


Shakespeare - All the world‘s a stage







All the world's a
Shakespeare describes life
as a
He means that all the humans are like actors.
who play the different stages o

All the world's a stage Shakespeare describes life as a stage. He means that all the humans are like actors. who play the different stages of life. But is life really like a theatre performance ? As a matter of fact, there are similarities between life and theatre; for example, we go through different parts and take on different roles and in addition both life and theatre have a start and also an end. But in life there is much more diverity than on stage; actors have a script and they are not free in what they do. In contrast, you make your own decisions in life and Berides you act self- determined. Besides, actors have the chance to practice their actions /plays and when they step off the stage, they can leave it all behind. But in life you have to take responsibility for have to deal with the your actions and you consequences of your possible mistakes. can say that life All in all, you than theatre, is much more because you make decisions on your own and it's not that you just play what the audience to wants to see hopefully. ▼

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