


Präsentation Englisch Globalisation







Globalisation ●
1. Definition
• 2. Global issues
• 3. Eras of globalisation
4. Chances and challenges of globalisation
5. Garment prod
Globalisation ●
1. Definition
• 2. Global issues
• 3. Eras of globalisation
4. Chances and challenges of globalisation
5. Garment prod
Globalisation ●
1. Definition
• 2. Global issues
• 3. Eras of globalisation
4. Chances and challenges of globalisation
5. Garment prod
Globalisation ●
1. Definition
• 2. Global issues
• 3. Eras of globalisation
4. Chances and challenges of globalisation
5. Garment prod
Globalisation ●
1. Definition
• 2. Global issues
• 3. Eras of globalisation
4. Chances and challenges of globalisation
5. Garment prod
Globalisation ●
1. Definition
• 2. Global issues
• 3. Eras of globalisation
4. Chances and challenges of globalisation
5. Garment prod
Globalisation ●
1. Definition
• 2. Global issues
• 3. Eras of globalisation
4. Chances and challenges of globalisation
5. Garment prod
Globalisation ●
1. Definition
• 2. Global issues
• 3. Eras of globalisation
4. Chances and challenges of globalisation
5. Garment prod
Globalisation ●
1. Definition
• 2. Global issues
• 3. Eras of globalisation
4. Chances and challenges of globalisation
5. Garment prod
Globalisation ●
1. Definition
• 2. Global issues
• 3. Eras of globalisation
4. Chances and challenges of globalisation
5. Garment prod
Globalisation ●
1. Definition
• 2. Global issues
• 3. Eras of globalisation
4. Chances and challenges of globalisation
5. Garment prod
Globalisation ●
1. Definition
• 2. Global issues
• 3. Eras of globalisation
4. Chances and challenges of globalisation
5. Garment prod
Globalisation ●
1. Definition
• 2. Global issues
• 3. Eras of globalisation
4. Chances and challenges of globalisation
5. Garment prod
Globalisation ●
1. Definition
• 2. Global issues
• 3. Eras of globalisation
4. Chances and challenges of globalisation
5. Garment prod
Globalisation ●
1. Definition
• 2. Global issues
• 3. Eras of globalisation
4. Chances and challenges of globalisation
5. Garment prod
Globalisation ●
1. Definition
• 2. Global issues
• 3. Eras of globalisation
4. Chances and challenges of globalisation
5. Garment prod
Globalisation ●
1. Definition
• 2. Global issues
• 3. Eras of globalisation
4. Chances and challenges of globalisation
5. Garment prod
Globalisation ●
1. Definition
• 2. Global issues
• 3. Eras of globalisation
4. Chances and challenges of globalisation
5. Garment prod
Globalisation ●
1. Definition
• 2. Global issues
• 3. Eras of globalisation
4. Chances and challenges of globalisation
5. Garment prod
Globalisation ●
1. Definition
• 2. Global issues
• 3. Eras of globalisation
4. Chances and challenges of globalisation
5. Garment prod
Globalisation ●
1. Definition
• 2. Global issues
• 3. Eras of globalisation
4. Chances and challenges of globalisation
5. Garment prod
Globalisation ●
1. Definition
• 2. Global issues
• 3. Eras of globalisation
4. Chances and challenges of globalisation
5. Garment prod
Globalisation ●
1. Definition
• 2. Global issues
• 3. Eras of globalisation
4. Chances and challenges of globalisation
5. Garment prod
Globalisation ●
1. Definition
• 2. Global issues
• 3. Eras of globalisation
4. Chances and challenges of globalisation
5. Garment prod
Globalisation ●
1. Definition
• 2. Global issues
• 3. Eras of globalisation
4. Chances and challenges of globalisation
5. Garment prod
Globalisation ●
1. Definition
• 2. Global issues
• 3. Eras of globalisation
4. Chances and challenges of globalisation
5. Garment prod
Globalisation ●
1. Definition
• 2. Global issues
• 3. Eras of globalisation
4. Chances and challenges of globalisation
5. Garment prod
Globalisation ●
1. Definition
• 2. Global issues
• 3. Eras of globalisation
4. Chances and challenges of globalisation
5. Garment prod

Globalisation ● ● 1. Definition • 2. Global issues • 3. Eras of globalisation ● 4. Chances and challenges of globalisation ● 5. Garment production and sweatshops Table of content ● 6. Global warming and Fridays for Future ● 7. Outsourcing of call centres in India • 8. Globalisation - positive and negative aspects ● 9. Sources • Process of global interaction ● 1. Definition ● Growing global network of trade, travel, knowledge and influence Complex effects of globalisation • Introduction of three eras by ● Thomas L. Friedman ● UNITED S WORLD CANADA NO. ATLANT CLAN ● Global economy • Global competition for jobs ● Migration Environment and climate change Multinationals and developing countries Garment production ● ● 2. Global issues ● 120...... 100. 80 60 40 3. Eras of globalisation ● ● ● ● 3.1. Globalisation 1.0 1492-1800 Size large to size medium Dynamic force: countries Opening trade between the Old and New World Competition between countries about horsepower, wind power and steam power 1.0 2.0 Events 1492: Columbus set sail • 1600: East India trade company 1650: expansion of slave trade 3.0 ● ● ● 1800-2000 3.2. Globalisation 2.0 Size medium to size small Dynamic force: multinational companies • Global economy • Movement of goods and information 1.0 Events 1914-1918: World War I 1939-1945: World War II 1945: United Nations 1949: NATO 1991: world wide web 2.0 3.0 • 2000-now ● ● 3.3. Globalisation 3.0 Size small to size tiny Dynamic force: more diverse individuals • More opportunities to collaborate ● and compete globally 1.0 2.0 Events 2004: introduction of the Euro 2004: "Facebook" 2005: "Youtube" 2007: first "iPhone" 3.0 4. Chances and challenges of globalisation ● ● ● 4.1. Chances and challenges of globalisation People, cultures and lifestyles Increased cultural awareness Intensive exchange between different societies Global network of knowledge • Loss of cultural diversity ->...

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globalisation as westernisation • Western influence (towards politics, economy) ● • Imitation of the West's unsustainable lifestyle ● ● ● ● ● 4.2. Chances and challenges of globalisation Network of products • Unfair distribution of wealth and power Increased vulnerability to financial disasters Outsourcing and offshoring -> ambivalent effects ● Access to essential products Global trade and economic stability Global job opportunities Fair trade campaigns gate tota oferofe poto hote notot Jafet Leffaf fistiss ● ● ● ● 4.3. Chances and challenges of globalisation The communication network Privacy disturbances • Control of citizens using collected data Flood of information and fake news ● Unrestricted access to global communication Global cooperation between developers Availability of news and instant information B 2: 8 VO 5. Garment production and sweatshops 5.1. Garment production and sweatshops ● ● ● ● Exploitation of workers Inhumane working conditions Long working hours Low payment Child labour 5.2. Garment production - Blessing or Curse? ● Advantages Job opportunities (poor countries) Escaping extreme poverty Ensures the company's future Cheap for companies Cheap and trendy clothes for consumers Disadvantages Violation of human rights • Restricted access to education -> pre- determined life Companies do not take responsibility • Local loss of jobs Environmental consequences ● ● ● 5.3. Solutions Public information about "fast fashion" -> raised awareness • Local second-hand shops ● • Fair trade garments ZIERT BEST WN ZERTIFIZIERT IVN PATURTEXTILE EU Ecolabel www.ecolabel.eu GLOBAL ORGANIC TEXTILE GOTS STANDARD Ⓡ FAIRTRADE COTTON bluesign® PRODUCT FAIR WEAR FOUNDATION → cradletocradle 6. Global warming and Fridays for Future ● ● ● 6.1. Causes of the global warming Burning of fossil fuels Deforestation Use of cars, ships and planes High consumption of plastic Global CO2-emissions s se ● ● ● ● 6.2. Effects of the global warming Extreme weather conditions Rising sea levels -> coastal flooding Influence on the ecosystem Destruction of animals habitats Global water shortages Food shortage due to crop failures Destruction of people's houses GLOBAL SEA LEVEL Change in sea level compared to 1993-2008 average (mm) 100 50 0 -50 -100 -150 -200 -250 Мариноватыватели 1880 1900 1920 Global Temperature change from pre-industrial period 1940 Global temperature anomaly from pre-industrial (deg C) 1.4 Years 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 чернизации напуквентраторным илм 1960 hamw 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 1980 2000 d воничния 2020 ● Global climate and environmental strike movement ● • Start in August 2018: Greta Thunberg's protest in Sweden Movement urges governments to take actions against climate change Many students leave school on Fridays to demonstrate 7.6 million people from 185 countries ● 6.3. Fridays for Future ● SYSTEM CHANGE NOW FOR S FUTURE München 6.4. Donald Trumps opinion on climate change • Lie invested by China ● Wind turbines cause cancer Economical growth is more important than climate change T. dismissed a scientific report ● ● ● T. manipulates society with lies T. reduced Obama's measures targeting CO2-emissions from power plants 7. Outsourcing of call centres in India 7. Outsourcing of call centres in India Low prices for customer support Modern infrastructure and latest technology English-speaking and educated workforce Call centres in India Trust of global organisations Expertise in all types of customer support Supportive Indian government and policies Time zone advantages 8. Globalisation-positive and negative aspects ● Global interaction, cooperation Increased cultural awareness • Global market area Access to products and medicines Access to global communication Global spread of ideas and values ● 8. Globalisation-positive and negative aspects ● → Solving global problems together ● ● ● ● ● Competition between companies Rise of "global players" Exploitation of people Unfair distribution of wealth and power Environmental consequences Privacy disturbances →Being dependent on each other ● ● ● ● ● ● 9.1. Sources-information https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/economic-globalisation [19.03.2023] https://www.boeckler.de/de/dokumentationen-2720-the-crisis-of- globalisation-16289.htm[19.03.2023] https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2019/01/how-globalization-4-0-fits-into-the-history-of- globalization/ [19.03.2023] https://earth.org/sweatshops/ [19.03.2023] https://www.bpb.de/kurz-knapp/lexika/das-junge-politik-lexikon/320328/fridays-for-future/ [19.03.2023] https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/effects-economic-globalization [19.03.2023] https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/z8436fr/revision/5 [19.03.2023] https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/b/skizze-oder-handdrawn-konzept-für-globalisierung-globale-vernetzung-reise-oder-globale-verbindung-oder- transport-mit-97932826.jpg [19.03.2023] https://cdn1.vogel.de/HylıkSRJnOo9O9UuOSBkvYqoMjc=/fit-in/80oxo/p7i.vogel.de/wcms/59/52/59526b110d6e58142deccc83007ba980/0102072562.jpeg [19.03.2023] 9.2. Sources-photos https://www.weltderwunder.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/globalisierung-birnen-in-argentinien-angebaut-in-thailand-abgepackt-pixabay- stokpic.jpg [19.03.2023] https://cdn.lifepr.de/r/2f5b65756b07ab97/attachments/11/87/44/thumbnail_1187442_746x466.webp [19.03.2023] https://www.freitag.de/autoren/stephan-kaufmann/der-globale-handel-muss-sich-neu-orientieren/@@images/d52c17da-0165-4f7e-b6af- f6e09e4ef157.jpeg [19.03.2023] • https://www.masterword.com/wp-content/uploads/global-communication-translation-strategy.jpg [19.03.2023] • https://www.tagesschau.de/multimedia/bilder/bangladesch-textilarbeiterinnen-101~_v-gross20x9.jpg [19.03.2023] https://fair-einkaufen.com/media/image/b4/e8/ac/fairtrade-kleidung-siegel-ueberblick.png [19.03.2023] • https://d3hnfqimznafgo.cloudfront.net/image-handler/ts/20221229125840/ri/950/src/images/Article_Images/ ImageForArticle_898_44924040741493052171.jpg [19.03.2023] https://assets.deutschlandfunk.de/73d5c737-bd2f-4b86-8803-e864864935f3/1920x1080.jpg?t=1657887729083 [19.03.2023] Thank you for your attention! 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