


relevante Themen, Comment, Text Based Composition







Langklausur :
● Hörverstehen
● Leseverstehen
Schreibaufgabe: Comment
relevante Themen:
- Great Britain
- Brexit
- Globalization
- Climate
Langklausur :
● Hörverstehen
● Leseverstehen
Schreibaufgabe: Comment
relevante Themen:
- Great Britain
- Brexit
- Globalization
- Climate
Langklausur :
● Hörverstehen
● Leseverstehen
Schreibaufgabe: Comment
relevante Themen:
- Great Britain
- Brexit
- Globalization
- Climate
Langklausur :
● Hörverstehen
● Leseverstehen
Schreibaufgabe: Comment
relevante Themen:
- Great Britain
- Brexit
- Globalization
- Climate
Langklausur :
● Hörverstehen
● Leseverstehen
Schreibaufgabe: Comment
relevante Themen:
- Great Britain
- Brexit
- Globalization
- Climate
Langklausur :
● Hörverstehen
● Leseverstehen
Schreibaufgabe: Comment
relevante Themen:
- Great Britain
- Brexit
- Globalization
- Climate
Langklausur :
● Hörverstehen
● Leseverstehen
Schreibaufgabe: Comment
relevante Themen:
- Great Britain
- Brexit
- Globalization
- Climate
Langklausur :
● Hörverstehen
● Leseverstehen
Schreibaufgabe: Comment
relevante Themen:
- Great Britain
- Brexit
- Globalization
- Climate
Langklausur :
● Hörverstehen
● Leseverstehen
Schreibaufgabe: Comment
relevante Themen:
- Great Britain
- Brexit
- Globalization
- Climate
Langklausur :
● Hörverstehen
● Leseverstehen
Schreibaufgabe: Comment
relevante Themen:
- Great Britain
- Brexit
- Globalization
- Climate
Langklausur :
● Hörverstehen
● Leseverstehen
Schreibaufgabe: Comment
relevante Themen:
- Great Britain
- Brexit
- Globalization
- Climate
Langklausur :
● Hörverstehen
● Leseverstehen
Schreibaufgabe: Comment
relevante Themen:
- Great Britain
- Brexit
- Globalization
- Climate
Langklausur :
● Hörverstehen
● Leseverstehen
Schreibaufgabe: Comment
relevante Themen:
- Great Britain
- Brexit
- Globalization
- Climate
Langklausur :
● Hörverstehen
● Leseverstehen
Schreibaufgabe: Comment
relevante Themen:
- Great Britain
- Brexit
- Globalization
- Climate
Langklausur :
● Hörverstehen
● Leseverstehen
Schreibaufgabe: Comment
relevante Themen:
- Great Britain
- Brexit
- Globalization
- Climate
Langklausur :
● Hörverstehen
● Leseverstehen
Schreibaufgabe: Comment
relevante Themen:
- Great Britain
- Brexit
- Globalization
- Climate

Langklausur : ● Hörverstehen ● Leseverstehen ● Schreibaufgabe: Comment relevante Themen: - Great Britain - Brexit - Globalization - Climate Change - Fast Fashion - Modern Media - Modern Technology - Immigration Abi-Klausur besteht aus: ● Hörverstehen ● Leseverstehen Schreibaufgabe: Comment Schreibaufgabe: Text based Composition - Equality - Racism - American Dream - Security - Gun Control - Global Player 1. Einleitung : Allgemeine Hinführung zum Thema → Agriculture secured our regular supply of food of all kinds. It is indispensable, because without agriculture our supermarkets would be almost empty. However, agriculture is not exactly environmentally friendly, space-saving or burdensome for farmers. Traditional farming has its drawbacks. 2. Überleitung → That's why the difficult question arises ,,Aufgabenstellung". → In the following I'm going to discuss this question 3. Hauptteil Alle negativen Argumente (mind. 3) + Begründung. + Beispiel • First it is important to note that alternative agriculture also has its disadvantages • Moreover ● Frighteningly Comment • Futhermore Alle positiven Argumente (mind. 3) + Begründung + Beispiel: • In contrast to this weakpoints, there are significant of alternative agriculture that are of enduring importanc • Firstly, secondly,... • in addition • Besides (zudem) • interestingly (interessanterweise); obviously (offensichtlich); defintly 4. Schluss • Entscheiden für eine Position und diese begründen mögliche Besserungen und Lösungswege aufzeigen → As a result of this analyse you can say that there are more relevant benefits of alternative agriculture (Arten nennen) than weakpoints. With the help of ... and ... we can create a future-proof option for todays agriculture....

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Alternativer Bildtext:

For this purpose, politicians should promote alternative agriculture and its advantages, as well as financially support the construction of new companies 1. Einleitung • Basissatz → The article ..." publishes 2022 in the Washington Post by ,,author" introduces... Text Based Composition • Erklären des Zitates aus dem Text According to the quotation ..." (I,...) the author of the text wants to point out... 2. Überleitung zum Hauptteil 3. Hauptteil ● → In the following I'm going to point out the authors Argumente against/for.... → In the article the author mentions further consequences of... which will be shown in the following • Im Hauptteil werden die Beispiele, die im Text genannt werden, aufgezählt • Dabei werden sie in eine logische Reihenfolge gebracht (üblicherweise gilt die Reihenfolge aus dem Text) 4. Schluss 3rd person singular Präsens mit weiteren Zitaten oder paraphrasierenden Textstellen und Zeilenangaben belegt ... und mit Verbindungswörtern (linking Words) in einem zusammenhängenden Fließtext verfasst Im Schlussteil wird noch einmal kurz das Thema aufgegriffen und zusammen gefasst Neutraler Ton, keine eigene Meinung, nur die Meinung des Autors zusammenfassen GREAT BRITAIN The Monarchy: monarch is the Head of State & has many representational or ceremonial functions power to make and pass laws resides with Parliament as the elected legislative monarch is also the Head of the Church of England, the Head of the Armed Force & the Fountain of Justice ~ monarch always has to act on the advice of the Prime Minister, other ministers or church commission ~ monarch gives a weekly audience to Prime Minister in which s(he) has the right/duty to discuss current government matters last monarch: Queen Elisabeth (died at age of 96 in 2022) -> todays monarch: King Charles pro aufrechterhalten Gemeinschaft ~ monarch provides a focus for national unity and British values -> stands above party politics = real representative of the country Rest ~ monarch as remnant of British Empire ~stability and experience -> monarch remains in power for a long time -> can advise Prime Minister with experience & political knowledge in weekly audiences ~ attracts huge numbers of visitors to the UK -> can make up for the expenses -> symbol of the UK and the so called "Britishness" ~ monarchy has shown (modern) development -> Prince Charles was able to marry a divorced woman -> with new generation of Prince William, Kate and George and Charlotte, monarchy has gathered new momentum and enjoys widespread sympathy in Britain ~ a president wouldn't necessarily be cheaper -> other European leaders are as expensive con erblich unangemessen hereditary monarchy is inappropriate in modern (classless) democracy -> makes US seem backwards and out of touch with modern life altmodisch -> hereditary = the successor to the throne will take the crown regardless of his/her suitability, character, previous scandals Eigenstaatlichkeit ~ democracy = people as sovereign -> source of all political power. -> people should be able to elect their head of state and have instruments to check her/him (not possible. with hereditary monarch) ~ monarch is very expensive (over 100 million dollar a year) ~ monarch has no real political power -> mainly formal functions -> could easily be taken over by other political bodies/. am elected president since 31th January 2020 the UK is no longer a member of the EU ~ Referendum about Brexit (2016): 51% voted leave, 41% voted remain pro ~ Trade with the EU would still be possible -> could negotiate new trade agreements, like Norway -> No EU rules = more economic success ~ London as international safe haven for investors -> independence + global appeal -> less risk (z.B. if euro fails) BREXIT ~ no free movement = less immigration -> security + protection from terrorism pflegen ~GB would be able to cultivate the relationship to the US and other important non EU world nations ~ EU rules hurt British interests Gebühren ~EU membership fees are expensive con ~ Free trade in EU --> no trade barriers when trading with EU member States -> Europe is Britain's main trading partner > Financial advantages outweigh membership fees could loose influence both economically and politically new trade agreements with EU partners are almost impossible, don't want other states to leave too RUF ~ bad for Londons reputation as Europe's biggest financial center -> international banks might leave London, due to unberechenbar unpredictable consequences of Brexit membership in the EU allows citizens to move freely to GB and work there -> hundreds of British expats living in Spain might not have easy access to health services there anymore → Jobs in international companies might be moved and millions of British workers could lose their job bleiben ~ US prefer the UK to remain a stronger member of Europe economically, politically and militarily ~ in a globalised world isolationism is simply not possible -> global challenges such as climate change affect all countries, and as an EU member, GB has much more influence than as an isolated State wachsende ~ is the word used to describe the growing interpendence of the worlds economies, cultures & populations, brought about by cross-border trade in goods and services, technology, people & ipnformation historical periods of globalization: 1. Exploration (until 1500) -> Founding and forming villages, cities and infrastructures 2. Colonisation (1500-1900) -> Development of writing and printing technologies pro -> Industrial Revolution Fortschritte -> advantages in communication (telephone) 3. Internationalisation (1900- now) -> international trade and organisations Handel ~ makes trade easier worldwide GLOBALIZATION Kunden Unabhängigkeit -> cooperation trough partnerships & trade agreements Märkte, -> new potential markers and costumers -> better access to products services, lifestyle -> ability to get to know new/ other cultures Fähigkeit zusammenkommen ~ diffusion of new ideas, technologies, products, -> technology and global media (computers, internet) -> outsourcing: a situation in which a company employs another organization to do some of its work, rather than using its own employees. (cheaper) ~ rising competition -> can lead to new inventions -> no monopoly, regulated prices. ~ increase of communication -> people (social media) -> countries (global information network and exchange) Zusammenleben ~ international standards (increase of coherence) -> politics, economy, society, employment -> better working conditions, human right (countries can help each other) con wachsender Wettbewerb ~ rising competition -> conflicts between countries, excess of products steigende Abhängigkeit → increasing (inter)dependance -> countries can't support the population on their own typisches Amerika ~ loss of culture, western society could take over -> people now depend on "new" work because their traditional income was destroyed größerwerdende soziale wicke wachsende Ungleichheit widening social gap / growing inequality -> buyers vs. producers Entwicklungsländer -> exploitation of developing countries -> concentration of international companies ~ bad for the environment -> shipments of goods Abholzung -> deforestation of rainforests Solution: thinking locally and globally, not only globally pressure on goverments to pass laws for sustainability (against pollution), also workers protection inform consumers better (bad working conditions -> support fair trade) • global phenomen of climate transformation characterized by changes in the usual climate of the planet -> especially caused by human activities Causes of climate change ~ as a result of the industrial revolution -> major reason for rising temperatures is the concentration of greenhouse gases in the earth atmosphere ~ greenhouse effect normally the suns radioation would be reflected back to space but some gases trop the suns heat and sent it back to the earths surface Endeberich human activities -> burning fossil fuels like oil ('Bentin -> power our homes -> factories want to grow (help of deforestation, big production areas -> waste, air pollution) -> airplanes, cars, ships increased greenhouse gases -> burning waste leads to global warming -> land fills (toxic gases) Deponien Consequences of climate change: Gletscher ~ warming/melt glaciers and ice at the north/south poles -> result: sea levels are rising and coastal areas are flooded -> many islands are getting smaller or sink (loss of homes) ~ natural disaster: forest fires, flooding, hurricanes, acid rain destroying earth anpassen ~ animals + plants: unable to adapt to rapid climate change -> are dying because of drought -> losing habitat or dying due to deforestation. CLIMATE CHANGE ~ human -> many people are already forced to leave their homes, because agriculture and food production are affected -> disease caused by air pollution measures: ~ environmentally friendly tourism -> reduce of emission ~ education towards sustainability -> publish the truth and consequences Gipfel ~ international agreements at climate summits Climate change human made? pro - more than 90% of experts + scientist agree that it is caused by human activities - the overall affect of human activities since the industrial revolution has been a warming effect durchschnittlich average temperatures on earth have increased much faster than can be explained by natural climate changes con ~ less transport of goods (buy locally) ~ recycle, less waste -> less air/earth pollution erneuerbare use of releasable energies number of scientists that disagree say that it's also caused by environment itself → there could be natural causes (volcanic activities, changes in solar radiation) Strahlung ~ rise in temperatures in the 20th Century is within the natural boundaies Grenzen ● pro 1980s: 12 items per year, now: 68 new pieces a year success of fast fashion due to production of cheap ,,designer clothes" fast fashion industry is growing (H&M, SHEIN, ZARA) Quick response manufacturing -> very fast way to get trendy clothes - very affordable clothing -> low production costs -> everyone can buy their clothes -> quick and large profits for companies ~ costumer satisfaction -> catering to current trends -> imitate runway Imitation FAST FASHION ability to have trendy clothes without the price -> good for students that can't afford the more expensive clothes ● con ~ bad working conditions -> child labor -> exploitation of workers, low wages -> dangerous workplaces (Bangladesh) buildings collapse bad for environment -> produces greenhouse gases -> fabrics need a lot of water -> toxic chemicals are dumped in rivers -> wasteful production verschwenderisch ~donating clothes doesn't really help -> too many clothes are donated -> ends up in landfills in developing countries greenwashing -> products are advertised as sustainable, but just small parts are made of these Solution: wearing our clothes longer rebuy clothes (if everyone buy one used item instead of a new one-> would reduce emission by 6 pounds • be creative (make new clothes by old clothes) MODERN MEDIA Begriff • Social Media is a collective of online communication channels where communities interact, share content and collaborate zusammenarbeiten • Websites and Apps dedicated to social media network, microblogging, forums are examples of some types of social media pro ~ ~ social media spreads information faster than any other media (Zeitung) -> reaches parts of society that new outlets can't reach law enforcement uses social media to catch and verfolgen prošecute criminals -> promote security. -> criminals can be caught before the actual crime ~ social media allows people to improve their relationships and make new friends Fähigkeit -> ability to find people with the same interests -> good option for shy people, no face-to-face conversation ~ being a part of a social media site increases persons quality of life, reduce risk of health problems --> people can express themselves (LGBTQ, etc.). ermutigen ~ social media sites empower individuals/groups to do something good Spenden -> war in Ukraine: lot of donations + protests con ~ social media enables the spread of unreliable and false information -> fake news -> people don't read newspaper anymore (social media is easier + free) ~ social media lacks privacy and exposes users to government -> Siri, Alexa selbstzweifel ~ social media can lead to selfdoubt and offline relationship problems - Use of social media is linked with personality and Starungen brain disorders -> eating disorders (edited pictures) -> likes. + follower ~ social media facilities cyberbullying -> people aren't afraid of consequences when they are anonymous -> discrimination • modern technology accompanies people every day and is constantly growing. Examples are mobile phones, computers, IPads, smartwatches, but also autonomous cars or 3D printers pro ~ increased standard of living verbessert -> improved treatments in medicine through modern equipment (saves live's) MODERN TECHNOLOGY Notfälle -> quick communication in emergencies by mobile phone -> low shortage of goods through fast production of modern machines Vereinfachung facilitation in workplaces due to modern machines and artificial intelligence -> injuries from hard/dangerous work can be avoided ~ can help to be sustainable -> electric cars, solar cells ~ increasing knowledge and information around the world due to social media -> fast communication around the world ~ efficient/fast travel with help of planes modern agriculture, helps to protect the environment (vertical farming, hydroponics) con ~ rising unemployment rate -> modern machines replace low skilled human workers. ~ life without technology nowadays is impossible / dependency in many areas -> workplace, medicine ~ often not environment friendly -> pollution of environment by car, plane, ship -> needs lot of electricity (machines) ~ negative affect of social media, apps -> risk of addiction, -> unlearning of face-to-face communication -> cyberbullying Mobbing Faulheit -> increasing laziness because of more comfort, less physical exercises verdummung -> evaporation (fake news) ~ modern technology mainly in industrialized countries -> developing countries may not have access to modern technologies at work/medicine. • 19th century: immigration of Europeen immigrants Push Factors: bad economic conditions Pull Factors: USA advertised cheap land + jobs in prospering industry, lot of same immigrants • 20th century: people escaping communism, massive chineese etc. immigration -> Mixed century: marked by both world wars and mass killing in jews Juden entwickeln • traditional concept: - respectatives nationalities evolve to Americans = Melting Pot - patriotism is still there IMMIGRATION - Europeans have it easier then Africans (racism) werte • recent concept: - personal identity stays same, they simply have to respect the American values = salad bowl pro workers - everyone stays on their own/culture - divided country (political lines/ethnicity) geteiltes ~ lot of people profit from illegal immigration -> immigrants work for the rich -> farmers/construction companies have cheap -> economy/federal government have more tax -> consumers profit from local food & lower prices richer and more diverse culture -> food, etc (,,salad bowl"). -> in todays globalized economy, living among diverse ethnic, cultural, religious groups benefits individuals and society as a whole helps to reduce any labor shortages -> work jobs that Americans don't want -> migrants are more prepared to take on low paid/ skilled jobs Steuer ~ a lot of illegal immigrants still lay taxes ~the US is a country of immigrants -> key part of the country's identity ~ children of immigrants get better education con ~ steal Americans jobs ~ increasing costs of services such as health care and education -> not all illegales immigrants pay taxes and still use their services überfüllung overcrowding ~ disagreements between different religions and cultures -> terrorism ~ criminals could come to the US -> drug trafficking trough cartels in Mexico Grenze ~ families get split up the border ~ illegal immigrants have to pay taxes without the benefit of the US citizens status ~ exploitation of immigrants due to low wages Gender Equality: • woman make up 50% of the population, but rights are not guaranteed in many countries in the world • women still don't have equal economic or political opportunities in most countries • Feminism tries to close the gender gap (IN)EQUALITY Durchschnitt • The wage gap: = average difference between the remuneration for men and women (women get paid less than men) --> reasons: high possibility for maternity leave, men working in higher paid sectors, discrimination --> solution: raising minimum wage, sharing salary information Lohn ~ women do not have the same access to education as men and therefore worse chances of getting of getting a good job ~ in many countries women are not allowed to work because of their husband or the government weit verbreitet ~ there is a widespread belief that certain jobs are only for men and that women cannot do these jobs well häusliche ~ in many countries there aren't laws against domestic violence → Inequality of disabled people: ~ often only get badly paid job oppurtunities or no job opportunities at all unterschätzt Freizeit ~ few specific leisure activities ~ are underestimated and taken less seriously ~ exclusion from society, which often leads to psychological problems ~solution: more intensive cooperation and inclusion in society more wages, because working as handicapped human is more difficult Inequality based on origin ~ people of certain origin or nationality haven't the same job opportunities as native people Bildung ~ exclusion from society -> formation of groups instead of a community ~ not every religion is welcomed or equally accepted entscheiden ~ skin color is decisive in the world of work and society (Racism) Inequality between rich and poor (economic inequality) ~ gap between rich and poor is widening more and more due to globalization ausgenutzt ~ developing countries are exploited (workers) gefangen sein Teufelskreis ~ developing countries are being trapped in a so called vicious circle ~ industrialized countries get richer and take part at the global trade inwhile developing countries do not participate ~ more inequality in many western countries unangeniessen ~ bad work conditions, inappropriate wage Hindestlohn Einführung ~Solution: Introduction of minimum wages in developing countries helps workers to achieve better standard of living drafting of laws in term to bad work conditions - publish the truth about production and poverty in developing countries -> the purchase of products from developing countries is declining, so there is no increasing wealth in industrialized countries either rückläufig ● RACISM black people life in poorer living situations which often leads others to think they criminals police often abuse their power to express their racism lack of knowledge to draw line of equalism unwissend people are unaware that they are discriminating How does racism express itself ? ~ daily situations -> to be called names, change side of road, afraid being robbed by black people ~ world of work -> often only low paid basic jobs, often not the first choice after job interview, ~ education -> discriminating teachers, worse grades ~ police -> abuse their power to express their racism, always the first suspects, more and harder violence than on the whites" ~ health system gemäß -> disease aren't adequately cared or taken seriously -> more dark-skinned people are dying than white people -> higher health care costs due to discriminating doctors Why racism still exists? ~ lack of knowledge leads to have prejudice (black-skinned people are dangerous, stealing humans) in der Unterzahl sein ~ fear of losing the typical american identity, jobs, being outnumbered ~ completely different cultures cause insecurity possible measures fehlendes Wissen ~ better education because of lack of knowledge -> clarifying history of dark-skinned people in school ~ organizations to strengthen equality -> equality in work places, health system, educations institutions ~ movements like Civil Rights Movement, Black Lives Matter ~ individual engagement -> confront people who are discriminating people erfolgreich reich • American dream is dream of being super successful and wealthy. The American dream promises to escape poverty and to achieve everything through hard work, regardless of your ethnicity AMERICAN DREAM erfüllendes • Dream of: success, prosperity, religious freedom, classless society, equal, fulfilling life • Dream today: -> black people: racism, less opportunities -> gap between rich and poor -> terrorism Reichtum -> little prosperity -> hard work, often no success pro people can still achieve their aims if they work hard -> many examples: Bill Gates ~ it's about equality of opportunities, not equalities ~ social back round does not decide on where you end up ~there is hardly any other country which offers chances like US ~ american dream is what you want it to be -> not necessarily material goods ~president Obama, first president ~ free education for everyone ermutigen ~ ideal to encourage people to give their best -> not always succeed but achieve your goals con only people who succeed,make headlines bekommen if you are not able to work hard you will not receive as much financial help as you would in Europe ~ if you are poor, it is seen as your own fault ~ high quality schools or universities are expensive and not affordable for everyone Karriereleiter ~ limited chances to climb the career ladder -> not enough well paid jobs ~ parents are less optimistic because of the economic crisis, too many temporary jobs, the cost of education ~ many ethnic minorities fare less well- Streben ~ pursuit of martial things leads to disaster, climate change pollution in developing countries -> American dream only for riches Whites - security of people in the US is threatened by many factors, most notably gun violence threats: • raising crime rate • gun violence, ownership of weapons for everyone • unemployment rate leads to rising crime rate -> because of racism SECURITY • extremists/terrorist in military measures modern technology violating of privacy if innocent people are observed Abschreckung Ⓒ preventive measures, serve as evidence verdächtig. Ⓒsuspicious conversation can be tracked e surveillance cameras help to catch a perpetrator or prevent a crime police can be at the forefront to check wether shooting was justified berechtigt ausgenutzt unschuldig e abused power of police against innocent people low number of police men e low psychological skills (when/where is someone shoots verdächtige perpetrators can be arrested and no longer pose a threat • restrict gun access • education in schools about risks of weapons e more attention is drawn to weapons • programms that offer financial support for unemployed people, especially for dark skinned people arbeitlosen to little financial support to reduce unemployment rate Vorurteile e even prejudices of employers better education and base for a good job • applicants are screened with help of FBI and criminal activities or tattoos e persons thoughts cannot be recognised, it exists always a risk erkennen Schaden gefangen → many extremists/terrorists can be catched and harm can be prevented Why are Americans so gun loving ? • to much government authorities ● safety and protection -> much power relaxing and cool ● • pro control politicians get attracted • advertisements for guns everywhere erreichbar • easy achievable since age of 18 threats • mass shootings • terrorist attacks • potential of another war measures raise awareness: point out consequences of rising gun use • not allow loopholes, like private gun shows or private gun sales • strict laws for gun purchase • survey when buying a weapon -> figure out intentions of user • better police work -> no need for self defence Own of weapon GUN CONTROL pro ~ self defence -> police often unable to protect all ~ guns don't kill people, people kill people -> psyche of people is affected betroffen ~ sense of security Verbot prohibition isn't the answer -> too many already owned con ~ guns are made for killing -> use increasing with ownership ~ ownership affects children too -> they think it's normal ~ reduce of mass shootings verboten ~ when guns are banned, other acts become worse ~ suicide easy possible