


Shakespeare Zusammenfassung







Structure of Romeo & Juliet
Plot in general
Characters in general
Romeo & Juliet
Structure of Romeo & Juliet
Plot in general
Characters in general
Romeo & Juliet
Structure of Romeo & Juliet
Plot in general
Characters in general
Romeo & Juliet
Structure of Romeo & Juliet
Plot in general
Characters in general
Romeo & Juliet
Structure of Romeo & Juliet
Plot in general
Characters in general
Romeo & Juliet
Structure of Romeo & Juliet
Plot in general
Characters in general
Romeo & Juliet
Structure of Romeo & Juliet
Plot in general
Characters in general
Romeo & Juliet
Structure of Romeo & Juliet
Plot in general
Characters in general
Romeo & Juliet
Structure of Romeo & Juliet
Plot in general
Characters in general
Romeo & Juliet
Structure of Romeo & Juliet
Plot in general
Characters in general
Romeo & Juliet
Structure of Romeo & Juliet
Plot in general
Characters in general
Romeo & Juliet
Structure of Romeo & Juliet
Plot in general
Characters in general
Romeo & Juliet
Structure of Romeo & Juliet
Plot in general
Characters in general
Romeo & Juliet
Structure of Romeo & Juliet
Plot in general
Characters in general
Romeo & Juliet
Structure of Romeo & Juliet
Plot in general
Characters in general
Romeo & Juliet
Structure of Romeo & Juliet
Plot in general
Characters in general
Romeo & Juliet
Structure of Romeo & Juliet
Plot in general
Characters in general
Romeo & Juliet
Structure of Romeo & Juliet
Plot in general
Characters in general
Romeo & Juliet

TABLE OF CONTENT - Shakespeare ROMEO & JULIET Structure of Romeo & Juliet Plot in general Characters in general Conections Romeo & Juliet Content Prologue Language - Examples with interpretation Adaptions (Baz Luhrmann) Other play: Macbeth Why Shakespeare is for all times? How to analyse a scene Questions for an oral exam It is not in the stars to hold our destiny. but in ourselves." - W. Shakespeare STRUCTURE Structure of tragedy due to Aristotle -> Combined with content of Romeo and Juliet Plot Structure of Romeo and Juliet Climax or Turning Point: Tybalt kills Mercutio, then Romeo kills Tybalt. The Prince arrives and orders that Romeo be banished from rona. Rising Action: Romeo needs to secretly marry Juliet fearing that a Capulet and a Montague would never be allowed to m<ry. Exciting Force: Romeo meets Juliet at the Capulet house and completely forgets about Rosine. Exposition: Romeo shows his lust for Rosaline; normal conversations in Montague and Capulet families; Mercutio makes fun of Romeo because of Rosaline's intent to never marry. Tragedy 1597 Falling Action: Paris will soon be married to Juliet, and the Capulets do not know about Juliet's secret marriage. Juliet decides to fake her death with a potion the Friar gives her. PLOT Moment of Final Suspense: Romeo is informed that Juliet is dead when she is really asleep from the potion. Romeo arrives at the Capulet burial vault ready to drink the poison the Apothecaryd him. Catastrophe: Romeo drinks the poison and dies. Juliet wakes up, finds Romeo dead, and kills herself with a dagger when the Friar...

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Both families agree to stop the hatred after the tragedy. a long feud between the Montagues and Capulets disrupts the city of Verona + causes tragic results for Romeo and Juliet Major topics: love, revenge, fate Structure: Masked ball until: Mercutios death (comedy) (tragedy) -> due to Elizabethan idea of a tragedy: it must be fun - comic relief + wordplays (puns) THE MONTAGUE FAMILY CHARACTERS IN GENERAL Romeo - the only son in his family - a romantically-inclined young man who is desperately in love with a lady called Rosaline - until he meets Juliet, the daughter of his family's enemy Benvolio one of Romeo's friends - a serious, senisitive young man - he ha a peace-making role in the play THE CAPULET HOUSEHOLD Juliet almost 14 years old obey their parents, until she meets Romeo Tybalt Juliet's cousin - dies in the fight with Mercutio OTHER CHARACTERS Friar Lawrence his good intention cause tthe tragic ending | Montague & Lady Montague Romeo's parents have an old feud with the Capulet family Mercutio Romeo's friend his aggressive vitality provokes a duel - with a tragic outcome Capulet & Lady Capulet Juliet's parents want their daughter to have a sociallly adventageous marriage father: does not allow disobedience - mother: puts her husband's will before her daughter's wishes Paris - a nobleman Capulet wants him to marry Juliet Mercutio Romeo's witty and loyal friend who is slain by Tybalt when defending Romeo Benvolio Romeo's peaceable good-natured friend Apothecary Illegally sells Romeo poison Lady Montague Romeo's mother who dies of grief when Romeo is banished Prince Banishes Romeo from Verona Romeo CONECTIONS Lord Montague Romeo's father who, along with Capulet, originated the feud between the families Paris Juliet's suitor and cousin of the Prince. Killed by Romeo at the Capulet tomb In love Friar Laurence Marries Romeo and Juliet and concocts the plan to fake Juliet's death Friar John Sent to Mantua to tell Romeo of the Friar's plan. He is quarantined and never arrives Tybalt Juliet's hot-headed cousin; kills Mercutio, then is killed by Romeo Feuding Juliet The Nurse Capulet servant and confidant to Juliet. Acts as messenger Lord Capulet Juliet's irritable and irrational father who demands she marry Paris between Romeo and Juliet Lady Capulet Juliet's mother who is cold and calculating in her desire that Juliet marry Paris ROMEO great reader + poet ROMEO & JULIET despairs* at Rosalines indifference towords him over the course of the play: his love for Juliet becomes intense passion - risks his life for her (balcony scene) makes rash decisions - ignores conventional behavior when kissing Juliet in public at the feast extremly emotional & sensitive after Mercutio's death => anger & revenge decides to return to Verona and buys a poison to kill himself in the tomb of the Capulets JULIET introduced as a 13-year-old naive and obedient child who has no idea what love is ignores warnings + conflict (only wants to be with J) sensible when she urges Romeo to leave and rescue himself after their wedding night takes the sleeping drug to be with her love changes from peaceful behaviour towards Tybalt to fury and revenge ignoring death penalty falls in love with Romeo instantly, ignores conventional behavior when kissing; wants to become Romeo's bride despite their belonging to hostile families impatient and passionate, eager to marry Romeo fearful and thoughtful: fears their love is too rash, unadvised and might end quickly determined and uncompromising like Romeo: awakening and seeing the dead Romeo, she stabs herself out of intensity of love changes from an obedient child to a young lady within a few yours; ignores her parents' advice and the rules of the patriarchal society => Juliet is more grounded in the real world than Romeo. For her, the freedom that love brings is the freedom to leave her parents' house. * to despair of sth = an etwas verzweifeln Content PROLOGUE The Chorus opens Romeo and Juliet with a brief summary of what's to come on stage. Two households, both alike in dignity, In fair Verona, where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. From forth the fatal loins of these two foes A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life; Whose misadventure piteous overthrows Do with their death bury their parents' strife. The fearful passage of their death-mark'd love, And the continuance of their parents' rage, Which, but their children's end, nought could remove, Is now the two hours' traffic of our stage; The which if you with patient ears attend, What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend. Function the prologue is a sonnett - a sonnett explores a love conflict 1. Quatrain (Thesis) Feud - 2. Quatrain (Variation of topic) death of R&J 1. Triplet (antithesis) reason for their death: ,,their parent's rage" 2. Triplet (solution) you should listen to this tragedy the play's main issues (love & feuding) are presented - it serves to create curiosity and to make the reader aware of the tragic ending - it shows that true love triumphs-> because their deaths end the feud between their families Used language in the Prologue: Blank Verse The Idea of Fate -> everything is predestined from the beginning, we know that the story of Romeo and Juliet will end in tragedy Emphasizing fate's control over their destinies, the Prologue tells us the "star-cross'd lovers"" relationship is deathmark'd." BLANK VERSE: unrhymed iambic pentameter (5-hebiger Jambus) => EFFECT: sounds like a heartbeat -> it is used for the higher class C C C LANGUAGE C •Golden age". relative stability, 4 economic growth. Shakespeare > HISTORICAL CONTEXT DDDDDDD. • the Elizabethan age (1558-1603) ↳ politics & religion were closely linked ↳men ruled over woman & child VS God Langels humane ↳ should be obediant + respectful •The Great Chain of Being Is all forms of elements were divided into classes Tvegetative class Linanimate objects PROSE does not follow any rhythm scheme free form -> used for lower classes t.ex. Love US. hate Peace US war 2) Personal pronours ↳ thou ↳ you LANGUAGE • early modern english Gr: Elizabethan English • introduced 1500 new words into the English (Latin, French) • contrasts + Elizabeths idea of tragedy: it must be in geocentric world new → sound of language is more important than formal structure • mental health is expressed by Leather - abstract qualities like f.ex. nature are personified. sf.ex. Time and his sonse BRUNNEN →pins" • social classes are expressed by language. 1) 4 prose - lover dasses ↳blank verse = higher ppl. → jambic petametre → Unchyred +5 stresses = btu. friends or to adress so of buer class = mombas of upper classes used it among themselves →shows social superior • full of magery → to achieve a particular effect • overloaded with symbolism •puns, word plays (s. Elizabethan age) = combine tragedy +comedy. Shorophones = alike in sound there / their ↳homonyms = some word, but semantically diff. meaning • contractions ↳ leaving out letters + syllables for rhythmic purpose • importance of 4 elements (water, fire, earth, wind) MOTIFS & SYMBOLS Light: Romeo compares Juliet to light throughout the play Examles: - Upon first sight of her, Romeo exclaims that she teaches the torches to burn bright" ,,the sun" who can ,,kill the envious moon her eyes are like ,,(t)wo of the fairest stars in all the heaven' Juliette sa light which fights against the darkness she ,,hangs upon the cheek of night" 11 Darkness: darkness is associated with mystery, emotion, and imagination 11 Nighttime: the night provides privacy and place away from the public's prying eyes, where Romeo and Juliet's love can blossom My only love sprung from my only hate, Too early seen unknown, and known too late! Prodigious birth of love is it to me That I must love a loathed enemy. evening hours holds all of the significant moments for Romeo and Juliet -> they meet, pledge their love, commit suicide INTERESTING QUOTES ABOUT LOVE With love's light wings did I o'erperch these walls, For stony limits cannot hold love out -> Juliet says this after finding out who the mysterious stranger really is -> Romeo explains how he climed up to the balcony -> love gives him ,,wings" 1. EXAMPLE - ROMEO SEES JULIET Act 1, Scene 5 (Klausur) => Romeo sees Juliet and immediantly falls in love with her ROMEO (to a SERVINGMAN) What lady is that which doth enrich the hand Of yonder knight? SERVINGMAN I know not. sir. ROMEO Oh, she doth teach the torches to burn bright! it seems she hangs upon the cheek of night Like a rich jewel in an Ethiope's ear. Beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear. So shows a snowy dove trooping with crows As yonder lady 'er her fellows shows. The measure done, III watch her place of stand And, touching hers, make blessèd my rude hand Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight! For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night. vuse uurT JU Form and Language rhythm scheme AABB -> harmony Romeo speaks in Blank Verse -> shows his social class => all that create positive & harmonic atmoshere Shakespeare makes fun of him: he falls in love with her after a few moments? loving someone takes more than a look and the reader knows that and it is funny because he does not know that this girl is the daughter of his family's enemy Analysis Romeo's intense feelings for Juliet are conveyed by the use of stylistic devices. By using imageries his love is transfered and the reader gets an impression of Juliet. Petrarchism description of the physical beauty of one's lady love Content & Interpretation - Romeo is presented as a young men who is overwhelmed by his feelings => shown by the fact that she would shine brighter than the torches => use of elements!! -> unpredictability of their love - Juliet as the snowy dove -> Romeo describes her as the only dove among a lot of crows => indicates that she must be very special Romeo makes himself seem small and unworthy in relation to her (cf. I. 12) similie of Juliet with ,,a rich jewel in an Ethiope's ear" --> again indicate J's beauty + valuableness 2. EXAMPLE - FIRST KISS Act 1, Scene 5 - Sonnett -> function: love poetry, which emphasizes the lovers´ isolation from the society Romeo If I profane with my unworthiest hand This holy shrine, the gentle sin is this, My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss. Juliet Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much, Which in mannerly devotion shows in this, For saint have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch, And palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss. Romeo Have not saints lips, and holy palms too? Juliet Ay, pilgrim, lips that must be use in prayer. Romeo O then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do: They pray, grant thou, lest faith turn to despair. Juliet Saints do not move, though grant for prayer's sake. Romeo Then move not while my prayer's effect I take. Thus from my lips, by thine, my sin is purg'd. Kissing her Juliet Then have my lips the sin that they have took. Romeo Sin from my lips? O trespass sweetly urg'd! Give me my sin again. Kissing her again 1. Quatrain: Romeo develops the religious image (abab) 2. Quatrain Juliet picks up the same pattern (cdcd) and the same image -> harmony -> palmers' kiss" = anständig, schüchtern (imagery) Souven Act 3, Scene 1 THE FIGHT = TURNING POINT Tybalt only wants to find Romeo and does not care about Mercutio -> Mercutio provocates Tybalt-> misunderstands Tybalt on purpose -> Romeo wants to cal down the situation -> Mercutio denies to calm down and -> draws first! ->Mercutio continues challenging him verbally -> Tybalt gives in and draws aswell => they fight Romeo begs Benvolio for help but he wouldn't so Romeo steps inbetween -> Mercutio dies because of Tybalt -> Romeo kills him (Tybalt) for murdering his friend Benvolio's account of witness after Romeo killed Tybalt Mercutio's provocations against Tybalt are left out - Verbal accusations are left out ("Alla stoccata"/" ratcatcher") Benvolio doesn't mention himself --> stayed passive, even though he told Romeo to flee Tybalt is put in bad lighting Romeo is put in a better lighting (try to make peace is highlighted) ,,Romeo, that spoke him fair, bid him bethink" everything seems like an accident (M. was killed by accident and Romeo is partly responsible) -> but Romeo killed Tybalt intentionally --> murder =>Benvolio cannot be taken as a trustworthy source Function of Friar Lawrence (Act 3, Scene 3) role as the friend and advisor to Romeo and Juliet reminds Romeo of the suddenness of his decisions points out that Romeo should be happy instead of thinking about suicide after he killed Tybalt 1. Juliet is alive 2. He is alive and Tybalt did not kill him 3. The law changed and his only punishment is the exil instead of death => calls it „a pack of blessings (which) light upon thy back" Function of Mercutio and the nurse their role: comic characters in a tragedy they highlight the couple's youth and innocence + the pure, vulnerable quality of their love Mercutio's death = turning point from comedy- -> tragedy Example for Mercutio's teasing: he is unaware that Romeo has fallen in love with Juliet and mistakenly invokes images of Rosaline to call him: I conjure thee by Rosaline's bright eyes, By her high forehead and her scarlet lip, By her fine foot, straight leg, and quivering thigh, And the demesnes that there adjacent lie. (II.1.17-21) Mercutio's sexual jokes contrast sharply with Romeo's religious imagery for love -> Romeo describes Juliet as ,,bright angel" and dear saint" - fate ● feud Baz Luhrmann • adaption of Romeo & Juliette • same story but modemized ↳ plays at verona beach which seems like Miani DOO * . Adaption Baz Luhrmann (1996) VOKABULARY destiny predestined - universal - determined free will 6. DADA •very image-intensive. slapstick scene = exaggerated 4↳ comic relief superstitious (abergläubisch) divinely (göttlich) (1996) D changed setting monologues +trimmed the text * ! music ! costumes are modernized affect: to make it more. attraktive for the viewers ↳ lot of foreshadowing • adopts Shakespears idea of the World as a ↳nodern city = cars, high-rise buildings 3 didn't exist = elements of comedy + tragedy 6 13 · O stage * only takes a bit of the original text. → visualizes rest of the text by using film techniques, = translates words into pictures music, ete. - - - Lady Macbeth (Macbeth's wife and co-conspirator) encourages in mur der of Duncan The Doctor (called by Lady Macbeth's gentlewoman) prophecies to Macbeth arranges the murder of Banquo (warrior and Macbeth's friend) Macbeth (great warrior, later king of Scotland) hears nig confession Fleance (Banquo's son, father to later Scottish kings) time reveals prophecies to Three witches (agents of Fate) the murder of Lady Macduff and son (Macduff's wife and son) ultimately kills murders Macduff (thane of Scotland) Duncan (king of Scotland) Donalbain (Duncan's son) suppoattle tin final joins forces against Macbeth Content: A big battle -> Macbeth (great warrior) & Banquo win the fight King Duncan is told about their success and Macbeth's (and Banquo's) bravery Reward for Macbeth: "Thane of Cawdor" (title) Malcolm (Duncan's son, later king) Lennox, Ross, Menteth, Angus, Caithness (thanes who eventually turn against Macbeth) Witches speak prophecies to Macbeth and Banquo -> they should reign Duncan announces that his son Malcom is going to become the next king => shock for M because now Malcom is an obstacle between him and the crown Duncan visits Lady Macbeth (she urges her husband to kill the king) => she takes full control because M is stuck in a real moral problem accuses him of beeing a coward, insults his manliness ,, What beast was't then That made you break this enterprise to me? When you durst do it, then you were a man" -> reason why Macbeth really murders King Duncan Macbeth regret murdering Duncan Macbeth will be the next king - Banquo gets suspicious -> Macbeth hires two assassins to kill Banquo English king raises an army to fight Macbeth -> M starts to panic Malcom's army reaches Macbeth's castle => Macbeth is killed and Malcom becomes king ACT 1, SCENE 7 Inside Macbeth's castle. Macbeth If it were done when 'tis done, then 'twere well It were done quickly. If th'assassination Could trammel up the consequence an catch With his surcease, success, that but this blow of cons He's here in double trust: First, as I am his kinsman and his subject, Strong both against the deed; then, as his host, Who should against his murderer shut the door, Not bear the knife myself. Besides, this Duncan. Hath borne his faculties so meek, hath been So clear in his great office, that his virtues Will plead like angels, And pity, like a naked newborn babe (...)Shall blow the horrid deed in every eye, That tears shall drown the wind. If... quickly: if the business of the murder were done as soon as the deed is performed ('done"), then it would be a good thing to have it carried out ('done') quickly. -> bad conscience does not want to kill his guest -> describes that Duncan is a great King, everybody is going to be sad after his death => YES! PSYCHOLOGICAL ARGUMENT: Is Shakespeare for all times? Shakespeare is a psychological expert, ahead of his time, still presenting a knowledge of the human psyche which are still up-to-date he shows us ourselves his plays are not about sth specific => it is about an ideology f.ex. meeting someone at a masquarade, commiting suicide => it shows us the intensity and pureness of real love he understands the variety of human lives & nature The aimed intention: 1. we watch the struggeling souls in Shakespeare's plays with uncomfortable self- recognition 2. we see our own nature & who we could turn into 3. we think about being this person and decide to be better then XY 4. we change stories have remarkable elasticity -> everyone can interprete it in another way Shakespeare requires his readers to remake his stories into tales that make sense for them SOCIETY His criticism of beliefs, word order and politics -> are still applicable to today's world Examples: responsibility for the course of life (R&J, Macbeth) the way we treat subjects (Untertane) inequality -> women's rights ! free will VS. predestination, fate, determination CONTRA ARGUMENT Racial views mirrowing his time Usage of certain imageries which are considered inappropriate today f.ex. ,,like a jewel in an Ethiope's ear" What do we learn from Macbeth? -> MACBETH AS A MORAL LESSON - M murders his king = crime => especially to this time, because Kings were appointed by God so a rebellion against a King -> is rebellion against God Macbeth pays a huge price to gain the crown => looses friendship, respect, love, his life -> AMBITIONS Macbeth is noble, knows what is wrong and right -> suffers from fears which he had brought on himself -> POETRY & IMAGINATION language is rich in meaning, full of pictures enrichment for our fantasy teaches us that crime does not pay!! => SHAKESPEARE DEMANDS AN ALERT READER 0. Preparation Read the scene multiple times Mark rhetorical devices and important key verses Write down the content in sections of meaning 1. Comprehension Introductory sentence - Sum up the content 2. Analysis How to analyse - Working hypothesis Place the scene in context Quickly mention the characters of the scene Analyze the scene task related - f.ex. Analysis of 2 imageries with effect & function Language - conclusion sentence, WH revisited a scene ALWAYS REFER BACK TO YOUR WH!! Possible questions for an oral exam - In how far does the feud drive the action? Do you think that students should still read Shakespeare? And why? - In how far is the idea of fate implemented in R&J and in how far are we able to reproduce this idea in reality? - What do we learn from Shakespeare? - Has R&J influenced the film industry? - Yes, because a lot of ,,tipical teenage-movies" are an adaption of the play