


shortstories Q1 Englisch LK







narrator: middle aged single mother from London
narrator, homeless girl Laylor, Laylor's brother.
narrator: middle aged single mother from London
narrator, homeless girl Laylor, Laylor's brother.
narrator: middle aged single mother from London
narrator, homeless girl Laylor, Laylor's brother.
narrator: middle aged single mother from London
narrator, homeless girl Laylor, Laylor's brother.

setting Theme: narrator: middle aged single mother from London narrator, homeless girl Laylor, Laylor's brother. characters: plot: Laylor London on a cold, grey rainy day - national portrait gellery, cafe.. prejudices against inmigrants and homeless people dificulties as an ・inmigrant. narrator asks for some change narrator realises many negative aspects about Laylor's outward appearance →starts to worr what others could think of her L. narrator feels uncomfortable in Raylor's presens, worries weather and now she gets rid of Laylor 0000000 Andrea Levy conflict: internal conflict - helping = Г •Laylor offers her all the @80 money she has off Laylor explains her current situation, that they are home. Iless and why they fled (persecution of parents). narrator thinks of helping her and her brother, just like somebody once did it for her grandmother or not? →helping her just for personal image → not helping. bcs of insurance and disconfidence in homeless people • Laylor offers the narrator all the she's got to help her. money → Generosity does not depend on wealth nge narrator is interested in Laylor, talk about Portraits Layloris • brother arrives, they argue in a foreign language. panics about possible negative consequences Protagonist -narrow minded -3. generation migrant -deflecting blame →sees herself as victim - prejudices against homeless people previliged r narrator invites Laylor to a cup of tea 11 Laylor explains that she's from Uzbekistan, narrator hos no clue - leaves the cafe and Raylor alone without any word haylor: -generous and selfless. -good-hearted and pure - naive, easily trusts strangers. - talkative and open minded grateful (doesn't complain about her situation) setting theme. plot: narrator: middle aged black mother charactors: narrator, daughter Mariam, black...

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mother, bus driver, two white ladies, old white woman bus in London, cold rainy evening. moral courage, standing up for others. narrator enters the bus ·can't pass the aisle bcs of big Somali woman standing with her toddler and a prom in the way. -pram seals are blocked by two women -during Nariams lesson she forgets what happened on the bus, but · her mother can't stop thinking of it takes an extra treat (Pizza) for her daughter Somali women - strong and unmovable - stubborn - firm She shall -strong-willed. dominant conflict internal conflict of narrator. help or not wants to show moral courage but has some reasons not to leg own daughter). is not taking action - bystc standing up for herself but stil calm. narrator wants to help but thinks of reasons why she should not Somali women calls black bus driver and indirectly the narrator 'slaves -bothers the narrator a lot ; ander racism ? narrator - kind (points out seats). -good-hearted, good- selfish hypocritical - lack of confidence not be moved -willed Shereen Pandit ·asks bus driver for help to tell the too ladies to move but instead he yells at the somali mother →she stands strong against him. •when the tooo while Ladies get of the bus, Somali women calls them racists -narrator helps her with the pram racism: - less powerful when it comes to actions mind actions Mariam -polite - brave (black) bus driver: clever - selfless (white) tooo women.. (probably black) narrator: the whole situation bothers narrator a lot. •stil she doesn't take action for Somali mother ·takes the last free seats Mariam again wants to give her seat to ar old while cably -her mother denies Mariam wants her mother to do something but she keeps. quiet and tells Mariam to do so loo →Mariam can't understand narrator uses Haram as an excuse for not taking action. but does the opposite of what she alway tought her daughter -to stand up for her rights blames innocent person - doesn't take action agains racism - is he a racist? - maybe just protects himself from racism clirectly talking bad about black people. don't give space to Somali women feeling superior doesn't show moral courage → selfprotection doesn't - can distinguish between and right wrong. stand up for old, white lady → taking revenge on white -people although it's only the two ladies who .may be blamed narrator: indian man young charactors: narrator, Mrs Croft, Mala. Helen setting: theme: plot: London then Boston. long lapse of time Finding home, loneliness and dificulties as an inmigrant. after the death of his parents the narrator deades to Ileave india, coorks on a sailing bood for three weeks and stays in Rondon 0 within the following weeks they spend more time together, and get closer kiss Hrs Craft dies - narrator feels low relation beloseen him and Hala strengthens + love ← relationship to Mrs Croft: • first person in America he has a relation with first kind of strange habits but it. liked the feeling of being mutual respect he admires her time an U gives him The third and final continent Jhumpa Lahiri in Lonon he studies at London School of Economics, world at universary library and shares an apartment with other Bengalis →poor but happy he shocks her where he lived with Mrs. Croft and visit her → first feeling of sympathy for eachother narrator. -simple man adaptive untraditional With 36 he gets a pboffer from the MIT- library in. Massachusetts at the same time his marriage gets arranged •when Mala arrives to Boston they move into a small apartment •Nala hold very strict to her indian habits while narrator already accostumed with the American life → they feel very strange they now live near Boston since 30 years have a son who aliends Harvard travel to India every few years -try to show thair son a bit of indvan culture but fear that he will forget →happy life La first and second generation clash the's not ripical first gen migrant. but Hala is →son Hipical second gen migrant open-minded ・ friendly ambitious with his dreams but stil does what is expected of him •flies back to Calcutta to attend his caedlading apenas a week with Mala then continues to Boston Mrs Croft has weird routines but stil she becomes first person the narrator really values -gets to know Helen. Hrs Craft's daughter title: Hala: -traditional does what is expected of her -hearted -friendly.polite, •good. -shy -caring -wants to lear ・fired days in a room in the YXCA (transitionally) ・Hala shall join him as soon as she can (actually doesn't want to) ·so narrator looks for apartment gets the room in Mrs. Crofs house (das years) ·first house without other indians ·although not suitable for a married couple he moves in for the next 6 weeks • third continent - America •happy and fulfilled life →will not move. anymore =final destination, but start of a new •family narrator: person narrator :,new friend charactors: Samir, Samir's children, Pakistan family, widow + 3 daughters, r Manchaster, daughter's house, places of his childhood in Pakistan displacement and not belonging, finding home setting: theme: plot: 3rd Samir. 73 years old Pakistani, living in the UK just lost his wife •misses her a lot especially during the traditional feast his wife financially supported some families in need in Pakistan Samir visite one of them a widdow and her three daughters he decides to go on with charity work don't have to batha anymort so they realises that Pakistan isn't his home anymore and decides to go back to Hanchaster after just a week -escape again. THELESCAP aaisra Shahraz Out of nostalgia ne visits some places where he used to live when his children were small Flashback of his youth: - his parents weren't happy about him leaving Pakistan to live in London with a friend Reft without a plan London and living into the day wasn't his thing so he settled in Handhaster -he clorked the way up he meets a man his age on the airplane they both are unsure colch country is their homeland they decide to go to an elderly peoples, home Clash of generations: Samir = first gen inmigrant -holds on to Pakistani traditions -speaking English is hard for him England hasn't fully arrived in within a Pakistani community - but torn between cultures because Manchaster (family etc.) feels more like home than Pakistan → better example for a second. gen. inmigrant ← noce more multiculturalism Many things changed." The : hardly recognises the streets. feels sad and reminded of happy times -visiting the grave of his parents he realises how fast life passes away and how strange it would be to be ourried so far away of his children. thats their da 'new' home where they both are very happy Samir's children - second gen. inmigrants. - better education and economic chances - don't relate to in Pakistan · family! highly integrated into the British culture but stil celebrate Pakistani traditions (less value) →rather third gen. inmigrants. r E for the first time the family celebrates in his daughters house. not as usual in his house → different and not that traditional anymore -when he arrives in Pakistan his family there (brother) don't react as happy as he thought - he feels like a burdon to them ·Samir feels displaced -wants to return to his city of origin for a few months Samis - unfulfilled ·lonely - ambitious and strong-willed good hearted. loving escape ・thinks there he will feel at home conflict: internal conflict of belonging. - traditional - character development: family reacts confused don't believe that Samir can do it -country of origin vs. country of residance. sad, lonely, powerless, disappointed. ↓ : happy, lively, funny.