. "The author states that..." / "Prof. Dudley criticizes that..." - Include background knowledge - Arrange your arguments in a logical order - refer to the (the authors) arguments/ statement in a more detailed way - explain the message of the statement/quote - e.g. The author claims/states/maintains/predicts that - focus on the Arguments you want to support and/or refute - present your own opinion - e.g. it is my belief/opinion that, In my opinion, as far as I can see, - (personally), I do not find such a claim/argument /statement convincing, there is no doubt/question that Conclusion: - refer to the topic or question again - say what conclusion you have come to (agree/disagree) - summing up your arguments - e.g. All in all, I think/ I would like to conclude by saying that/ To sum up Points to remember: - work on the structure of your text before writing(schreibplan) - When referring to material, concentrate on necessary aspects to support your arguments - avoid unnecessary summaries of information given in the text - Argument(Argument, explanation, example) Indirect speech - wird genutzt um zu sagen was jemand gesagt hat - wenn das einleitende Verb präsens ist dann auch die anderen Verben präsens - Cliff says that he is going to Munich on Tuesday - Cliff said that he was going to Munich on Tuesday - in der indirect speech wird der ursprüngliche Satz immer eine Zeit weiter in die vergangenheit gestellt - e.g. Simple present=>Simple past, simple past=> past perfect