


Shakespeare: Klausurwissen 💌







- Early 17th century
one of the most famous playwrights
The "Bard"→ Dichter
- Influence on society & monomental presence i
- Early 17th century
one of the most famous playwrights
The "Bard"→ Dichter
- Influence on society & monomental presence i

Shakespeare FACTS - Early 17th century one of the most famous playwrights The "Bard"→ Dichter - Influence on society & monomental presence in our culture still relevant to modern day -plays and movies used to modernize his work → attracts new audiences His work is used to educale. enlighten & entertain 23.04.1564* First Folio printed 7 years after his death 23.04.1616+ improved the english language (2.000 words) WHY SKAKESPEARE IS STILL A TOPIC TODAY He uses timeless themes: • love •hate rejection (Ablehnung) • jealousy . envy (Neid) •greed (Gier) . • ambition (Ehrgeiz) revenge (Rache) equivocation (weideutigkeit) appearance & OUTDATED ASPECTS language gender roles · • . . IMPORTANT PLAYS Richard III Macbeth ▸ meaning of the church generations science superstition (Aberglaube) • Romeo + Juliet shakespeare in love king lear authentic characters, human and modern adaption in all literary genres • • operd musical dramd novel • Hollywood blockbusters . film poetry pop song → people saw the potential of the work →shows our inner personality / identity ELIZABETHAN AGE - golden age in Poritish history - earth - center of the universe human beings have a special positions white skin, blonde hair, high forehead, fine eyebrows, wasp waist → beauty men ruled over woman & children women have to be respectful children were brought up to fear & respect their parents HIS liest hath LANGUAGE thee thou - you thy, thine-your, yours - åre doth/dost-does/ did alt IS you lie have МАСВЕТН - Macbeth will be the king ·lady Macbeth encourages him to commit regiade Duncan is killed, sons flee Macbeth becomes king, -hires murders to secure his rule Macbeth recives another prophecy about his death tyrannical rule leads to rebellion led by Mcduff Macbeth is killed by Mcduff RICHARD //D - - he wants...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

to become the king wants to kill the king wants to marry lady Anne, but she is not happy that he killed her husband - •plans killing clarence · proposes to Anne - she doesn't like him - TEXTS ABOUT HIM Explosionen im Gehirn positive, niemand ist allein, obsessed with sh. MGARRICK in the Character of MACKBETH. Sex done the Deed_didst thou not hear a Noin? ASKIPAN Oéria filhadagon Age: steps EASY READING SERIES RICHARD III The Life and Death of King Richard the Third BY WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Forgotten Books 450th Birthday All the world is his stage positive better than the rest.... ourselves in Shakespeare positive, can see yourselves in the characters, identity, personality why I'll be never bered with the Bard - positive, wants to make it important in schools, learn full plays etc. ROMEO + JULIET ' starcrossed love two families which hale eachother (montague. capulet) can't be seen together Romeo kills people' someche kills Romeos of Juliet fakes her death, Romeo seesher and kills himself, Juliet sees that and also kills herself 69 0000