


Romeo and Juliet







Content of Romeo and Juliet
Samstag, . März 2021
fight between Montagues
and Capulets
Prince stops it
Benvolio & Lady M

Content of Romeo and Juliet Samstag, . März 2021 16:32 ACT 1, SCENE 1 fight between Montagues and Capulets Prince stops it Benvolio & Lady Montague speak about Romeo Benvolio and Thomes have a Conversation about love ACT 2, SCENE A •Romeo wants to final jubet he climbs over a wall into the orchard conversation between Benvolio and Merantio over Romeo; they search him they joke about Rovaline • they give up and go ACT 3 SCENE A • fight between Mercutio and Tybalt ·Tybalt stabs Mercutio • Romeo taken revange and shoots Tybalt •Lady Capulet wants the prince to let Romeo bill the prince says that Romes will only be banished from Verona 4, SCENE 1 • Frior Laurence and Paris are talking •Juliet comes, Paris your away •Juliet anks FL for help he has a plan in the night before the wedding takes place, she han to take a dong ' after 42 hours, R. 6 f should live free asli.adn ACT 1, SCENE 2 Capulet speaks with Paris about Paris' devire to marry Juliet be tells him that Juliet is to young Capulet plans a traditional feast servant goes outside to invite all people. he meets Berrolio and Romeo, who also do to the feast ACT 2, SCENE 2 •Roses hides in the Capulet's garden Juliet thinks she's alone & talks about him •Romeo talks and they confers their love to each other • Juliet worries that everything happen too fast neverthelen they want to marry; Romeo in to arrange the...

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marriage, Juliet sends someone at nine ACT S, SCENE 2 • the nurse tells Juliet about the fight when she understands that Romeo got banished, she despairs for her marriage Juliet don't want to die without spending the wedding-night with him • the nurse tell her she knows where Romeo's hiding and they will have it ACT 4, SCENE 2 · after Juliet turns home, she tells her pa- rents that she wants to marry Paris dad happy, Juliet goes to "prepare" herself ACT 4, SCENE 3 • Juliet is scared to take the drug, but neverthelen she takes it ACT 1, SCENE 3 Juliet, nurse and Lady Capulet speak about marriage Juliet says that she never thought about marriage, but will look if love Paris or not Peter announces that the feest is going to begin soon she can ACT 2, SCENE 3 Romeo to the Friar dawrence Joes he bell the Frios Laurence that he wants to marry Juliet the Friar Lawrence is skeptical because he notices that his love changer quickly ·but he agrees to the marriage because he hopen for peace between the families ACT 3, SCENE 3 Friar Laurence tries to calm Romes down •Romeo says that a banishment is worse because he is without Juliet • nurse enters and they speak •Frias Laurence explains how Romes spends the night with Juliet T4, SCENE 4 Capulets prepare wedding all night 'nurse goes to wakes Juliet up ACT 4, SCENE S 'nurse believes that Juliet is clead she cries and calls the fourly •F.L. says them to prepare for funeral ACT 1, SCENG 4 Benvolio, Romeo and Mercu- tio are on their way to the feast; they wear masks Romeo does not know if it's aise there he had a nightmare to до he fears his death nevertheless they go there ACT 2, SCENE 4 Romeo did not return home after he comes to Benrolio and Mer- cutio, he is mocked by them. the nurse comes to speak with Romeo she tells him not to play with Juliet Romeo promises; he wants her to tell Juliet to come to the call for marriage ACT 3, SCENE 4 'the parents say they didn't get the chance to ask duliet about her feels • Capulet promises that Paris will marry bis daughter 'he says that the wedding is on thursday it will be quiet because Tybalt died Lady Capulet has to prepare Juliet ACT 5, SCENE A Romeo hears about Juliet's death" The buys poison to take his life ACT 5, SCENE 2 •Frias Lawrence rusher to the tomb to help fuliet out 'he sends a second litter to Romeo he wants to hold Juliet with him ACT A, SCENE 5 When Romeo saw Juliet, he says that he never loved Rosaline Romeo and Juliet get to know each other and kiss 2 times Juliet wants the nurse to find out more about Romeo it turry out that Romes in a Montague ACT 2, SCENE 5 •Juliet waits impatient since three hours the nurse arrives at home nurse tels her that Romeo waits at the Frier saurence's cell ACT 2, SCENE 6 • their wedding takes place ACT 37 SCENE 5 • Lady Capulet tells Juliet she has to Paris in three days marry · after she refuser, her dad threatens that he will throw her out of their house 'Juliet asks the nurse for help; nurse sayo that she should marry Paris · Juliet is disappointed -asks F. Lawrence for help ACT 5, SCENE 3 Paris decorates Juliet's tomb he hides when Romes comer •Romeo breaks into the grave, this con- fronts him angrily they fight - Paris dien Romes dinks poison Juliet wakes up, sees him dead stabs herself in her heart Prince wants peace - farvities shake hands