


Speech analysis - Martin Luther King: I have a dream







English: analysis of the speech "I
have a dream"
The speaker, Martin Luther King, a civil rights leader, gives the speech during a
English: analysis of the speech "I
have a dream"
The speaker, Martin Luther King, a civil rights leader, gives the speech during a

118 English: analysis of the speech "I have a dream" The speaker, Martin Luther King, a civil rights leader, gives the speech during a demonstration for a better Civil Rights legislation in the year 1963. The speech was addressed to 250.000 white and black demonstrators and focuses on the discrimination of black people in the USA. The speaker is trying to prove his point that racism needs to stop and it has to change now. The speech can be divided into 3 parts. The first one is the introduction, about the Declaration of Independence and Americas history. The second focuses on the current situation and the third is ,,the dream", Martin Luther King's imagination of the future. He goes on to expand on his arguments about how racial equality and civil rights do not exist for black people, even though the Declaration of Independence established that all men are created equal, which was a promise for everyone. Martin Luther King also provides further evidence that the issue of police brutality is unacceptable. As well as the need for law enforcement to treat African Americans with dignity and respect Throughout his speech he employs a number of effecitve stylistic devices which prove his point of racism. He starts his speech with a Metaphor "come as great beacon of...

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hope" (1. 3, 4) which emphasizes the bright hope of all the misstreated people. He continues with an Anaphora "But one hundred years later" to highlight the long time that has passed and that the promise still has not been fulfilled. Continuing with a repetition of the phrase "Now is the time"(ll. 43, 46, 47, 49, 51) to remind the people to take actions very urgently. Furthermore English: analysis of the speech "I have a dream" 1 he addresses the audience by using personal pronouns like Us and Our to get a deeper conection and to show unity. Thus is becomes clear that they are fighting for the same goal. A frequently used stylistic device is the use of Metaphors,"place of justice", "thirst of freedom", "until justice rolls down like water", in other to emphasize the amount of justice and freedom that everybody deserves. Moreover he continues with a repetition of "I have a dream" (ll. 121, 125, 129). With this anaphora he underlines his vision o how the future should be. Furthermore he uses a symbol "be able to hold hands" to symbolisize the peace and harmony. In lines 158 to 170 he repeats "all of gods children" multiple times. This usnderlines that freedom should be spread everywhere and it also enumerates to include every one. With "ring" he means "le freedom wake up". To make his performance more appealing he stands in the crowd surrounded by the demonstrators. This brings the speaker and the audiende on the same level which makes them feel more equal and connected. Martin Luther King's body language is also relatively confident. He stands out tall and speaks loudly he also takes breaks to let the audience have time to precess his words. Additionally heinvolves the audience into his dream by saying "my friends", "we" and "this is our hope". Martin Luther King convincingly shows the the discrimination of black people and unequality to white people. He employes the urgency of the problem by poinging out the Decleration of Independence. His speech had a huge impact on how the protests continued. He is a role model and makes his dream a dream for every BLM activist. English: analysis of the speech "I have a dream" 2