


She Shall Not Be Moved by Shereen Pandit







She Shall Not Be Moved by Shereen Pandit
1) Outline how the narrator brings up her child in terms of beliefs and values.

P.Volk 05.12.2002 She Shall Not Be Moved by Shereen Pandit 1) Outline how the narrator brings up her child in terms of beliefs and values. In the short story "She Shall Not Be Moved" by Shereen Pandit we learn how the narrator educates her daughter Mariam when it comes to dealing with strangers. First, we learn that Mariam is polite and respectful. For example by calling the two women who intentionally occupy the pram space "those two ladies" (p. 23, 1. 9), although they neither behave nor look (p. 20, II. 2-4) like typical 'ladies'. Furthermore, Mariam is self-sacrificing and resilient because she would leave her own seat to the impolite ladies so that the Somali woman has room (p. 23, I. 12). In the following the narrator explains that she herself has pushed Mariam countless times to "stand up against wrong-doing" (p. 23, II. 26f.) and "bullies at school, whether they're bullying her or someone else" (p. 23, II. 28f.). In addition, the narrator suggests to her daughter to be grateful for her rights to freedom of expression and belief but also that they must be protected (p. 23, I. 31 - p. 24, I. 2). In summary, one can say that Mariam has very good manners and always knows how to interact politely with strangers....

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Therefore, she is very upset and confused when her mother forces her to sit down and be quiet. 2) Analyze the function Mariam's role has for the short story. Mariam's appearance and behavior in the short story has "She Shall Not Be Moved" by Shereen Pandit has clearly some important functions that are important to criticize the behavior of society or the narrator. On the one hand, Mariam represents the narrator's conscience. The narrator knows that she should speak up for the Somali woman (p.24, II. 3f.). The hassling Mariam, who nudges her mother and urges her to act correctly (p. 25, II. 16f.) is comparable to her conscience, which makes her "feel like a real sod" (p. 25, I 14). On the other hand, Mariam serves as a comparison for the reader, because her demands to her mother and that she herself wants to give up her place for strangers shows the way the narrator should actually behave, but does not. As a conclusion, you can say that the interaction between Mariam and her mother shows up the contrast between a good upbringing and the actual behavior in adulthood.