


Science and Technology







Science and Technology Defenition
• tires to describe and explain phenomena of the
natural world
physics, chemistry,
Science and Technology Defenition
• tires to describe and explain phenomena of the
natural world
physics, chemistry,
Science and Technology Defenition
• tires to describe and explain phenomena of the
natural world
physics, chemistry,
Science and Technology Defenition
• tires to describe and explain phenomena of the
natural world
physics, chemistry,
Science and Technology Defenition
• tires to describe and explain phenomena of the
natural world
physics, chemistry,
Science and Technology Defenition
• tires to describe and explain phenomena of the
natural world
physics, chemistry,
Science and Technology Defenition
• tires to describe and explain phenomena of the
natural world
physics, chemistry,
Science and Technology Defenition
• tires to describe and explain phenomena of the
natural world
physics, chemistry,
Science and Technology Defenition
• tires to describe and explain phenomena of the
natural world
physics, chemistry,
Science and Technology Defenition
• tires to describe and explain phenomena of the
natural world
physics, chemistry,
Science and Technology Defenition
• tires to describe and explain phenomena of the
natural world
physics, chemistry,

0010101001 000 Science and Technology Defenition Science • tires to describe and explain phenomena of the natural world physics, chemistry, biology, geology, computer science, social science • used to develop new technologies Technology • result of science • can improve life and solve problems • can also be misused and harmful Challenges of the 21st Century ● ● less natural resources need for sustainability use of renewable energy and recycled materials balance between needs of present and future generations most important and controversial developments: internet technology genetic engineering ● ● ● nanotechnology neuroscience artificial intelligence and robotics Genetic Engeneerining Genetics • genetics = study about the way living organisms inherit their features • genetic information is carried by DNA copied and carried across generations • form of a ,,double helix" • genes are segments of DNA Genetic Engineering • genetic engineering = direct manipulation of genes within an organism • DNA is added or removed important milestones: • 1953 discovery of double helix • 1980s first work with human genes • 1996 cloning of Dolly the cheep (first cloned mammal) • 2003 sequencing of human genome • 2013 cloning to create human stem cells • 2018 fist genetically modified human babies born in China (CRISPR/Cas9) ➤relatively young field of science ● Cloning Cloning • creation of organisms that are an exact genetic copy of another Dolly the sheep (1996-2003) • first cloned mammal ● • died of diseases that might be tracked down to her cloning speculated that clones are born with the genetic age of their double Human...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

Cloning Pros • medical revolution • creation of replaceable organs • babies for couples without the ability for own children Human Cloning Cons using humans as a organ producer (Never Let Me Go) • humans as products/objects • unknown long term consequences Designer Babies Designer Babies genetically modified human embryos • have traits that are marked desirable ● ● athleticism, intelligence, health subject of debate for ethical, social and medical reasons ● Pros • perfect and healthy people (lower health care costs) • heal inheritable diseases • possibility to screen out harmful characteristics (susceptibility for addiction, violence, mental illness) • more intelligent and less violent society Cons • discrimination for "imperfect" people, social inequality • possibility for abuse and "going to far" • chase for profit, forget that they are still humans • possibility for accidents and imperfect technology • next generations will inherit the changes Genetic Screening ● ● examination of DNA for special qualities must be careful when interpreting the results no guaranty that a certain trait will come true even if there is the predisposition can be used for IVF (in vitro fertilisation) possibility to get children without a given genetic defect (mitochondrial disease of the mother) ● uses nuclear DNA from mother and father and mitochondrial DNA from donor Robotics • robots = machines that work autonomously under the control of humans supposed to replace humans in certain tasks androids robots that are designed to resemble humans ● ● = 3 laws of robotics after Isaac Asimov from 1942 1. 2. 3. robots must never harm human beings robots must follow instructions from humans without violating the first rule robots must protect themselves without violating the other rules Cyborgs and Biohacking Cyborgs cyborg = cybernetic organism • organic and mechanical body parts • natural organ functions taken over and improved by technology • discussion whether we already live in the age of cyborgs (pacemakers, implants, prosthetics) Pros • health improvement helps to fight disabilities ● simplifies everyday life • constant development to be more like natural body parts • saves lives ● Cons • ethical question of tempering with nature • risk of overdoing • could also be damaging to health safety of data ● Al and Driverless Cars Artificial Intelligence • artificial intelligence (Al) is intelligence and learning shown by machines Driverless Cars Pros no traffic jams • little amount of accidents • eliminates human failure • full efficiency better mobility for everyone • no garages needed (car sharing, constant driving) ● Cons • can never be completely safe • questions • Who can be blamed for an accident? • Who should a car protect/rescue in an unavoidable accident? (has to be programmed, no excuse of simple human reaction) • risk of cyber crime • constant surveillance • loss of driving pleasure, normal driving might be forbidden Virtual Realities (VR) experience of scenarios generated by a computer used with devices like goggles, headphones and control sticks gives illusion of being in a different situation/surrounding users move around freely and can interact with virtual characters avatars as virtual personalities