


Q3 Englisch GK Abi Lernzettel 2022







Q3.1 Human dilemmas in fiction and real life
-> extreme situations
-> being different
Q3.2 Modeling the future
-> science & technology
→> po
Q3.1 Human dilemmas in fiction and real life
-> extreme situations
-> being different
Q3.2 Modeling the future
-> science & technology
→> po
Q3.1 Human dilemmas in fiction and real life
-> extreme situations
-> being different
Q3.2 Modeling the future
-> science & technology
→> po
Q3.1 Human dilemmas in fiction and real life
-> extreme situations
-> being different
Q3.2 Modeling the future
-> science & technology
→> po

Q3.1 Human dilemmas in fiction and real life -> extreme situations -> being different Q3.2 Modeling the future -> science & technology →> possibilities & responsibilities Inhaltsverzeichnis (23 Thema / Inhalt Seite 22 3-4 4 - situations including intense conditions or emotions that do not occur daily or under normal circumstances - often cause a conflict between different emotions of a person Extreme Situations. or between different people - psychological and/or physically challenging -> may include physical danger - very individual according to the experience - extreme anger -> irrational behaviour - extreme happiness -> adrenalin rush extreme sadness -> symptom of depression, isolation - fight for survival →> into the wild, war, natural disasters, poverty examples →> natural disasters -> tsunami, earthquake -> war →> death →> racism →> pandemic Bein different standing out in certain aspects from other people not fitting into the normal image the society makes - in some aspects everyone is different - physically different: -> different outwards appearance - being part of another ethnic group -> skin colour -body type - clothes - being disabled -psychologically different: - sexual orientation - identify with a different gender - culture & traditions -faith & believing - opinion . science and technology →→ influences our daily live Biotechnology in food sources biotechnology. → use of science and technology for living organisms -> may be separated into biotechnology in relation with food/plants, animals and humans pro - more efficient - resistence accessibility -> may solve world hunger pro Modelling the future science: tries to explain and describe phenomena of...

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the natural world to make predictions for the development of the future Biotechnology in humans and animals - prevent babies with disabilities designer babies technology: tries to improve life by inventions of efficient or productive nature contra - - natural plants may die out changing flavour & appearance - influening the human body (chemicals) or eco system -> ex.: cloning, genetic modification, embryotic research curing diseases that are considered to be incurable contra - ethnical and moral conflict - makes it seems like disable person have less worth - consequences are unknown benefits electronic media - digital entertainment & social media are a crucial part in our daily life staying informed -- connection with people - accessibility. dangers pro - conflict with our moral - loosing control - loosing individuality. risks - you can not delete information about you in the internet - oversharing the private life (-> crimes). - becoming obsessed cyber bullying - fake news surveillance clearing up and preventing crimes - less fear -> ex.: woman walking alone at night contra - hurts the right of privacy - System could be hacked - may be unconscious Artifical Intelligence →→ programmable machine that can carry out a complex series of actions -> ability to receive information and to complete physical or digital tasks -> recognizing patterns and learning from experiences manufacturing -> industrial robots (automobile industry) - exploration -> explore places that humans cannot reach -> space, sea - microsurgery -> helps surgeons dangerous jobs -> radioactive waste military -> may get to powerful. Possibilities ending world hunger - curing all kind of diseases connecting people all around the world mobility ending poverty efficient production of goods Possibilities & Responsibilities Responsibilities - securing privacy - securing direct communication in real life - prevention of "bullying - securing humanity and environment - prevent health risks - securing jobs. - securing the rights of people especially on the internet