


short story







Text: Cynthia Forder, The Dragon
1. Summarize the plot of short story The Dragon in about 70-80 words.
Text: Cynthia Forder, The Dragon
1. Summarize the plot of short story The Dragon in about 70-80 words.
Text: Cynthia Forder, The Dragon
1. Summarize the plot of short story The Dragon in about 70-80 words.
Text: Cynthia Forder, The Dragon
1. Summarize the plot of short story The Dragon in about 70-80 words.
Text: Cynthia Forder, The Dragon
1. Summarize the plot of short story The Dragon in about 70-80 words.
Text: Cynthia Forder, The Dragon
1. Summarize the plot of short story The Dragon in about 70-80 words.
Text: Cynthia Forder, The Dragon
1. Summarize the plot of short story The Dragon in about 70-80 words.
Text: Cynthia Forder, The Dragon
1. Summarize the plot of short story The Dragon in about 70-80 words.

READING LITERATURE Text: Cynthia Forder, The Dragon Assignments: 1. Summarize the plot of short story The Dragon in about 70-80 words. (Comprehension - 14 points) 2. Characterize Kay and her relationship to Bob and explain how the point of view influences the reader's perception of the two characters. (Analysis – 18 points) 3. Imagine you are Kay and have decided to write a letter to Bob. Write this letter. (Evaluation: re-creation of text - 16 points) Annotations: dragon (title) - mythical animal which can fly and breathe fire 8 he couldn't help it - he couldn't do anything about it 13 a habit - Angewohnheit 22 to sigh-seufzen 24 to work out - here: to have a good result 25 a breeze-(slang; esp. AE) sth. easily done 26 lawyer-Rechtsanwalt 29 guilty - schuldig 31 to bother-to worry 40 wounded - verwundet, verletzt 46 phony - (noun; informal) someone who is not what he seems or pretends to be 50 to blur-to become unclear 52 sleeve - part of a piece of clothing that covers an arm 56 to stumble-to walk unsteadily, almost falling GOOD LUCK! The Dragon It was a porch-sitting night, so Bob and I moved out to the swing. Bob liked the swing, and sometimes he rocked it so hard that I felt seasick. We could see the city from the porch. At night, the lights made...

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it look pressed beautiful. The oil refineries looked like castles from a children's book. fiscinatel 5 Some even breathed fire, as if dragons were inside. My mother and Bob's mother were friends. That gave Bob a reason 10 to come and see me every night. My mother liked Bob a lot. So I had to bych sit on the swing getting seasick. I watched the dragon in a refinery breathing fire. Bob was talking about his cousin Jimmy, who played bridge. Bob had a habit of repeating himself. I was glad when he came to the end. "Do you play bridge, Kay?" doesn't want to "No," I said. I tried to make sure we had very little in common. "How about going to the movies Saturday night?" he asked. 15 20 Bob wasn't looking at the view. Things like that didn't interest him. He was talking about his relatives. He could be so boring. I didn't really hate him. He couldn't help it if he was boring and stupid. 25 "I'm going to be busy then. Sorry." "What are you doing?" "I have some important poetry to write." "You've been busy a lot lately, Kay." Talmost said, "Did you ever wonder why?" But I didn't. Bob sighed. "I'm worried. It's April, and I haven't heard from a single college." ammaged "Everything will work out," I said. "You can say that because you are smart. College will be a breeze for you. But I want to be a lawyer, and it will be tough." "You worry too much." I felt strange saying this. I felt law school would be tough for Bob. But I didn't want to be cruel. under rating Lempathizig 1st person narrates 30 "You didn't have to say it. I know." "Bob, you know I think you're a great guy." "I'm not a great guy. We both know I'm not. You think I'm stupid because you're smart. You think you're too good for me. I used to be happy here. Now I come because my mother makes me. You think come here because I love you or something. Well, it isn't that. Not at 40 all." 35 He touched my shoulder. "You really don't like me, do you, Kay?" "Bob, that's not a nice thing to say!" Suddenly I felt guilty. "But it's true. I'm not a stupid as you think." "Have I ever said that I didn't like you?" It bothered me that Bob might see through me. maged I felt wounded. I never thought Bob would see the truth. "Kay, I'm going and I'm not coming back." Suddenly, I was speaking. "Well. Leave then! You are boring and dull. I only sit here because our mothers are friends." I expected his eyes to look hurt. But they flashed with excitement. "I think that is the first time you've ever told me the truth. You're a phony, Kay. And that's worse than being stupid." He touched my shoulder again, gently. "I could like you, Kay. I really could. But the truth isn't important to you." He smiled. To my horror, my eyes were filling with tears. The orange flame of the refinery blurred. "Well, I'd better be going," Bob said. "I'm going to miss this swing." I heard his car drive away. I got up and wiped my eyes on my sleeve. I went inside. My parents were watching television. 55 "Where did Bob go?" my mother asked. "He ... he had some poetry to write." I stumbled into my room. From my bed, I watched the dragon's orange-and-red flame- until the colors melted and were washed away. 45 50 egoistic +rude blisiespect classtest No. 1 1) The short story, The Dragon ", written by Cynthia Zeynep Forder, is about some boy named Kay, who argues with an childhood friend because of their T different hobbys and habits R The argument starts on a porch, where Kay sits on a swing and Bob is rocking it for him. 26th September 2019 But Kays and Bob's mums are friends. This makes them to hang out together for years. Ray distinguishes himself from Bob and sees himself as someone more intelligent. While Kay is admiring the view of the City, he is rocked by Bob. But a little too harsh, which annoys him. • Kay has negative thoughts about Bob and feels forced to hang around with him. Bob tries to make a conversation with Bay but it leads to an argument, where Bob admits that he is not better than Kay. People are not like they seem to be!. No one should be underrated by someone, because it tears people apart from each other. In this case it is Kay who doesn't like Bob for not being the same as him. has a weakness and Sometimes one * every this behavior Gr 37 P 37 Sb A 과 G A 37 ? 2) in the short story "Kay is known as the egoistic person because of comparing himself. with Bob. The forced friendship makes the relationship between these more aspe Kay is someone who is impressed by the now of the city (of (. 4). But it seems. like he doesn't share the same interests A weith Bob. for the is annoyed by Bob's actions and describes ( these as boring" (67). Kayssn call's Bob Stupid Bob has specific dreams: He wants to be transfered to a law school. But Kay thinks otherwer: He mentions it as "tough" for Bob's capacity (1.29) "(.? 1 The Day Kay hates the most seems to undastand Kay's feelings and confesses to him that he is aware of the thoughes Kay has about him. (cf. (.28), On the one side Kay, guilty that Bob sees through him, but on the other soe he's "bothered" by it (1.31 and 1. 32) The egoism that Kay has shows. (uplagain in line 41 by agreeing to Bob's conf- Ression that Kay is way better than him sladeits Before Bob leaves, Kay says 4 G his true thoughts and feelings about Robe But he does it in a rude way, which is evidence for ray's disrespectful behavior (of. (43) The whole conversation affects Kay that he starts crying but is visible after the too (Cf. (.8). 2 3+ His egoism shoux (upity telling that the boy is the one who's always running after. kim(cf(g). It is pretty clear that Kay hates son of 72 (~ws mother's friend because of the negative the of thoughts he has about him. But for his mother's sake, he hangs up with him(cf. (10) Bob tries to ima for hold a conversation with Kay, but he doesn't seem like it because of the short and unhelpful answers he's giving him a in line is to 24. Kay is nothing but annoyed by the conver cotton but tries to be friendan. He holds his Spatience to not hurt him in a way (of. L.28) mental the story is written in first person noscator. In this case, it is Kay's point of views. This way of writing a story. makes the feelings of only one person. more clearer Sand more vivid then it is. Not only Kay's pelings, also his ughts s are visible for the reader, thoug J. S. A S.O. unlike Bob. The readers only can his f in Kays point of view, he is very and not to compace with each other. with passages used as proof. V for the characterizing of Kay, it is pretty. clear that she is an egoistic person, who sees himself way better than people the by underrating them. But on the Dear read other side it makes him caring and empathi- eing because he doesn't want to weirt. his mother nor Bob. Bob But underrated Ss and it would be our Kay 26 th September I know are deeply you nust to you by this gument we had, so am to Loant to apologize to Gr letter, because I have not the courage to look you in the face after I had said these hurtful words to you. I don't mow why I had this thoughts of you, but I want you. to know that lam. 2019 by the as- ashamed of myself. After the argu- ment we had. I realised how precias you are to me. You were the the One who good by my side for years awkwark when : watwala I hope you forgive me, Vorgaben für die Bewertung der Schülerleistungen Cynthia Forder, The Dragon Teilleistungen Kriterien a) inhaltliche Leistung Teilaufgabe 1 (Comprehension) Der Schüler/Die Schülerin Tellaufgabe 2 (Analysis) 1 formuliert einen angemessenen Finleitungssata (Textsorto, Autor, Thema) 2 fasst die Kurzgeschichte zusammen (plot of the short story) • characters Kay and Bob, about 17 years old • setting: porch at Kay's house, in the evening, it is getting dark ● main events: Bob visits Kay as usual and starts a conversation about unimportant things, Kay does not seem to be interested and reacts reserved. As Bob directly asks her about their relationship she pretends to be upset and seems confused, but does not give up lying to him though, Bob finally leaves her for good, leaving a weeping and deeply hurt Kay behind. 3 erfüllt ggf. Ein weiteres aufgabenbezogenes Kriterium (2) Gesamt: Der Schüler/ Die Schülerin I stellt die Erzählperspektive heraus: • first-person narrator, focusing on the perspective of only one character (Kay) Name: · the reader only gets limited information/ feelings/ thoughts... stellt heraus, inwiefern die Erzählperspektive die Wahrnehmung der Charaktere durch den Leser beeinflusst: ● 2 charakterisiert Kay und ihre Beziehung zu Bob: introduction: Flyrep Bob is portrayed in a very unfavorable light due to Kay's very negative and one-sided description of him (not reliable). At least she admits that her mother likes him (1. 10)-the reader pities Bob (11. 1-28). . Later on the reader can well identify with Kay and pity her too as she describes her feelings (Textbelege). • brief presentation of the character ● function / role in the story, type of character conclusion: • the most important traits are correctly summed up 3 erfüllt ggf, ein weiteres aufgabenbezogenes Kriterium (2) Gesamt: maximal weichbare Pankrabl 2 body: . description of character traits, behavior and development also with focus on Kay and Bob's relationship (Textbelege) 2 2 14 erreichie Punkicabl 2 maximal erreichie erreichbare Punkicabl 10 4 18 10 Teilaufgabe 3 (Evaluation - re-creation of text) Der Schüler/Die Schülerin 1 beachtet die formalen Kriterien eines Briefes (Perspektivenwechsel) 2 versetzt sich in die Lage von Kay und schreibt Bob einen Brief. Dabei sind mehrere Reaktionen möglich: Kay entschuldigt sich für ihr bisheriges Verhalten, bittet um Verständnis / eine weitere Chance / Freundschaft; Gefühle werden deutlich. • Kay erklärt ihr Verhalten gegenüber Bob und entshuldigt sich nicht / gibt ihm eine Mitschuld/...; Gefühle werden deutlich. 3 erfüllt ggf. ein weiteres aufgabenbezogenes Kriterium (2) Gesamt: Darstellungsleistung / sprachliche Leistung Kommunikative Textgestaltung Der Schüler / Die Schülerin richtet seinen/ ihren Text konsequent und explizit auf die Aufgabestellung aus. beachtet die Konventionen der jeweils geforderten Textsorte. erstellt einen sachgerecht strukturierten Text. gestaltet seinen Text hinreichen ausführlich, aber ohne unnötige Wiederholungen und Umständlichkeiten. belegt seine/ihre Aussagen durch eine funktionale Verwendung von Verweisen und Zitaten. Ausdrucksvermögen / Verfügbarkeit sprachlicher Mittel Der Schüler/Die Schülerin löst sich vom Wortlaut des Ausgangstextes und formuliert eigenständig. bedient sich eines sachlich wie stilistisch angemessenen und differenzierten allgemeinen und thematischen Wortschatzes bedient sich eines sachlich wie stilistisch angemessenen und differenzierten Textbesprechungs- und Textproduktionswortschatzes. bedient sich eines variablen und den jeweiligen Zieltextformaten angemessenen Satzbaus. 79,5 Sprachrichtigkeit Der Schüler/Die Schülerin beachtet die Normen der sprachlichen Korrektheit. Wortschatz Grammatik Orthographie (Rechtschreibung und Zeichensetzung) Summe inhaltliche Leistung: Summe Darstellung/ sprachliche Leistung Note: Gesamtpunktzahl gut (+) / 48 P / 72 P 98,5/120 P maximal erreichbare Punktzahl 2 14 16 39,5 5 5 6 5 3 3 7 5 9 erreichte Punktzahl 2 10 10 4 10 S J 3 2,5 2015 3 6 7 19,5 7 3 43