


Pride, Short Story and „seven methods of killing Kylie Jenner“







P4-English Vorabi
Setting London and Wales (Dulais valley)
time: 1984-1985
content A group of gay and lesbians activists collect money
P4-English Vorabi
Setting London and Wales (Dulais valley)
time: 1984-1985
content A group of gay and lesbians activists collect money
P4-English Vorabi
Setting London and Wales (Dulais valley)
time: 1984-1985
content A group of gay and lesbians activists collect money

P4-English Vorabi Pride Setting London and Wales (Dulais valley) time: 1984-1985 content A group of gay and lesbians activists collect money to support the miners who are out on strike in protest against impending pit closures. Historical background: •The story is set against the turbulent background of the 1984-1985 miners strike • Margret Thatcher decided to close inefficient mines -The British National Union of Mineworkers went on strike to save jobs in the coal industry Getnin owner of the bookstore Jonathan Mike → Secretary of the group Characters: Joe ("Bromley") -> photographer of LGSM → Mark founder and spokesperson of LGSM . Steph only lesbian amoung the LGSM founders Sian Ellery's reasons for being frustrated! • long drives to piano lessons • poor neighbourhood feeling of inferiority (Minderwertigkeit) • not winning money immediatley feeling out of place • Lori's racist bullying Maureen CUFF 's Sister-in-law Martin Cliff Cicada →written by an African American writer (= Camille Acker) setting: washington D.C., affluent neighbourhood Gold Coast Content Ellery, a young Black girl from a poor background, wins a piano competition and defis the racist remarks of Lori, ner white competitor from a rich family Hefina Despite beating her, Allery envies Lori and is treated condescendingly by her. She expresses her indignation and protest by throwing cicada shells at Lorl's family's car Ellery believes in herself, but is insecure Lori arrogant, rude and disrespectful towards Ellery; jealous after Elery's win Cara → white competitor; friendlier and more open than zori (nonest admiration and congratulations) Dai →...

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spokesperson of miners' community Mrs. Hamilton Ellery's piano teacher Ms. Anita → helpful and supportive drive Ellery and her parents in her car; allows Ellery to practise on her piano Fatima, the Biloquist: A Transformation Story setting: Los Angeles; california content: Fatima feels torn between her Black identity and her white surroundings and tries to become " more Black" with the help of her friend Violet Characters: Fatima •. One of two black girls at a privat school • wealthy family background • kind of shy too "white" for other Black people tom between two worlds → not really belonging among white people • feels invisible" without her Black identity • later becomes Roles Girlfriend Catt first classmates) . Violet Black girl with albinism • self-confident and outspoken • insecure about her albinism • dominant in friendship with Fatima kara seven methods of killing Kylie Jenner Setting: changes between real life (mainly Cleo's bedroom) and the digital world (Twitter) content: Cleo, a young Black woman, posts iconic tweets calling for kylie Jenner's assassination, which raises a storm online. while discussing her Twitter activities with her best friend kola, old wounds are opened up for both. women, which nearly threatens their friendship cleo's best friend. light-skinned Black woman; age 22 . identifies as queer • counterpoise to cleo; finds Clea's tweets too extreme • Caring' worries about Cleo's safety when she keeps on posting provocative tweets Fatimas identity Black identity: • met with prejudice due to the colour of her skin Fatima's (extended) family • friendship with Violet JRT seven methods of killing kylie jenner Jasmine Lee-Jones cleo 4 Kylie's photo shootings with the police shootings of Black people 3. Death by Drowning 4 Kylie Swimming in wealth with refugees drowning 4. Death by Skinning (magines) Kylie's white skin in an act of reverse cultural appropriation S. Death by immolation White life: •Fatimos parents high- paying jobs and their life in the white neighbourhood •Fatima's highschool relationship with Rols The seven methods: 1. Death by poison "Kylie is admired for her full lips (due to lip fillers - possibly Botox→a poison) 2. Death by shooting • dark-skinned Black woman; age 21 • very aware of problems of structural racism • enraged and sad about hundreds of years of racist discrimination and cultural appropriation uses her tweets about killing Kylie Jenner to draw attention • frustrated about splitting up with her boyfriend, who had an affair with a white woman compares Kylie's fire emojis and her being "lit" while making selfies to Black people literally being lit on fire 6. Death by Disgrace 4 wants Kylie Jenner to be treated like Black people (= whipped, put on show and called ugly) 7. Death by Displacement 4 Wants Kylie to suffer like Saanje Denumanisation and exploitation of the Block female body Black woman were often bullied and discriminated against cand still are); the Black South African woman Saartjie), for example, was exhibited as "freak" and sexually exploited. • knoisan origin and bom in the Eastern Cape of South Africa 1789 •Came to Cape Town as a laborer for Dutch families 4 Her body gain attention • Hendrik Cezar brought her to London • were shown to paying audiences there • Became the best-known attraction and many came to see, touched, pinched and poked her • She was forced to say that she came to England of her free will Appeared 1814 in Paris • Sold 60 S. Beaux, who exhilofted her as though she were a circus animal • were forced to work as a prostitute •Died in 1815 at the age of 26 scientist acquired he corpee (her brain and genitals) •Her body were exhibited in French museums •Buried in South Africa in 2002 (187 years after her death) Cultural appropriation Blackness and Black aesthetic are being appropriated by white models and social media influencers →eg. the Kardashian Family has been criticised for having adopted elements of other cultures, such as hairstyles, clothing or accessoires without prope acknowledgment or understanding of the cultural significance. => Kylie Jenners full lips (due to lip fillers) are considered fashionable, but on a Black woman they are considered "Ugly"