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Shakespeare 26. April 1564 - 23. April 1616 Klausur Lernzettel . 4. Comprehension 2. analyse a part of the play 3. comment on the relevanz of old plays ♡ • an eine überleitung zwischen 1 und 2 denken relevanz of the play: plays are often about dilemmas and differences 4 • Current/actuell: differences between man and wonan racism deepinfluence on the english language and western culture important ideas, words and expressions that shaped us and the culture we live in to watch and read his plays it, asus us to challenge and celebrate our social and personal Lives not changed but 400 years seperated 4 meaning in cife, of birth and dead are the same. understand literature, you understand Life 4 •find neaning in life improve history knowledge understood exactly what makes people tick and was able to transform that understanding Script elements: EXT. COLLEGE CAFÉ - DAY BOY 1 (20), PENNY (20) and ONLOOKERS (all between 18-22) outside getting coffee. Boy at front of queue; Penny arrives at back of queue, gives Boy 1 big smile. He looks her up and down, 1ikes what he sees, puts a flirty face on. Walks over to offer her coffee. Extremely confident. Penny is nervous. and listening BOY 1 Coffee? PENNY I'm Penny. ΒΟΥ 1 Coffee? Penny now breaks into song. Oh no, I did it again. I let myself go. And now, everyone's staring at me. I feel rather uncomfortable. What have I done to deserve this misery? Sometimes...
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suggestions for this are made, but often the director likes to decide for him-/herself - location Stage directions character names and dialogue = Italics = camera shot information woman at Shakespeares time: no life of their own •many jobs were forbidden (actress...) • husband had to agree to spendings, no property •no lovenerria ges us noble woman: Queen had to agree · little education, have to have permission to leave the house noble woman:re present the family. no thoughts: just be kind and do the worke Zitat: . . deutsch Englisch Cf. 11 . VzL. " relevance to Mordern Audiences: timeless thenes 4 *** outdated attitudes and values regarding: 4 (ablehnung) (Neid) love, hate, rejection, jealously, envy, (Rache) revenge, appearance & reality. gender roles, loyalty, generations, science, religi- languages (sprichwörter) Lidioms (Dialeket), proverbs, quotations, titles, Elizabethan England: h "golden age of Literature" period of peace, stability, prosperty gender roles: (anspielungens allusions men ruled over Homan & Children meni provide for their family wonan: to be obedient and respectful Children were brought up to fear & respect their parents. 16031625 Shakespeares topics: wide range → comedies, tragedies, ronances... Cove, hate and jealously power and ambition ordinary people