


Reading log - The absolutely true diary of a part-time Indian







Reading log on
,,The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian",
written by Alexie Sherman
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pamumuza 3.1 1. The Black-E
Reading log on
,,The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian",
written by Alexie Sherman
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pamumuza 3.1 1. The Black-E
Reading log on
,,The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian",
written by Alexie Sherman
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pamumuza 3.1 1. The Black-E
Reading log on
,,The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian",
written by Alexie Sherman
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pamumuza 3.1 1. The Black-E
Reading log on
,,The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian",
written by Alexie Sherman
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pamumuza 3.1 1. The Black-E
Reading log on
,,The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian",
written by Alexie Sherman
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pamumuza 3.1 1. The Black-E
Reading log on
,,The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian",
written by Alexie Sherman
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pamumuza 3.1 1. The Black-E
Reading log on
,,The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian",
written by Alexie Sherman
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pamumuza 3.1 1. The Black-E
Reading log on
,,The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian",
written by Alexie Sherman
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pamumuza 3.1 1. The Black-E
Reading log on
,,The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian",
written by Alexie Sherman
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pamumuza 3.1 1. The Black-E
Reading log on
,,The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian",
written by Alexie Sherman
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pamumuza 3.1 1. The Black-E

Reading log on ,,The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian", written by Alexie Sherman B REZ HOPE HOME ??? pamumuza 3.1 1. The Black-Eye-of-the-Month Club ● ● ● Content Summary 2. Why Chicken Means So Much to Me Junior lives in poverty (suffers from that) and appreciates to have food Junior has a dog named Oscar (his best friend); Oscar gets sick; Junior's father kills him, because they cannot afford to pay a vet; Junior is hurt 3. Revenge Is My Middle Name Junior was born with too much cerebrospinal fluid ➡ Suffers from the results of his damage (e.g. different proportions, visual impairment, speaking problems) Is bullied because of that Junior likes to read and to draw cartoons Rowdy (Junior's human best friend, very important to Junior) teases Junior, but also protects him after the Andruss brothers bullied him (Rowdy takes revenge on the brothers) Rowdy's father and Junior's parents are alcoholics 4. Because Geometry Is Not a Country Somewhere Near France Junior masturbates Junior likes geometry and school Junior smashes a (30-year-old) geometry book in Mr. P's (his teacher) face 5. Hope Against Hope ● Junior is suspended from school Mr. P talks with Junior about Mary (Junior's sister); Mr. P wants Junior to leave the reservation to find hope (Indians are used to give up, Mary did so too (she did not write a novel romance)); both cry; Junior wants to...

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find hope 6. Go Means Go Junior wants to go to Rearden High School (public white school); parents agree 7. Rowdy Sings the Blues Junior tells Rowdy about his school change; asks him to come with him Rowdy cries, is angry and punches Junior in his face 8. How to Fight Monsters Junior's father drives him to Rearden High School Junior walks into his new class; classmates look at him confusedly His classmate Penelope (Junior thinks she is beautiful) talks to him Junior punched Roger, after he had made a racist joke (Indians usually do a lot of fistfights, also with special rules; Junior thinks his punch is reasonable) 9. Grandmother Gives Me Some Advice ● Junior talks with Grandmother (he really loves her) about his punch; Grandmother thinks the others will respect him now Next morning: Eugene (best friend of Junior's father) drives him to school by bike Penelope teases Junior 10. Tears of a Clown ● ● As a twelve-year-old: Junior was in love with a girl; told that Rowdy, who thought it was stupid; Junior cried; Rowdy comforted him and kept his secret 11. Halloween Penelope and Junior are dressed as homeless people; Penelope wants to ask for money for homeless people instead of sweets Junior wants to impress Penelope and also asks for money, but three boys rub him Next day at school: Penelope feels sorry and worries because of the robbery 12. Slouching Toward Thanksgiving Junior feels lonely and even more depressed at Rearden High School Is smart; corrected the teacher, who did not believe him until Gordy (smartest student in class) acknowledged that Junior was right; Junior was thankful Walks home (his father cannot always pick him up because of poverty) Mother says that Mary married another Indian and moved to Montana Next day: Junior talks with Gordy about the worthiness of books; they become friends 13. My Sister Sends Me an E-Mail Mary really likes Montana and her new life with her husband 14. Thanksgiving Junior misses Rowdy; draws a cartoon for him and gives it to Rowdy's father Rowdy is still angry ● ● ● 15. Hunger Pains Junior goes to the toilet; hears a strange noise Penelope vomits; admits that she is bulimic; Junior comforts her They start to bond with each other Penelope (her father is a racist) wants to travel the world and achieve her dreams 16. Rowdy Gives Me Advice About Love Junior watches Penelope play volleyball Junior asks Rowdy for advice about love; Rowdy (still angry) does not help him Gordy tries to help him with an article 17. Dance, Dance, Dance 18. Don't Trust Your Computer Junior sends Rowdy a selfie; Rowdy sends back a photo of his posterior Junior tells Gordy about the people, who bully him at the reservation 19. My Sister Sends Me a Letter Mary has no job, but she started to write a biography; moved in a new house 20. Reindeer Games At Rearden High School: Junior pretends he is not poor Junior goes to a Winter Formal wearing his dad's old suit; Penelope likes it Both dance the whole evening Roger invites them to go to a restaurant with him Junior vomits at the toilet because he worries that he cannot afford to pay the meal; he lies; Roger pays for him Admits to Penelope that he is poor Junior's father convinces him to play basketball at Rearden Training: He has to play one-on-one against Roger; at first, he fails, but then he scores points Game against Wellpinit: Junior is afraid (-> vomits), someone from the reservation throws a quarter at his forehead -> Eugene stitched Junior Junior tries to play a second time; Rowdy makes him lifeless; they lose the game Junior talks with his coach while he is monitored in a hospital 21. And a Partridge in a Pear Tree ● ● Junior's father leaves for Christmas and drinks alcohol After a week: he comes back and gives Junior five dollar for Christmas 22. Red Versus White Junior prefers Rearden although there are huge differences between Indians and white people (Indians all know each other) Grandmother Spirit is very tolerant; she has never drunk alcohol 23. Wake Two thousand Indians come to the funeral; they laugh and mourn Ted (a billionaire, who loves the Indian culture) bought a stolen powwow dance outfit; comes to the funeral to give it back; turns out, that it is not Junior's grandmother's outfit ● ● 24. Valentine Heart Eugene was killed by a drunk Indian named Bobby, who committed suicide Junior feels sad and hopeless; he draws many cartoons; misses in school First day of school after his depressive episode: teacher is unpolite; his classmates stand up for Junior and protest -> Junior feels better 25. In Like a Lion ● ● Grandmother is killed by a drunk Indian named Gerald; wanted forgiveness for him as her last wish ● At first, Junior is happy, but then he mostly feels sorry for the Wellpinit-players Junior's team loses in the playoffs 26. Rowdy and I Have a Long and Serious Discussion About Basketball Junior and Rowdy have a short conservation via e-mail; Junior is happy about that 27. Because Russian Guys Are Not Always Geniuses Junior is depressed because of many funerals; worries about his future Miss Warren (guidance counselor) cries; tells Junior that his sister died; Junior is not obviously sad Junior waits for his father to pick him up; worries about his father; Junior's father drives him home; Junior laughs most of the way back home Junior's mom is very sad; she cries in Junior's arms Mary's funeral (her trailer burned, she was too drunk to realize and died): Junior is only passive present; runs into the woods; meets Rowdy, who cried and blamed Junior for being guilty for his sister's death Next morning: Junior goes to school; his fellow students comforted him 28. My Final Freshman Year Report Card ● ● Junior's basketball team has won many games; Junior has gained confidence Second game against Wellpinit: Junior is interviewed; Junior is supposed to protect Rowdy (first anxious, but his coach gives him confidence); Junior fights against Rowdy and scores three points; his team wins ● 29. Remembering Junior has good grades (five A's and two B's) Junior cries because of all the death Indians Junior realizes that he belongs to more groups than just the reservation 30. Talking about Turtles ● Throwback to being a ten-year-old: Story about the mysterious, dangerous Turtle Lake; Junior and Rowdy have climbed the biggest tree on the reservation Now: summer holidays: Rowdy comes to Junior; they talk and play basketball Reconciliation Characterizations 1. Junior ● ● "fourteen years old" (p.13, 1.28); born on "November 5, 1992" (p.27, 1.10) Wears glasses (cf. p. 12, 1.24) Has forty-two teeth (cf. p.12, 1.1) Skinny, but very big hands and feet as well as a big head (cf. p.12, 11. 26-30) Stutters and lisps (cf. p.13, 1.29) Has a "singsong reservation accent" (p.71, 1.26) Allergic to nearly every existing plant (cf. p.68, 1.8) Creative (draws cartoons) (cf. p. 14, 1.14) Craves for social acceptance, wants to matter (cf. p. 15, 11.13-14; p.92, 11.11-14) Honest (cf. p.60, 11.28-30; p.134, 11.15-16), but lies to avoid admitting that he is poor (cf. p. 133, 11.17-19, 11.32-34) and to seem normal to white people (cf. p.86, 1.22) (-> wants to belong to the group of white people (cf. p. 126, 11.6-7; p. 132, 11.13-16)) Curious (cf. p.101, 1.17- p.102, 1.10) Polite, friendly, helpful (cf. p.89, 11.16-20; p.116, 1.7; p.131, 1.4) ➡Does not want to hurt others (cf. p.60, 11.28-30) ➡ Cares about other people (cf. p.201, 11.1-9) Low self-confidence (cf. p. 143, 11.1-2; p.64, 11.5-7; p.192, 11.25-32) Insecure (cf. p.71, 11.26-27)/ ashamed of himself (cf. p. 145, 1.20) ● Low self-esteem (cf. p.51, 11.29-31; p.68, 1.1) Religious (cf. p.176, 1.2) Forgiving (cf. p.156, 11.10-14) Privacy is important to him (cf. p. 188, 1.18; p. 132, 1.29)/ has "pride" (p.188, 1.17) Hopeful/ wants to achieve something in his life (cf. 57, 11.1-30) Sentimental (cf. p.201, 11.13-14) Smart (cf. p.92, 11.24-29)/ good at school (cf. p.218) Overthinks/ worries a lot (cf. p. 126, 11.1-5; p.203, 11.1-5; p.207, 11.3-25) Jealous (cf. p.131, 11.14-18) Cannot fully control his feelings (cf. 76, 1.3; p.206, 1.26) Hormone-driven (adolescence) (cf. p.204, 11.25-29) ● "excited about life" (p.38, 1.2) Ambitious/ performance-minded (cf. p.145, Il.1-2; p. 146, 11.25-29) "terrible fighter" (p.73, 1.13) Good at basketball at Rearden (encouragement-> high confidence-> good player; at reservation: low confidence-> bad player) (cf. p.184, 11.19-28; p.193, 11.17-31) At first: feels like a “stranger” (p.125, 1.2) with different origins Now: realizes that his identity/ he belongs to many social groups (not only Indian) (cf. p.220, 11.22-33) ● Very anxious (cf. p.38, l1. 16-18) ● ● ● Self-confidence and self-esteem are based on other people (/ their opinions) (cf. p. 129, 11.24-25; p.78, 11.10-11) Weak (cf. p.151, 11.7-9) ● Vomits because of anxiety and nervousness (cf. p.132, 11.20-21; p. 149, 11.13-14) Masturbates (cf. p.35, 1.12) Reads books/ draws cartoons to cope with his emotions (cf. p.183, 11.21-25) Emotionally unstable (cf. p.151, 11.7-9) Vulnerable (cf. p.206, 11.18-23) Depressed (cf. p.85, 11.1-3; p.178, 11.1-4) Disturbed feelings (cf. p.208, 11.3-7; p.209, 11.20-24) ➡ Wants to escape reality (cf. p.212, 11.18-21) Uses informal, vulgar language and abbreviations (cf. p.159, 11.11-13) Was born with a brain damage (cf. p.11, 11.1-3) ➡ Consequences: seizures (cf. p.13, 1.7), physical problems (cf. p.11, ll. 26-28) ● ● ● 2. Penelope ● Lives on the "Spokane Indian Reservation" (P.17, 1.10) His family is very poor (cf. p.17, 1.9) Parents (especially father) are alcoholic (cf. p.26, 1.10) Strong family bond (cf. p.65, 1.21, 11.30-31), esteem/ love/ encouragement between family members (cf. p.158, 11.15-21; p.212, 11.12-21; p.219, 11.21-27)) Has been fist fighting since he was three years old (cf. p.73, 11.8-10) ->he is used to fighting Has a strong bond with Oscar (dog) (cf. p19, 11.10-16) Is bullied at the reservation (cf. p.31, 11.1-16; p.87, 11.24-31) Has friends who encourage him at Rearden (cf. p.180, 11.13-32; p.159, 1.24) Loves Penelope (cf. p.121, 11.1-2) Best friend of Rowdy (cf. p.34, 1.28) Is seen as a warrior (cf. p.65, 11.22-23) People from the reservation thinks he is strong/brave for leaving the reservation (cf. p.82, 11.6-8; p.87, 1.22) ● Blond hair (cf. p.69, 1.6) Blue eyes (cf. p.71, 1.16) White skin (cf. p. 122, 1.6) Polite (cf. p.69, 11.5-7) Kind (cf. p.89, 11.10-11) Caring (cf. p.88, 1.30 - p. 89, 1.11) Sensitive (cf. p. 136, 11.4-9; cf. p.217, 11.6-8) Self-aware (cf. p.116, 11.10-14) "has an ego" (p.116, 1.17) Plays volleyball (cf. p.122, 11.1-3) Is bulimic (cf. p.115, 1.7): vomits because she feels pain, is sad and feels pressure (cf. p.116, 11.10-14) Wants to go to Stanford and study architecture (cf. p.119, 1.32) Wants to travel the world (cf. p.119, 11.4-18) Behaves responsibly; commitment: helps other people (cf. p.86, 11.16-19; cf. p.134, 11.22-23) Encourages her friends and Junior (cf. p.194, 11.24-25) Father (Earl) is a racist (cf. p.117, 1.12) Is popular (cf. p. 129, 11.5-9; cf. p.130, 11.27-28) Close bond with Roger (like her "big brother" (p. 134, 1.27)) 3. Rowdy ● ● ● ● ● ● Fourteen years old; born on "November 5, 1992" (p.27, 1.10) Tall, slim and strong (cf. p. 25, 11.7-8) Persistent (cf. p.33, 1.14) "loves comic books" (p.33, 1.8) Violent (cf. p.27, 1.21; p.28, l1.1-6; p.153, 11.5 Trustworthy; honest (cf. p.85, 11.14-17) Protective (cf. p.31, 1.23 - p.32, 1.8) Rude (cf. p.112, 1.14; "Hey, Asshole" (p.123, 1.13)) Fearless (cf. p.224, 11.18-20; p.228, 11.4-8) Self-confident (cf. p.196, 11.1-4) (Wants to seem) tough (cf. p.63, 11.21-25) ➡Shames himself for crying/showing his feelings (cf. p.214, 11.3-11) Not good at school (cf. p.52, 1.25) Very talented in sports, especially in basketball (cf. p.61, 1.9; cf. p.152, 1.27) Often angry (cf. p.151, 1.1) Laughs only rarely (cf. p.34, 1.1) (Realistic but therefore) pessimistic (cf. p.84, 11.26-28) Uses informal, vulgar language (cf. p.123, 1.13; p.29, 1.1) His father is an alcoholic, who is violent against his family members (cf. p.25, 11.23- 25) Best friends with Junior since his childhood (cf. p.34, 11.18-28); then angry (cf. p.195, 1.18; p.215, 1.17); Junior is still important to him (cf. p.231, 11.1-5), is happy for Junior's development (cf. p.232, 11.23-31) Examples of racism ● Fellow students at Reardan High School call Junior names like "red-skin", "chief", "squaw boy", "tonto", "sitting bull" (p.74, 1.3, cartoon) Roger's joke: "Did you know that Indians are living proof that niggers fuck buffalo?" (p.75, 11.25-26) Examples of addiction/mental issues and their consequences Junior's father and Rowdy's father are alcoholic Eugene is "drunk all the time" (p.80, 1.31) Most Indians are alcoholic (a few also consume drugs) (cf. p.80, 11.30-34; cf. p.200, 11.23-26) ● Penelope's father; e.g.: He does not want to have "charcoal babies" (p.117, 11.12- 24) as his grandchildren. Gordy's research shows: people care more about white people (cf. p. 123, 1.27 - p.124, 1.5) Racist police men: Indians are stopped in Rearden for "DWI: Driving While Indian" (p. 57, 11.18-22) Review Most Indians die because of too much alcohol consumption (cf. p.220, 11.1-3); about 90 percent of the people, to whose funeral Junior went to, died because of alcohol consumption (cf. p.203, 11.18-19) ➡ Grandmother Spirit was killed by Gerald (drunk Indian) (cf. p.162, 11.12-14) ➡ Eugene was killed by a drunk friend (cf. p. 174, 11.5-7), who committed suicide when he was sober and realized what he did (cf. p.174, 11.13-14) ➡Mary was too drunk realize that her home was burning and died (cf. p.209, 11.14-15) Penelope is bulimic (cf. p. 115, 1.7) Questions Why are so many Indians addicted to alcohol? Sherman Alexie's novel "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian", published in 2007, is about an Indian teenager named Junior, who lives at the Spokane Indian Reservation in Wellpinit. It's not just that the physical proportions of the fourteen-year-old boy, which are caused by a brain damage he was born with, are different, but Junior is also willingly to be one of those Indians, who are brave enough to escape the reservation. Feeling insecure at first, he starts going to the white public Rearden High School, where he searches for hope and first experiences real encouragement and acceptance in a world, which seems completely different to him. But he still lives on the reservation, where violence, death and alcohol take place on a daily basis. Switching between the life as an Indian and the life as a white teenager, Junior tells us about the experiences he made throughout a year considering friendship, relationships and hope as well as hate, bullying, death and alcoholism. Before I had read the book, I wasn't quite aware of the cultural differences between Indians and white people. But, due to the given insight in the life of an Indian adolescent, I learned interesting facts about Indians concerning their lifestyle, their reservations and their habits. Especially the fate of the main character Junior, who has to experience racism, bullying and multiple deaths of lovely people mostly caused by alcohol addiction, affected me emotionally, while I think those important topics and their consequences are well underlined by the detailed description of Junior's feelings. On the contrary, the pure honesty (even if it's only to the reader and sometimes a bit influenced by puberty) of Junior, who never loses his humor, really made me chuckle every so often, while I admire his courage and his perseverance. With Junior a character is presented, who shows that it is possible to escape whatever holds you in place if you keep going, even if it seems like life is almost as hard as possible, which I personally consider as a very inspiring message. Although I attach great importance to the main topics for people every age, I would mostly recommend the novel to young teenagers, especially because of the partly immature views and humor of Junior, from whose perspective the novel is written. Young teenagers could probably identify themselves with problems Junior has to deal with and amuse themselves with looking at the mostly funny cartoons, while the easy understandable language and writing style shouldn't state a problem. These reasons to read the novel may be a bit charmless for people above the age of fourteen, but due to the fact, that the novel is mostly based on true experiences of the author Sherman Alexie and therefore presents true facts, it is also worth reading the book for older people, who are interested in Indian lifestyle.