









- good/timeless themes: love, hate, rejection,
jealousy, envy, greed, ambition, revenge, redity
- good/timeless themes: love, hate, rejection,
jealousy, envy, greed, ambition, revenge, redity
- good/timeless themes: love, hate, rejection,
jealousy, envy, greed, ambition, revenge, redity
- good/timeless themes: love, hate, rejection,
jealousy, envy, greed, ambition, revenge, redity
- good/timeless themes: love, hate, rejection,
jealousy, envy, greed, ambition, revenge, redity

SHOULD SHAKESPEARE STILL BE READ NOWADAYS - good/timeless themes: love, hate, rejection, jealousy, envy, greed, ambition, revenge, redity & appearance deep influence on today Shakespeare - beautiful language - influence on todays english language wide range of topics (psychological, philosophi- cal political, societal) -ultimate educational tool-traditional learning (part of common knowledge) -challenge to read →language improvement - talks about human nature - leam about drama/fiction literature can be a mirror one can learn from it • deep influence on western culture Shakespeare is common knowledge SHAKESPEAR'S INFLUENCE English language - - eg. generous, gossip, birthplace, bedroom THEMES wrote dramas just to earn money topics like racism & discrimination (legitimization) - his work has to spoken not read difficult language difficulties in understanding old-fashioned development ? - primarily: romantic love downfall of a protagonist or anti-hero - - . - - - - contemporary writers need to earn money was sexist, racist, homophobic conflicts between man & woman → not about today complex plays long dead author →new/modem authors need the chance to be read Shakespeare invented over 3.000 words and increased the linguistic variety many phrases he used are still used today e.g. " a heart of gold" and "break the ice" 2 Theatre stereotypes superficial analysing Shakespeare in school (not much or enough time) plagiarism outdated attitudes &values regarding gender roles, loyalty, generations outdated language expanded the expectations about what could be accomplished through plot and language showed that women are equal to men or sometimes even stronger and cleverer than them 31 Literature - his works caused a revolution...

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in writing style, literary techniques and genres - romantic tragedies became popular because of his plays not very interesting if you don't understand anything hard to follow the plot of the story confusing - guilt hatred, good/evil, deception, transformation, suffering, ambitious, appearance/reality, corruption, order/disorder, conflict, revenge, betrayal, rivalry importance of honor jealousy, being torn, lust for power LIFE attended grammar school in Stratford November 1582 had 3 children married Anne Hathaway April 1564 born in Stratford-upon-Avon →26th April: baptised travelled to Italy easy language easier understanding - you can emphathize with the characters really getting /understanding the plot fun, entertainment, not boring graphic novel: images help to understand whats happening became famous in London as an actor & playwright + 4592 - HOW CAN SHAKESPEARE SE APPEALING FOR YOUNG AUDIENCES? UR: fun, easier to understand, does not feel like a school lesson, plot doesn't appear confusing - modernize the language - turn it into a show /movie - modernize the plot but keep the original idea/message SHAKESPEARE LITE modernized /simplified language, abridged version of the plays or as graphic novels Ⓒ - joined the "Lord Chamberlain's Men" digital age ➡Shakespeare Lite is a good possibility to make Shakespeare for young students IMPORTANCE OF FILM VERSIONS - Macbeth, The Taming of the Shrew, West Side Story let Shakespeare live even today make him mor accecable in a disrespectful to Shakespeare → spend so much time working on his plays only superficial more appealing but the original version should also be dealt with as an appreciation to Shakespeare it might happen that Shakespeare's actual message or intention get lost Shakespeare's language is unique and should be dealt with retired 1610 honoring his works maybe disrespectful fear that the original idea behind the play gets lost REFLECTION OF SHAKESPEARES PLAYS TODAY - timeless themes: hate, love, power, death Romeo and Juliet: forbidden love is still a thing today Macbeth: man consumed by ambition: similarities with Putin - humans still experience love, loss be-trayal, war, humor and tragedy 23th April 1616 died INFLUENCE ON MINDSET - humans driven by ambition are the worst and most reckless (Macbeth) - love always finds a way (Romeo & Juliet) peoples true personality is revealed as they seek for power THE ELIZABETHAN AGE time when Queen Elizabeth I reigned (1558-1603) - peace and prosperity the golden age opened new worlds of history and poetry WORLDWIEW - unchangeable hierachical order obedience to the system - when the hierachical structure isn't followed → tragedy (e.g.Romeo&Juliet) if the characters want to achieve their own happiness by breaking the system the individual has to fail related on religion SOCIETY occupations and social classes marriages just in the own class born into the class - women obey men DOCTRINE OF THE Y ELEMENTS - man was formed by the combination ouf four elements: ^ earth- melancholy 2 THEATRE water-phlegmatic sanguine 3 air- 4 fire-choleric - - WORKS SONNETS acting:not a respected profession Lactors: not trust-worthy because they pretend to be someone else addressed to a beloved person A4 lines Playhouses drew big audiences officials thought that they were being noisy and undesirable → theatres outside the city - main form of entertainment clearly defined rhyme scheme: abba abba cde coe divided into an octet (2 quatrain) and a sestet (2 tercet) - turn after octave: shift of thought / feeling The Great Chain of Being God ↓ Angels - communal experience: people could see each other, walk around, interact - audience: workers, artisans, apprentices etc. (not only middle-class & aristocratic entertainment) SHAKESPEARAN SONJET - octave (2 quatrains) + sestet (1 quatrain) + turn + couplet (2 verse) - he wrote A54 sonnets Man existence, life, feeling and understanding → the microcosm Sonnets A-126: addressed to a young man Sonnets 127-154: addressed to a "dark lady` ⇓ higher animals (having touch, memory, movement and hearing) ↓↓ animals like ants (having touch, memory, movement) animals like shellfish ng touch) (having plants existence and life vegetable class elements, liquids, metals mere existence inanimate class OTHELLO lago is furious about being overlooked for promotion and plots to take revenge against his General: Othello (the Moor of Venice) lago manipulates Othello into believing his wife Desdemona is unfaithful → • stirring Orthello's jealousy - Othello allows jealousy to consume him - murders his wife kills him self THE TAMING OF THE SHREW Lucentio loves Bianca but cannot court her until her shrewish older sister Katherina marries - the eccentric Petruccio marries the reluctant Katherina and uses a number of tactics to render her an obedient wife - Lucentino marries Bianca - Katherina proves to be the most obedient wife HAMLET the ghost of the king of Denmark tells his son Hamlet to avenge his murder by killing the new king, Hamlet's uncle - Hamlet feigns madness, contemplates life and death and seeks revenge - his uncle, fearing for his life, also devises plots to kill Hamlet play ends with a duel → king, Queen, Hamlet's opponent & Hamlet are killed ROMEO & JULIET age-old vendetta between two powerful families erupts into the bloodshed Montagues vs. Capulets young lovesick Romeo Montague falls in love with Juliet Capulet. →she shall marry her father's choice, the County Paris Romeo & Juliet confess their love and intend to secretly marry (→ balcony scene) Juliet's cousin Tybalt sends a challenge to Romeo - he refuses to fight. →angers Mercutio who then fights with Tybalt → Romeo intervenes to stop the fight and accidentally kills Mercutio and Tybalt → banished by the Prince - in desperate attempt to be reunited with Romeo → Juliet fakes her own death message fails to reach Romeo and he believes she is dead kills himself - Juliet wakes up to finding Romeo's corpse beside her and kills herself - the grieving family agree to end their feud - STARCROSSED LOVERS MACBETH - three witches tell the Scottish general Macbeth that he will be king of Scotland encouraged by his wife (toxic, driven by ambition) Macbeth kills the king and becomes the new king - he kills more people out of paranoia - civil war erupts to overthrow Macbeth, resulting in more death real life examples - peer pressure: individuals are pressure into doing something they're against (=Lady Macbeth) Donald Trump Putin English basic course Q2 (Ho) Shakespeare Relevance today? 1. In how far are the conflicts in Shakespeare's plays reflected in today's society? 2. Is (studying and reading) Shakespeare still relevant? 3. Discuss whether Shakespeare should be dealt with (in German) schools. REVISION 4. Which fundamental human experiences are described in Shakespeare's tragedies and comedies? (e.g. love, hate, jealousy, being torn, lust for power) 5. Discuss whether it might be a good idea to have a "Shakespeare Lite". Find arguments for the use of a version with a modernised / simplified language, an abridged version of the plays or as a graphic novel. 6. Which possibilities do you see in making Shakespeare appealing for young audiences? 7. Discuss the importance of film versions of Shakespeare's plays for today's audiences. 8. What did Shakespeare teach you? 9. Try to sum up Macbeth / ... in 1 minute. 10. Find real life examples of people similar to Macbeth's. Compare their struggle and lust for power with Macbeth.