


she shall not be moved







Short sommary
narrator and her daughter
sitting in a bus i two
white women
Sitting on fold-up seats which are for
people with prams

Short sommary narrator and her daughter sitting in a bus i two Mariam white women Sitting on fold-up seats which are for people with prams they prelend like they don't see the Samali one hand other seats woman who is not ding a pram in and carrying a toddler in the narrator points out the empty opposite to the two women so they can move to them and make space for the somali woman they don't response narrator hears the two women pronouncing racial expressions SHE SHALL NOT BE MOVED Setting -n London in a bus probably winter (very cold) - black bus driver comes to the Somali and yells at her because she is standing the aiste does the narrator feels upset because she 14 help the somay woman even though she nas taught her daughter to stand up against wrongdoings narrator tells the somall woman to report the driver - she answers that he is just a slave Mariam always wants to say something to the two old women wants to stand up te Somali woman who 'Shall not be moved the bus, even if all odas against her from constantly bullied by white passengers and in danger of losing ner katance and falling off with her two children language - colloquial (many abbreviations), slang - present tense Characters Mariam narrator lives in London, young mother, polite, sensitive, raised very well, against racism and violence, not brave enough to stand up against the two women and the ariver, obably also had to flee <immigrant)11. 135-141 dance lessons,...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

brave, wants to stand up against the immediate reaction when has two children, strong, elerce, Stubborn, does witnessing injustice. not stand up for herself first does it in the end Kobe raised like her mother, important character, with altituac change Somali woman: white women: racist narrative perspective -first-person narrator tels the story she had experienced lout in present like it happens now Short story characteristics - length can be read in one Sitting arreof starts - limited number of characters narrator, Hanam, somali woman, two ad white women, bus drive concentration on one characteri Situation problemi dilemma on union and goale aspect isomau woman speaking up pronouncing racist expressions intolerant in make-up, splashed lips?, ignorant in considerate bus driver: black, violent and aggressive towards the somali woman, uves under domination of the whites ('slave) Umbrella information themes, topics, conflicts title: 'She shall not be moved author: Shreen Pandit published in 2005 narrator tells about a situation in the bus where some white women cand a black busdriver) were dis- criminating against a Somali woman important key- Words · racism in daily life stancling up against bullies - social pressure slave courage, braveness much migration racism (in daily life) courage fear of speaking up ignorance intolerance I trying to fit in pride social pressure thoughts of children? - society Information about the author from south Africa lawyer & political activist conflict with government had to flee to uk in 1987 not quowed to work as a lawyer there reason for starting to write: Cournaustic work+ short stories has won several prizes