


Politicians view on Brexit in UK and relationship between UK and EU (Newspaper analysis + mediation)







Written Exam No. 3 (Q1/2.HJ/1 EGK)
>>Tradition and change in the UK
Bearbeitungszeit: 135 Minuten Name: Jill
Written Exam No. 3 (Q1/2.HJ/1 EGK)
>>Tradition and change in the UK
Bearbeitungszeit: 135 Minuten Name: Jill
Written Exam No. 3 (Q1/2.HJ/1 EGK)
>>Tradition and change in the UK
Bearbeitungszeit: 135 Minuten Name: Jill
Written Exam No. 3 (Q1/2.HJ/1 EGK)
>>Tradition and change in the UK
Bearbeitungszeit: 135 Minuten Name: Jill
Written Exam No. 3 (Q1/2.HJ/1 EGK)
>>Tradition and change in the UK
Bearbeitungszeit: 135 Minuten Name: Jill
Written Exam No. 3 (Q1/2.HJ/1 EGK)
>>Tradition and change in the UK
Bearbeitungszeit: 135 Minuten Name: Jill
Written Exam No. 3 (Q1/2.HJ/1 EGK)
>>Tradition and change in the UK
Bearbeitungszeit: 135 Minuten Name: Jill
Written Exam No. 3 (Q1/2.HJ/1 EGK)
>>Tradition and change in the UK
Bearbeitungszeit: 135 Minuten Name: Jill
Written Exam No. 3 (Q1/2.HJ/1 EGK)
>>Tradition and change in the UK
Bearbeitungszeit: 135 Minuten Name: Jill
Written Exam No. 3 (Q1/2.HJ/1 EGK)
>>Tradition and change in the UK
Bearbeitungszeit: 135 Minuten Name: Jill
Written Exam No. 3 (Q1/2.HJ/1 EGK)
>>Tradition and change in the UK
Bearbeitungszeit: 135 Minuten Name: Jill
Written Exam No. 3 (Q1/2.HJ/1 EGK)
>>Tradition and change in the UK
Bearbeitungszeit: 135 Minuten Name: Jill
Written Exam No. 3 (Q1/2.HJ/1 EGK)
>>Tradition and change in the UK
Bearbeitungszeit: 135 Minuten Name: Jill
Written Exam No. 3 (Q1/2.HJ/1 EGK)
>>Tradition and change in the UK
Bearbeitungszeit: 135 Minuten Name: Jill
Written Exam No. 3 (Q1/2.HJ/1 EGK)
>>Tradition and change in the UK
Bearbeitungszeit: 135 Minuten Name: Jill
Written Exam No. 3 (Q1/2.HJ/1 EGK)
>>Tradition and change in the UK
Bearbeitungszeit: 135 Minuten Name: Jill

-Gesamtschule Written Exam No. 3 (Q1/2.HJ/1 EGK) >>Tradition and change in the UK Bearbeitungszeit: 135 Minuten Name: Jill KLAUSURTEIL A: SCHREIBEN MIT LESEVERSTEHEN (integriert) 70% / 105P ASSIGNMENTS: 1. Point out what the author says about how people and politicians in the UK think about Brexit and the relationship between the UK and the EU. Moreover, point out what the author thinks about this relationship. (Comprehension, 12 Punkte) 2. Analyse how the author tries to convince the reader of his opinion and the message of his article. Consider the structure of the article as well as the language (rhetorical devices and choice of words). (Analysis, 16 Punkte) 3. Choose one of the following tasks: 18.03.2022 3.1 Comment: In 2020, a British newspaper wrote "The only thing we can agree on is that we are a divided nation." Comment on this statement based on your knowledge of the UK and Brexit gained in class. (Evaluation: comment, 14 Punkte) 3.2 Recreation of text: Write a letter to the editor in response to the article. (Evaluation: re-creation of text; 14 Punkte) MATERIALGRUNDLAGE: KLAUSURTEIL A: Ausgangstext: Zeitungsartikel, "editorial comment" Quelle: von der Homepage der britischen Zeitung "The Guardian", vom 31.12.2020, https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/dec/31/the-guardian-view-of-brexit-a- tragic-national-error Angaben zum Autor: ein Autor wird nicht angegeben (unknown author) KLAUSURTEIL B: Verena Mayer, ,,Royals in Deutschland: Immer cool bleiben", 14.3.2022 https://www.sueddeutsche.de/panorama/royals-prinz-charles-berlin-1.4436480 Zugelassene Hilfsmittel: Ein- und zweisprachige Wörterbücher small introduction using "Collective we" 5 how think about Brexit people 10 author's opinion out Brexit + relationship between uk + EU 15 people's...

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view on exit 20 The Guardian view of Brexit: a tragic national error title is already showing the opinion of the Britain is now out of the EU. But this is a day of sadness, not of glory, for we shall Guardian on the Brexit! always be part of Europe relationship UK + EU Jill (...) The United Kingdom is now no longer part of the European Union or subject to its rules. We have closed the door and walked away. We are on our own. We're out. Collective we elder generation, Boris Johnson... For many in Britain, it is a glorious day. Departure from the EU, for those who wanted it, is a moment of independence regained, sovereignty reclaimed, and of taking back control. They hope it will sweep the European argument out of British life. (...) For others, 1 January is simply a moment of relief. The Brexit wars have lasted eight long years, from the moment David Cameron committed the Conservatives to a referendum in reference to history January 2013. (...) emotive language → focusing on the Brexit as a very sad tragedy This is a day of sadness. Britain's departure remains a tragic national error. We have expelled ourselves from a union that was good for this country and the world. The role of the anti-European press in making this happen was decisive, so it is somehow fitting that a government led by journalists has slammed the door. But at least the EU can no longer be blamed for our continuing tensions, inequalities and failures of governance. enumeration These tensions cannot be magicked away. Brexit was opposed by majorities in Scotland, Northern Ireland, and London and other cities, as well as by most young people and most graduates. None of that is going to change, whatever the overall majority erdict was in 2016 and however tired of the argument we all may be. This is a country divided over Europe. We were divided in the past and we will be divided in the future. Getting Brexit done is a fantasy. It is a supposed solution that only creates new historic problems. alliteration that are (...) We must never allow ourselves to think that sovereignty means isolationism or exceptionalism (...). We live in an interconnected world (...). In some ways Mr Johnson politicians refering to seems to understand this. (...) But the movement he leads is not interested in alliances or involved in the Brexit compromises. It feeds off fantasies of greatness, which Mr Johnson constantly indulges. It satisfy a particular desire or interext you have fatally confuses sovereignty with power. 25 Jill Kolecki Brexit is done - but it is not over. In the medium term it leaves behind all manner of sources of future conflict for British politics. (...) [W]e shall never cease to be Europeans and will never cease to engage with Europe. 30 In his novel The Stone Raft, the Portuguese writer José Saramago imagines the Iberian peninsula breaking physically away from Europe at the Pyrenees and drifting across the world's oceans in a fruitless search for a new home. Today, Britain can feel a bit like a metaphorical stone raft too. Except that the real Britain will remain anchored in perpetuity across the Channel from the European continent, its peoples, economies and cultures, of forever. fantasy enumeration to actually which we shall always be part - and to which we hope one day, in some way, to return. Show what the Brexit is like imagery ↓ involve the reader and their Annotations: I. 17 2016 > the year when the votum for Brexit took place 1. 23 Mr Johnson > the current Prime Minister of the UK, known for his pro-Brexit attitude 1. 23 to indulge > to satisfy a particular desire or interest you have II. 29-30 Iberian peninsula (...) Pyrenees > The peninsula (Halbinsel) on which Spain and Portugal are located. Between Spain and France you find mountains called the Pyrenees, which separate Spain from the rest of continental Europe I. 31 in perpetuity> forever paragraph 5 10 15 20 25 30 Jill KLAUSURTEIL B: MEDIATION (isoliert) 30%/45P Your English friend has told you that the Royals are anti-European. After you have read this article in Süddeutsche Zeitung, you write him/her an e-mail telling him/her what the article says about Royals visiting Germany. Royals in Deutschland: Immer cool bleiben Verena Mayer Die Ankunft des Prinzen von Wales und der Herzogin von Cornwall fällt mitten ins Brexit- Schlamassel. Zum Glück lassen sich Charles und Camilla nicht von der Hysterie anstecken und verbreiten britisches "Keep calm and carry on". Lässt man die letzten Besuche britischer Royals Revue passieren, fällt auf, wie parallel sie zum Brexit verliefen. Im Jahr 2015, in der Planungsphase des Referendums, erinnerte die Queen bei ihrem Besuch in Deutschland an die Wunden des Krieges und daran, dass Europa den Frieden seiner Einigkeit verdanke. William und Kate kamen 2017 während der Brexit-Verhandlungen und gaben sich beim Rudern, im ICE und in einem Berliner Club als Vertreter einer europäischen Generation, die all die Veränderungen schon cool wuppen würde. "#Freundship" lautete dann auch das instagramtaugliche Motto ihres Besuchs. Die Ankunft des Prinzen von Wales und der Herzogin von Cornwall am Dienstag in Berlin fällt nun mitten in den Brexit-Schlamassel. Da sind Pragmatismus und Gelassenheit angesagt, mit ihren 70 und 71 sind die beiden auch genau die Richtigen, um viel britisches "Keep calm and carry on" zu verbreiten. Das Programm der viertägigen Deutschlandreise steht ganz im Zeichen der Krisen, die man schon gemeinsam durchgestanden hat. Charles hat eine Rede vorbereitet, in der er sagt, dass es hoffentlich "auf unserem Kontinent nie wieder zu Spaltungen und Konflikten wie in der Vergangenheit kommt, dass wir gemeinsam eine unentbehrliche Kraft des Guten in unserer Welt bleiben". Kurzbesuch bei Angela Merkel Nach einem kurzen Besuch bei Angela Merkel fahren die beiden zum alten Flughafen Tempelhof. Am Platz davor steht ein Denkmal aus Beton, das die Berliner wegen seiner wuchtigen Krümmung nur "Hungerkralle" nennen, das aber für eine historische Krise und die Rettung aus der Luft steht. Für die Flugzeuge der Westalliierten nämlich, die während der Berlin-Blockade hier landeten und die Stadt mit Nahrung versorgten. Charles tritt vor und legt einen Kranz nieder, das Denkmal erinnert auch daran, dass während der Luftbrücke vierzig Soldaten der Royal Air Force starben. Er tut das mit der Routine eines Royals, der schon mehr als 30 Mal in Deutschland war. In Berlin war Charles schon fast überall, 1995 sogar in einer Plattenbausiedlung in Hellersdorf, wo er nach einem Besuch in "Moni's Friseursalon" mit einer Familie Rotkäppchensekt trank. Was nicht heißt, dass seine Agenda langweilig wäre. Im Gegenteil. Wenig ist derzeit so brandaktuell wie Charles' Interesse für Ökologie und nachhaltige Landwirtschaft. Dem will auch der britische Botschafter genügen, der am Abend in seiner Residenz die traditionelle Gartenparty zu Ehren der Queen gibt. Weil Charles regionale Bio-Produkte liebt, wird es Kräuter aus einem lokalen Kräuter-Start-up geben, und der Saibling, der "nach Matjesart mit Spreewaldgurken und Wasabi-Kresse" zubereitet wird, stammt von einem Brandenburger Forellenhof. Matthias Engels züchtet die Öko-Fische und wird sich auf dem sorgfältig gestutzten Rasen unter die 600 Gäste aus Wirtschaft und Politik mischen. Und was wird er dem Prinzen über seine Fische erzählen? "Das weiß ich noch lieber meine Frau reden." da lasse ich EH Teilaufgabe 1 (Comprehension) 1 NAME: KLAUSURTEIL A (70%): SCHREIBEN MIT LESEVERSTEHEN (INTEGRIERT) 1. INHALTLICHE LEISTUNG / KLAUSURTEIL A 4 Anforderungen: Die Schülerin / Der Schüler arbeitet heraus, was die Leute über den Brexit und die Beziehung des Vereinigten Königreichs zur EU denken, wie z.B.: -for lots of people Brexit is very positive, enjoying more independence and sovereignty again 1 others are just happy that the struggle connected to Brexit is over - majorities in e.g. Scotland, Northern Ireland or London did not want to leave the EU 2 beschreibt, wie Politiker die Situation sehen, wie z.B.: the government which was influenced heavily by the anti-European press is responsible for Brexit - to sum up: the British people have very different opinions on this topic and are divided Mr Johnson sees that a connection to other countries is important, but does not act accordingly - for him sovereignty is closely connected to a powerful state ✓ 3 erklärt, was der Autor zu diesen Themen denkt, wie z.B.: - to leave the EU was a wrong decision because it was beneficial for everyone Brexit and its consequences will cause more problems in the future - a continuing close relationship and cooperation with Europe is important - the author hopes for a return to the EU or another improved relationship to the other European countries in the future erfüllt ein weiteres aufgabenbezogenes Kriterium SUMME Teilaufgabe 1 Teilaufgabe 2 (Analysis) Anforderungen: Die Schülerin / Der Schüler analysiert die Struktur in ca. der ersten Hälfte des Textes mit sinnvollen Erklärungen, wie z.B.: - headline & subheading > presenting Brexit as a terrible mistake and a very negative event to give a first impression of the author's opinion ✔ - II. 1-8> showing that Brexit is now reality and there are very different opinions/ among the people > first look at the people being divided over this topic - II. 7-11> stress that and why the EU could not accept May's plan to make the reader understand the problem - II. 9-24> reasons and possible consequences of Brexit although many people were against it & still problems now regarding policies> explaining that a lot of people V would have chosen a different way - II. 25-33> in the future the UK should strive for a closer relationship to the other European countries again> central message V 3 analysiert die Stilmittel und erklärt, wie der Autor den Leser mit Hilfe dieser von der Botschaft seines Artikels, dass der Brexit ein Fehler war und eine nähere Beziehung mit den anderen europäischen Staaten angestrebt werden. soll, überzeugen will, wie z.B.: 6 TRECE ONE POR - "We have closed the door and walked", 1.2: metaphor for Brexit and ending a close relationship to the EU, also running away from possible problems and finding a serious solution together Jill max. Punkt- zahl 4 4 4 (2) 12 max. Punkt- zahl 6 er- reichte Punkte 4 3 4 M er- reichte Punkte In Coll. "we W motive lang. ✓ allituation ✓ -1. 13: "blamed for our continuing tensions, inequalities and failures of governance" -enumeration/climax pointing out that a lot of problems caused by the UK itself were falsely explained as being caused by the EU; now there are no more excuses - II. 26-27: we shall never cease (...) will never cease" > parallelism stressing that the UK should and will always have a close connection to Europe 4 analysiert die Wortwahl und erklärt, wie der Autor den Leser mit Hilfe dieser von der Botschaft seines Artikels überzeugen will, wie z.B.: -heading: "a tragic national error", clearly negatively connoted words to emphasise that Brexit is a mistake 5 1 2 Teilaufgabe 3 (Comment) 3 4 5 - 1. 19: "fantasy" > underlining that the problems that should have been solved by Brexit will still be present in the future and it is not true that Brexit has solved all of the UK's issues -I. 24: "fatally confuses" > illustrates how wrong Mr. Johnson's idea that the UK can only be powerful when on its own is erfüllt ein weiteres aufgabenbezogenes Kriterium ref to history y SUMME Teilaufgabe 2 2 Anforderungen: Die Schülerin / Der Schüler schreibt eine Einleitung mit Nennung des Themas und der Begründung der Relevanz nennt sinnvoll verdeutlichte Argumente, die für die Aussage sprechen, dass das Vereinte Königreich eine gespaltene Nation ist, die BREXIT Diskussion verdeutlicht die Spaltung in ein pro/ contra BREXTIT Lager; hier sollten beispielhaft pro/ contra BREXIT Argumente aufgezeigt werden; weiterhin denkbar ist die Darlegung des Nord-/ Südunterschiedes, Stadt/ Land Unterschiede,... nennt sinnvoll verdeutlichte Argumente, die gegen die Aussage sprechen, dass das Vereinte Königreich eine gespaltene Nation ist, z.B. multicultural nation/ salad bowl,... fasst in einem abschließenden Fazit die wichtigsten Aspekte zusammen und gibt dadurch begründet deutlich ihre/ seine eigene Meinung wieder. erfüllt ein weiteres aufgabengezogenes Kriterium SUMME Teilaufgabe 3 Teilaufgabe 3 (Letter to the editor) Anforderungen: Die Schülerin / Der Schüler 1 verfasst einen Leserbrief, der eine angemessene Anrede und Verabschiedung sowie Ort & Datum und Namen des Verfassers aufweist nimmt unter Wahrung eines höflichen Ausdrucks argumentativ schlüssig und hinreichend ausführlich Stellung zum Zeitungsartikel 3 formuliert eine argumentativ gestützte zustimmende oder ablehnende Meinung 4 erfüllt ein weiteres aufgabengezogenes Kriterium SUMME Teilaufgabe 3 SUMME Klausurteil A/ INHALT 4 (2) 2 16 16 max. Punkt- zahl 2 5 5 2 (2) 14 max. Punkt- zahl 3 6 5 2 (2) 14 42 er- reichte Punkte er- reichte Punkte 3 5 4 12 39 2. SPRACHLICHE LEISTUNG/DARSTELLUNGSLEISTUNG KLAUSURTEIL A Kommunikative Textgestaltung (21 P.) 21 Anforderungen: Die Schülerin / Der Schüler 1 richtet seinen Text konsequent und explizit im Sinne der Aufgabenstellung auf die Intention und den Adressaten aus. 2 beachtet die Textsortenmerkmale der jeweils geforderten Zieltextformate. 3 erstellt einen sachgerecht strukturierten Text. 4 gestaltet seinen Text hinreichend ausführlich, aber ohne unnötige Wiederholungen und Umständlichkeiten. 1 5 belegt seine Aussagen durch eine funktionale Verwendung von Verweisen und Zitaten. FANTASTIC! Ausdrucksvermögen / Verfügbarkeit sprachlicher Mittel [21 P.] Anforderungen: Die Schülerin / Der Schüler 6 löst sich vom Wortlaut des Ausgangstextes und formuliert eigenständig. 7 verwendet funktional einen sachlich wie stilistisch angemessenen und differenzierten allgemeinen und thematischen Wortschatz. Sprachrichtigkeit [21 P.) 21 8 verwendet funktional einen sachlich wie stilistisch angemessenen und differenzierten Funktions- und Interpretationswortschatz. ->> 9 verwendet einen variablen und dem jeweiligen Zieltextformat angemessenen Satzbau. BRILLIANT! Anforderungen: Die Schülerin / Der Schüler beachtet die Normen der sprachlichen Korrektheit im Sinne einer gelingenden Kommunikation. 10 Wortschatz SUMME Klausurteil A/ SPRACHE: 11 Grammatik 12 Orthographie (Rechtschreibung und Zeichensetzung) 1 striking parallels to the Brexit events Anforderungen: Die Schülerin / Der Schüler gibt die wesentlichen Inhalte im Sinne der Aufgabenstellung sinngemäß zusammenfassend wieder: max. Punkt- zahl 6 FANTASTIC! KLAUSURTEIL B (30%): SCHRIFTLICHE SPRACHMITTLUNG (ISOLIERT) 1. INHALTLICHE LEISTUNG →2015 (planning phase of the referendum): Queen's statement that Europe owes peace due to its unity Williams and Kate's appearance as representatives of a European generation (2017) the arrival of the prince of Wales and the duchess of Cornwall falls in the middle of the Brexit mess 2 references of the current and previous visits to European/ intercultural issues: ➜tempelhof as a symbol of the air bridge 4 4 4 3 max. Punkt- zahl 4 6 4 7 max. Punkt- zahl 9 8 4 63 max. Punkt- zahl er- reichte Punkte 10 6 4 4 4 3 er- reichte Punkte 4 6 4 7 er- reichte Punkte 8 63 +34 Pluhalt TO ZP) 10 er- reichte Punkte 8 8 10 3 erfüllt ein weiteres aufgabenbezogenes Kriterium SUMME Klausurteil B-Sprachmittlung: INHALT 2. SPRACHLICHE LEISTUNG / DARSTELLUNGSLEISTUNG ➜the prince's interest in the situation after Germany's reunification → the prince's interest in sustainability and ecology (the embassy reception takes this into account) Anforderungen: Die Schülerin / Der Schüler 1 Kommunikative Textgestaltung: ● · 2 Ausdrucksvermögen / Verfügbarkeit sprachlicher Mittel: . richtet ihren / seinen Text konsequent und explizit auf die Intention und den / die Adressaten im Sinne der Aufgabenstellung aus, berücksichtigt den situativen Kontext, beachtet die Textsortenmerkmale des geforderten Zieltextformats, erstellt einen sachgerecht strukturierten Text, gestaltet ihren / seinen Text hinreichend ausführlich, aber ohne unnötige Wiederholungen und Umständlichkeiten. löst sich vom Wortlaut des Ausgangstextes und formuliert eigenständig, ggf. unter Verwendung von Kompensationsstrategien, verwendet funktional einen sachlich wie stilistisch angemessenen und differenzierten allgemeinen und thematischen Wortschatz, verwendet funktional einen sachlich wie stilistisch angemessenen und differenzierten Funktionswortschatz, verwendet einen variablen und dem jeweiligen Zieltextformat angemessenen Satzbau. 3 Sprachrichtigkeit: beachtet die Normen der sprachlichen Korrektheit im Sinne einer gelingenden Kommunikation, und zwar in den Bereichen Punkte (ab) Note Wortschatz, Grammatik, Orthographie (Rechtschreibung und Zeichensetzung). SUMME Klausurteil B-Sprachmittlung: SPRACHE Gesamtpunktzahl Klausurteil B- -Sprachmittlung Gesamtpunktzahl Klausur GESAMTNOTE* HINWEISE / TIPPS: 143 1+ 135 1 BRILLIANT! 128 1- 120 2+ 113 2 105 98 2- 3+ 25.3.11 90 83 3 75 68 4 3- 4+ (2) 60 4- 18 max. Punkt- zahl 9 9 27 45 45 150 147 nt /15 Pkt. 9 27 50 5+ 18 er- reichte Punkte 40 5 9 9 30 5- R Name: Jill Klausurteil A 18th March 2022 Seites 1 Analysis of the newspaper article "The Guardian view of Brexit: a tragic national error" The newspaper article "The Guardian view of Brexit: a tragic national error" by unknown author, which was published in the british newspaper "The Guardian" December 31, 2020, deals with the view of people and politicians in the UK on Brexit and the author's opinion regarding the Brexit and the relationship between the ✓ United Kingdom and the European Union. In his article, the author writes about the way people and politicians think about the Brexit. day of the on The Brexit is, for those who voted in 2016 for leaving (Could the EU, a glorious day that can be celebrated. It is a moment of taking back sovereignty and control of the country. The author also mentions that it is a moment of regained independence. After that, the author explains that for all those, who opposed the Brexit, like majorities in Scotland, Northern Ireland or in London and especially for the most young people, it was not a glorious day. It was a moment of relief, as the way to the actual Brexit day was very Long, but it was not a good day for them. In addition, the author points out his opinion that the A != your opinions day of Brexit is a very sad day. He exaggerates it as a tragic day of national error. It is explained that the European Union was good for the country in general and for the world. The author mentions the tensions, inequalities and failures of governance for which the Ell was. blamed in the past. Those tensions will not leave just because the UK left the EU. The author also points out that the Brexit is more of a fantasy. Furthermore the author writes that the world, we are living in, is an interconnected world which means that the lik has to be in a relationship with other countries like the nations of the EU. Additionally, the current Prime Minister Boris Johnson is not interested in or compromises. The politicians like Johnson confuse any alliances 2 sovereignty with power. The author describes that the Brexit leaves behind many sources of future conflicts for British politics. The British will never stop to be Europeans and to engage with Europe. After all, the author points out that the UK with the Brexit that he hopes of a Looses a lot way to return. In his article, the author uses a certain structure and language to convince the reader of his opinion and the message of the article. He uses rhetorical devices/ a a certain choice of words to convey his message. Already the title "[...] a tragic national error" shows the author's opinion on the Brexit as he exaggerates the day like it was bad everyone in the United Kingdom. In his headline, he also writes that "this is a day of GR G R R Name: Jill Sadness, not of glory" which shows that he is not amused. about the Brexit and that he opens up about it in his article. 3 a He structures his article in special way. By making. separate paragraphs it is easier for the readers to under- stand. His article is written in a neutral style with a language that is easy to understand. During the article the article is the author's tone is mostly critical and written in a concise and plain style. The author starts with a small introduction and uses the "colective we" to directly address the reader and their emotions. He explains that with the Brexit a closed (cf.i. 2) and that "We are on our own. We're out." door has (1.2). After that he shows the side of Brexit promoters that see the Bresit as something glorious and a source of "independence [...], sovereignty [...], and [...] taking back control" (1.4). Directly after that he conveys his message by explaining the view of non-Brexit-promoters. The involves the reader by refering to the past as he mentions the moment "David Cameron committed the Conservatives to a # referendum in January 2013" (11. 7 f.). Furthermore the author starts in a new paragraph to write about his opinion on the Brexit and uses emotive languge. By using phrases like "a day of sadness" (1.9) or "a tragic national error" (1.9) he focuses on the Brexit as a very sad and bad thing that happened to the UK and plays with the reader's emotions. While explaining his own position, he uses the "collective we" as he describes Seite: 4 that "we [-] expelled ourselves from a union that was good for this country [...]" (1.10). In addition to that he writes that the Ell can not longer be blamed for "our [...] tensions, inequalities and failures [...]" (1.13). This enumeration shows the topics that the British still have even though government thinks they to work on the are solved by the Brexit. In the next paragraph, the author refers to the mentioned tensions again and directly addresses those people, who were against the Brexit. He shows the view of them and uses the convey "collective we" again to involve the readers and his message against the Brexit. The author refers to the feelings of these people: "however tired of the argu- ment we all may be " (1.17). The author also uses a repetition by saying that "we were divided in the past [...] we will be divided in the finture" (1.18). The alliteration "supposed solution" (1.19) also helps to convey his message as it catches the reader's attention. Next, he uses more of the "collective we" to not loose the reader's attention in this paragraph because he is writing against the prime minister Boris Johnson who is known for his pro-Brexit attitude. He is refering to a politician that is involved in the Brexit and confronts the reader. with the fact that Boris Johnson is "not interested in alliances or compromises" (11. 22 f.) x (CF. 41. 28 ff.) The author ends his article with an imagery, which catches the reader's attention and directly involves them and their fantasy. He wants to show what the Brexit does to the R (s.v.) C Name: Jill Seite: 5 UK and that it separates the country from other European countries. In this paragraph he also uses an enumeration to show that the UK will be separated from "the European continent, its peoples, economies and cultures [...]" (1.32). Additionally, the author uses the "collective we" for a last time to directly address the readers at the end of the article and to convey his message that "we hope one day [...] to return" (1. 33.). With his special structure and his use of rhetorical. stategies and stylistic devices, the author shows his particular opinion on the Brexit and conveys his contra- ✓ Brexit attitude. 3.2. The tragedy of uk leaving the EU Sir or Madam, your article "The Guardian view of Brexit: a tragic national error" was very informative and good to read. I am writing because I would like to comment on the part that we live in an "interconnected world". First of all: I totally agree with you, we live in a big world that is connected and many nations have strong bonds with each other. A good example are the possibilities that many European workers had in the United Kingdom. Many people, also from Germany, immigrated in the UK to work there, live their dream life and do something for their future.. multi- Your country has so much diversity with your culturalism and opportunities. I know that the UK has the world second largest community of Nigerian,. your country is also connected to other parts of the world, not only Europe. It is sad that the UK left the European Union, the connection between the UK and EU will last a long Seite: Jill time but will definitely get weaker, where you It would be great to read an article from you focus on all the good things that being part of the EU brought to your country. It is such an interesting topic! (18th March 2022, SO 4 Germany) ? GR Name: Jili Klausurteil B: Are Royals really anti-European? Seite: 7 18 th March 2022 Hello Robin! How are you? I'm fine and hope you are too! you Do you remember when told be about Royals and that they're anti-European? It is a very interesting. topic and I've read a good article by Verena Mayer in german the newspaper "Süddeutsche Zeitung". The article mentions different Royals and their visits in Germany. In 2015 the Queen visited Germany and reminded of the second world war and how hard it was. She also reminded our nation that Europe is peaceful because of bondings between the countries in Europe. It seems that ✓ the she is proud of the European relationships. Also William and Kate visited Germany in 2017, they were in an "ICE", which is the fast train we have here. once you visited, don't you? picture on instagram. You remember being in one Kate and William also posted a with the caption "#Friendship". Charles visited Germany many times, he was in Germany more than 30 times in his life and probably knows the city Berlin better than I do! He gave a speech where he said that hopefully there will be no more conflicts on the continent and that he doesn't want Europe to be divided. His message was that there is no bad blood between anyone that anything is possible as long as the countries work together. For me, it doesn't seem like and Seite: 8 the Royals are anti-European. They seem to be pro-Euro- pean and that they're happy to have a good relation- ship to Germany. ✓ Where did you get your earlier information from? What do think of the topic? you ✓ Stay healthy! See you soon. Jill