


Short Story’s - Englisch LK







Englisch Lernzettel -Short Storys
Identity and Belonging:
Questions of identity:
Who am I?
What does my family think of me?
What do I think
Englisch Lernzettel -Short Storys
Identity and Belonging:
Questions of identity:
Who am I?
What does my family think of me?
What do I think
Englisch Lernzettel -Short Storys
Identity and Belonging:
Questions of identity:
Who am I?
What does my family think of me?
What do I think
Englisch Lernzettel -Short Storys
Identity and Belonging:
Questions of identity:
Who am I?
What does my family think of me?
What do I think
Englisch Lernzettel -Short Storys
Identity and Belonging:
Questions of identity:
Who am I?
What does my family think of me?
What do I think
Englisch Lernzettel -Short Storys
Identity and Belonging:
Questions of identity:
Who am I?
What does my family think of me?
What do I think
Englisch Lernzettel -Short Storys
Identity and Belonging:
Questions of identity:
Who am I?
What does my family think of me?
What do I think
Englisch Lernzettel -Short Storys
Identity and Belonging:
Questions of identity:
Who am I?
What does my family think of me?
What do I think
Englisch Lernzettel -Short Storys
Identity and Belonging:
Questions of identity:
Who am I?
What does my family think of me?
What do I think

Englisch Lernzettel -Short Storys Identity and Belonging: Questions of identity: Who am I? What does my family think of me? What do I think is right and wrong? What is my purpose in life? Question of belonging: Where do I come from? Where is my home? Is it a place? A person? Several People? Displaced persons = people who are forced to leave their homeland, usually for reasons that endanger their lives or well-being Their arrival in a foreign country where they are often met with suspicion, prejudice and rejection O can result in profound crises of identity and belonging. Issues of identity and belonging can also impact later generations of immigrants who might feel torn between several cultures. Experiences of migration: Negative experiences: Fear, anger, loss of identity, isolation, depression Positive experiences: Finding a home, safety, potentially financial security, improving education/work prospects Reason to migrate: Push factors are often poverty, persecution and war. Pull factors are often improvement of living standards, freedom. Experiences of cultural differences: Culture Shock: A term that describes the anxiety and confusion some people feel when they find themselves in a culture that is very different from their own Culture clash: A term that describes a situation in which diverging attitudes, opinions, morals, or customs of two dissimilar cultures come into conflict Postcolonial experiences: 1) Loose Change: narrator leaves the café just after realizing that Laylor sleeps on London's streets 2) She...

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Shall Not Be Moved: nobody helps the Somali woman, indeed is being shouted at by the bus driver 3) The Escape: - / many Escapes because of question of belonging (or maybe because of discrimination) 4) The Third and Final Continent: still arranged marriage, etc. Englisch Lernzettel -Short Storys The Third and Final Continent: Title Point of view Characters Setting Plot Theme/ Style The Third and Final Continent Unnamed first-person narrator Narrator: • Young men (early thirties) Immigrates from India who lives in England and then Boston Integrates into the new country Happy life ● ● ● Mala: ● ● ● Mrs. Croft: ● ● ● Helen: ● ● ● London ● USA (East coast) ● Arranged marriage to the narrator Tries to be a good wife Sad to live alone, for from her parents Happy marriage ● ● Very old woman (103 years old) Narrators landlady Respects him because he respects her Dies Mrs. Croft daughter, 68 years old Not overtly emotional about her mother (narrator seems to be more concerned about Mrs. Crofts well-being than her daughter Tells the life of the narrator, a young man who emigrates from India, to England and then to Boston, to work as a librarian In Boston he lives with a very old Lady, Mrs. Croft When his bride, Mala arrives, they move to an apartment As the marriage was arranged by the narrators older Brother, Mala and the narrator are uncomfortable together, because they do not know each other After visiting mrs. Croft they become closer At the end they are happily married and have a son ● Loneliness ● Problems of immigration Englisch Lernzettel -Short Storys Displacement: question of identity and belonging Postcolonial experience ● ● ● Belonging, finding home In London he lives with other Bengalis -> not feeling a great need to change and adjust because he is content in his home and feels a sense of belonging move to USA especially difficult for Mala: speaks only little English, only moves there to follow a husband she • hardly knows, loneliness and homesickness Sharing a life is difficult but they eventually adjust and grow happy together When he moves to Boston -> he learns about and adjust to Amarican lifestyle ● Mrs. Croft, who is quiet lonely herself, helps narrator to overcome these feelings They do not experience displacement or a lack of belonging because they don't reject the culture they life in and they have each other turn to mix of cultures: American citizenship, keeping in touch with their Bengali roots • narrator encourages his son to follow in his footsteps of overcoming challenges, but muses that the next generation might even go one step further and give up Bengali traditions ● The story does not give information on political/economic conditions ● Focused in the main Charakters personal migration history His Migration experience is a positive one Englisch Lernzettel -Short Storys The Escape: Author Title Date of publication Point of view Characters Narrative perspective: Third-person narration (Samirs viewpoint) Setting Qaisra Shahraz The Escape Plot 2009 Omniscient narrator, but focuses on the thoughts and feelings of Samir Samir: First-generation immigrant from Pakistan Lives in Britain Worked hard to have a successful life ● Widowed and feels alone since the death of his wife Torn between cultures; wants to go "Home" but realizes that Britain has become his home ● ● ● ● Samirs family: Sons and daugthers with their wives and children All seem financially secure and well-integrated Treat Samir with kindness and respect -> cannot believe that Samir wants to go back to Pakistan ● ● Samirs Lahore family: ● Pakistani widow and her children: ● ● ● ● Receive Samir very hospitably Surprised when Samir calls England his home ● Financially supported, first by Samirs wife and now by Samir himself Manchester (England) Lahore and a small village (Pakistan) Samir, a first generation immigrant, lives in England Since death of his wife he has felt alone (although his children live near him) He decides to travel to his country of birth, hoping that he feel "at home" there Englisch Lernzettel -Short Storys Climax Theme/ Style Displacement: questions of identity and belonging Postcolonial experience Realisation of what is home ● ● ● Multiculturalism ● ● ● ● He realizes that Brittain has become his now "home" ● He realize that Pakistan it's no longer the place He belongs and that England has become his new home No purpose in life and new facets of his identity: The desire to help people poorer than himself • Identity not only a matter of birth, but of choice ● Samir = first generation immigrant from Pakistan ● Displacement, lack of belonging ● Samir has spends most of his adult life in England while always maintaining a close link to his country of origin For example by keeping up with Pakistani traditions O o Annually returning home to visit family and his parents → Beliefs that Pakistan is the place where he truly belongs His wife has been fundamental to his sense of belonging, identity and Home Because of her death Samir questions his place of belonging He longs for an "escape" from England to go "home" In Pakistan he feels displaced O Personal story of his search for belonging/identity Samir continues to view his country of birth as a place he belongs But he realizes that his home is England His particular Pakistani-British family lives a mostly positive postcolonial experience ➜ One could say that Samir and his family have benefited from the opportunities made possible by immigration to England (economically and education) Englisch Lernzettel -Short Storys She shall not be moved: Narrative perspective: first-person narration Author Title Date of publication Point of view Character(s) Setting Plot/structure Climax Theme/style Connection to "postcolonial experience"/ displacement Shereen Pandit She Shall Not Be Moved 2005 female first-person narrator (unnamed) narrator: • woman with a child • probably black does not react to the racist behaviour of the two women and the bus driver towards the Somali woman • reacts with reverse racism by refusing giving up her seat to a middle-aged white woman Mariam: • daughter of the narrator polite and obedient • puzzled at her mother's passive behaviour Somali woman: • blocks the aisle with her pram because two women are sitting in the space for prams • doesn't react to the racist behaviour of the women and the bus driver, but stands firm • calls the bus driver (and the narrator?) a "slave" two white women: sitting in the space for prams . do not make room for the Somali woman • act racist bus driver: • shouts at the Somali instead of telling the white women to move middle-aged woman: • normally the narrator would give up her seat for her, but she refuses this time, thus becoming a "reverse racist" on a bus, probably late autumn to early spring (it is cold outside) The narrator gets on a bus with her daughter. The aisle is blocked by a Somali woman with a pram who cannot move into the space white women start a racist conversation. The narrator hesitates to speak up for the Somali woman because she doesn't want to dis- turb her daughter. In an act of reverse racism, she refuses to get up for a middle-aged white woman. She realises that her behaviour goes against what she has taught her daughter, Mariam, who is perplexed by the incident. reaction to open racism from the perspective of a young girl who has obviously been raised differently • cowardice and determination • racism • not being accepted because of your race .bystanders' inability to confront racism Displacement: questions of identity and belonging: Example of racism against Somali woman, ignored by white passengers even corroborated by bus driver Narrator is feeling that she should Solidarize with Somali woman but afraid to endanger her own and possibly her daughter safety Englisch Lernzettel -Short Storys Faced with a situation in which she could live up to her ideas she is fully aware of the speaking out would be the right thing to do, she makes excuses not to act -> she fails to set a good example for her child and her sense of identity and belonging She may not be who she thought she was Her daughter Witnessed her mother act contrary to her teachings o Traumatizing affect on the child o She rethings her mothers identity and her own The Somali woman has a strong sense of identity and belonging although she is treated as someone who does not belong as others and experiences discrimination she's well aware that it is her rights to be exactly where she is and does not let herself be moved, displaced The narrators in action is suggestive of a desire to belong the crowd on the bus and off of fear of standing out Postcolonial experiences: Characters: O first-generation immigrant O Woman with a migration background (Somali) The British empire was heavily involved in the slave trade o It is therefore significant that the Somali women calls the bus bus driver a slave The title I shall not be moved is an African-American spiritual that was used at a protest Song during the civil rights movement in the USA Englisch Lernzettel -Short Storys Loose Change: Narrative perspective: First-person narration Author Title Date of publication Point of view Character(s) Setting Plot/structure Climax Theme/style Connection to "postcolonial experience"/displacement Andrea Levy Loose Change 2005 unnamed, female first-person narrator narrator: • Londoner (feels and acts like a typical Londoner) • single mother of a son • Grandmother was an immigrant from the Caribbean. third-generation immigrant Laylor: • young woman • immigrant from Uzbekistan • without means in London Postcolonial experiences: London, National Portrait Gallery, probably late autumn to early spring (as it is cold outside) A woman enters the National Portrait Gallery to get out of the cold wind. She realises that her period has started, but she has no change to buy a tampon from the vending machine. A young woman gives her some change and they end up walking through the gallery together. While the two women drink a cup of tea, the narrator realises that Laylor is a refugee and is sleeping rough. She debates with herself whether to help her out, but finally decides to leave. the moment the narrator decides to help Laylor • immigration • passing judgement • European ignorance • helpfulness humanity as a unifying factor Question of identity and belonging: The narrator is influenced by tow different sets of values: her grandmother's own experience of being dependent on a strangers help and her self-assessment of being a "true Londoner", who keeps out of aloof from others trouble Grandmothers own development from dependent immigrant to UK citizen The narrator seems not to except her cultural background Layolors strength seems to be based on her self knowledge and her complete acceptance of her family's background -> this is what provides her with a sense of belonging Both characters attitudes illustrate the importance of belonging when comes to identity Englisch Lernzettel -Short Storys - The female Narrator is a third generation immigrant from the Caribbean potentially from region under British rule Leylor seems empowered by her sense of belonging; the narrator in contrast weakened by her leg off that she appears to lose her humanity -> in the end defeated by her continuing struggle to belong