


Shape of things Adam







The Shape of Things - Neil La Bute What We Learn About Adam
▪ Works as a security guide in a museum and after that in a vide
The Shape of Things - Neil La Bute What We Learn About Adam
▪ Works as a security guide in a museum and after that in a vide
The Shape of Things - Neil La Bute What We Learn About Adam
▪ Works as a security guide in a museum and after that in a vide
The Shape of Things - Neil La Bute What We Learn About Adam
▪ Works as a security guide in a museum and after that in a vide
The Shape of Things - Neil La Bute What We Learn About Adam
▪ Works as a security guide in a museum and after that in a vide
The Shape of Things - Neil La Bute What We Learn About Adam
▪ Works as a security guide in a museum and after that in a vide
The Shape of Things - Neil La Bute What We Learn About Adam
▪ Works as a security guide in a museum and after that in a vide
The Shape of Things - Neil La Bute What We Learn About Adam
▪ Works as a security guide in a museum and after that in a vide
The Shape of Things - Neil La Bute What We Learn About Adam
▪ Works as a security guide in a museum and after that in a vide
The Shape of Things - Neil La Bute What We Learn About Adam
▪ Works as a security guide in a museum and after that in a vide
The Shape of Things - Neil La Bute What We Learn About Adam
▪ Works as a security guide in a museum and after that in a vide
The Shape of Things - Neil La Bute What We Learn About Adam
▪ Works as a security guide in a museum and after that in a vide

Adam The Shape of Things - Neil La Bute What We Learn About Adam Background ▪ Works as a security guide in a museum and after that in a video store ▪ He works for one year before he starts an education ▪ Before a bit of time, he liked Jenny, but did not trust to ask her for a date ▪ In the beginning of the book, he is a nerdy and shy guy ▪ He is not self-confident What We Learn About Adam Direct ▪ When he first meets Evelyn, he has the courage to ask for her number ▪ But after they get together he changes his complete life: ▪ Loses around 20 kilograms ▪ Lets his hair rise ▪ Dresses better ■ Stopped chewing his nails ▪ And then he gets more self-confident ▪ He doesn't believe that Evelyn likes him ▪ Later then he thinks about Evelyn all the time ▪ He loves her ▪ But kissed Jenny What We Learn About Adam Indirect ▪ Throws his principles for Evelyn away = No self-esteem ▪ It's the best thing for him what can happen Maybe loves Jenny still a bit ■ Behavior First, he is like a side character in his life, but then, he lets Evelyn control his life and starts to be somewhere and gets more self-confident and starts to...

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live a crazy life. Adam's Change/ Evolvement The first time Adam starts to change his outward appearance is in the scene in a restaurant lobby. His friends Phillip and Jenny ask him if he had lost weight or if he cut his hair (p. 19). But they are not the only ones, who notice that Adam has changed, also Evelyn sees that. She said to him “You're running, you're eating better, are you still lifting?” (p. 16). And that isn't everything, which evolves at Adam. He also starts to write a journal. All these developments we can see in the second scene happened because Evelyn gave him the impulse to do so, but in a very subtle and charming way (p. 13). The next big change we can see is again in the external appearance, the chapter is called a park. Adam wears contact lenses and Jenny is a bit shocked about his whole changes (p. 32-34). Not only that she also starts to feel attracted to Adam she said: "You're like this totally hot guy now" (p. 34). Adam's Change/ Evolvement If we look deep into the chapter we find one more change, he stops biting his nails (p.35). The origin of all changes at Adam came from Evelyn. A good example is in the chapter a doctors lounge she said: "Can you afford to be late, that's the question. Will, you take the risk... ?” (p41). Here we can see very good the way Evelyn is working. She provokes him, puts him into a challenge but she only leads him to the point and doesn't push him. To lead him in the way she wants him she asks questions which is very smart because his brain will try to answer the question then he will think the result and the idea were his own. Because he was the one who created the answer which is completely different too: "Hey come-on take the risk, do it for me". Let's have a look at a chapter a lawn which is very interesting, here we can see that in some ways he didn't change. After Adam has operated his nose and Phillip asks him what happened to him he didn't tell the truth (p. 45). So we can see that he still avoids confrontations and that he can't stand up for himself. Adam's Change/ Evolvement From this, we can conclude that the outside of Adam has changed very fast but the inside didn't do so. I think this is a rule who stands for the most human the personality take more time to develop than some external things. To come back to more external things, Adam also changed his jacket (p. 51-53). In this scene, we can see very obvious that the will of the change does not come from him. When Phillip asks him if he likes the jacket Adam gives an answer where you can see that he doesn't care about it (p. 52). Over the whole story, Adam gets kind of addicted to Evelyn, you can say he is emotionally dependent on her. We can see that when Evelyn says he has to decide between her and his friends and he chose her (p. 64). In an auditorium, he avoids the confrontation with Phillip and he is not telling the real reason why he doesn't have contact with him (p. 65). This is the old behavior from him, if there is a topic that could end in a fight he is doing everything to don't have this conversation. Adam's Change/ Evolvement In the last chapter Adam's personality changes and he is doing a big but painful step. After Evelyn let the bomb explode he goes to her to start the conversation/the fight, he says what he thinks and shows that he is aggressive and not okay with that. He kind of finds and shows his red line(p. 74-81). I think we have never seen that before from Adam so at this point he changed. "A Restaurant Lobby" ▪ Adam begins to change: ▪ Goes to the gym, eats healthier, new haircut ▪ Does things that he would never have done before he met Evelyn ■ ■ ■ E: "Plus, the hair" (p.15 1.9) E: "You're running, you're eating better, are you still lifting?" (p.16 II.16-17) A: ,,I'm not used to that" (p.15 1.28) "A Restaurant Lobby" ▪ Adam is under pressure to change, feels obliged to do what Evelyn told him ▪ Does it only for her, not because he wants it himself; he is aware that he shouldn't change for someone else, but he does it anyway ■ ■ E: "You're running, you're eating better, are you still lifting?" A: "I mean, I didn't today, but ..." E: "That's okay." A: "No, I'm gonna ..." (p.16 II.16-20) E: "Do you like doing it?" A: "Honestly... No. I totally hate it!“ (p.16 II.22-23) E: "So why would you ?" A: “Because you suggested it. Which is kinda pathetic, but true ..." (p.16 II.25-27) "A Restaurant Lobby" ■ Evelyn manipulates him: ■ Tells him that the changes are great, strengthens his self-esteem and his self- confidence ➜ he feels comfortable with the changes and likes them, thinks he has to change more ➜ he wants Evelyn to like him, wants to make her proud and therefore thinks that he has to change ▪ Makes him feel like he's achieved it himself → Adam gets more confident, is proud of himself ■ ■ E: "And you amaze me, you do. Look at you!" (p.16 1.14) A: "I dunno. I think I still look..." E: "You can definitely tell. You can." (p.15 II.6- 7)) E: "I gave you a couple ideas and you're changing your entire life. I'm very proud of you." (p.17 II.1-4) "A Restaurant Lobby" Evelyn manipulates him: ■ Tells him she likes him and that he can trust her ➜ he gets more comfortable around her and trusts her, believes her that the changes are good → is willing to change more so she likes him ■ ■ E: "I do like you." (p.18 11.22) E: "So, don't you trust me, then, to know how I feel?" (p.18 1.29) E: "Don't worry about why when what is right in front of you." (p.18 1.31)