


Rules of the Color Game







-Rules Of The Color Game
• 4 colors (each one represents a different class in our
-light-lowest color,
·lower middle class.
-back gre

-Rules Of The Color Game • 4 colors (each one represents a different class in our -light-lowest color, green- ·lower middle class. -back green-below blue; middle class. upper class - highest color INFOSAMMLUNG • Made by Mr. Otero and designed to make students aware of class and racial prejudices ∙Prejudice Ly and stereotypes are openly 11 Lr stepping into someone else's 'shop's. wit allows all of the students to experience how the other half-lives. • Playtime: 4 weeks • Inferior colors are not allowed to speak or socialize with superior ones adressed r society): - bluce is priviledged / treafel belter / differently / more levient 2x higher colors are more priviledged and get more money -orange must how to all of the higher -blues don't have to bow the higher color sits in the front and the lawest colors have to + telling + you are fined money •The G4's : = "policemen" - older students who have already played the game in previous. I have to take record of the students activities, any good or bad behaviour, which can result in demotions or promotions on someone will get rewarded. when you •Teks and WoTeks: - superior sex - Women -inferior sex-men 2x Teks have a higher status and more money than No-Teks Lo Grender roles are flipped -adresses sex/gender discrimation in our society break /disrespect the rules.

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