


She Shall Not Be Moved (summary and short character analysis)







-narrator (foreign background) on a bus with her daughter
Mariam, they become witnesses of an unfair and ra

"SHE SHALL NOT BE MOVED" Summary -narrator (foreign background) on a bus with her daughter Mariam, they become witnesses of an unfair and racist situation -story starts with "I would've changed something if..." -black, Somali woman is standing in the aisle with her pram and her two children because two elderly, white women are blocking the seats which are directed to people with prams -thus the woman is blocking the aisle because the two elderly woman refuse to let her take the seat -narrator is pointing out the other free seats to the two women -black driver loses his temper because of the blocked aisle and gets off his seat -driver shouts at Somali woman and narrator turns daughters face away bc she doesn't want her to see such "ugliness" -narrator of the story doesn't stand up for the Somali woman, she actually wanted to to be a role model for her daughter but refuses because of fear of getting thrown off the bus, having to buy another ticket and her daughter is shivering next to her -she knows that what is going on is wrong but acts selfish -two elderly women blame black woman as well -Mariam is unsatisfied and bothered by the situation -narrator -> reverse racist because she wont stand up for an elderly woman who enters the bus -Mariam wants to...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

get up for elderly woman but narrator pulls her down -Mariam is disappointed of her mum -mother and Somali woman leave the bus and when the black woman gets off she shouts "racists" -mother and Somali woman have a convo and narrator wants to help her with the pram and tells her to report the driver, but Somali woman refuses and calls him a slave -narrator is upset because of doing nothing And can't forget about it all day -strong and fierce -stubborn -not inferior -dominant Somali woman -standing up for herself -calm -unbothered -> firm Notes -fear of foreigners to stand up for other foreigners because they lack confidence and power and may feel inferior-> many excuses even though they're aware of the fact that it was clearly wrong and even affected herself too, because of her nationality (DILEMMA, INNER CONFLICT) -on the other hand, she must have taught her kid what's the right thing to do in such situation because she tried to do something about it, but her mother didn't let her -Somali woman example for foreigners who are very powerful -courage to really stand up for others is lacking by everyone on the bus because of fear of being "hated" by be majority of society Mariam -good manners -fierce, powerful -sheltered by mother -clever -selfless Narrator -political activist (had to flee because of her activism) -hypocritical -selfish -lack of interference and confidence -kind (pointing out free seats) -good-hearted -helpful, good will -inferior -less powerful when it comes to really acting -mind actions