


Pro and Cons of the Monarchy in the UK







It's a symbol of national unity
It maintains traditions
The members of the royal family have important functions heading
It's a symbol of national unity
It maintains traditions
The members of the royal family have important functions heading

Monarchy: Pro - Con It's a symbol of national unity It maintains traditions The members of the royal family have important functions heading all kind of charities and there image and popularity is helping those charities continue their good work The positive image of the British monarchy helps to secure trade deals; especially when they are made during a Royal visit Good for tourism Demonstrates (economic, political and military ) power The Queen is the head of 16 Commonwealth Countries Politically neutral-> not focusing on labels like "liberal" or "conservativ" Monarch is trained from birth to reign /lead so they are experienced Everyone knows who is going to be the next leader -> so no election needed Does Not fit in the definition of democracy because people are have no power over who is going to be the next leader; can not (easily) dethrone them It's not democratic because they should gain the position instead of being born into it It's old fashion; they carrie conservativ thoughts -> outdated Church and monarchy are not separated Class obsessed Unnecessary It's expensive financed by taxes Many members of the royal family head charities but they do not really engage in work The royals aren't transparent (don't need to do press) Not strictly politically neutral Symbol of colonialism (Canada head of state is still the queen) The Monarch isn't guaranteed to be a good leader

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