


Simple Present + Present Progressive/Present Continuous







Zusammenfassung Englischarbeit Nr. 1
Unregelmäßige Verben
(to) take
(to) teach
(to) tear
(to) tell
(to) think
(to) throw
(to) wak
Zusammenfassung Englischarbeit Nr. 1
Unregelmäßige Verben
(to) take
(to) teach
(to) tear
(to) tell
(to) think
(to) throw
(to) wak

Zusammenfassung Englischarbeit Nr. 1 Unregelmäßige Verben Infinitive (to) take (to) teach (to) tear (to) tell (to) think (to) throw (to) wake (up) (to) wear (to) win (to) write Simple Present Signalwörter o Always O Never o Usually O sometimes o often o every week O on Mondays Past Tense took taught tore told thought threw woke wore won wrote Bildung von Simple Present Sätzen Positive Sätze 1 Peter usually walks to school. 2 Mr Carter works for a computer company. 3. Steve smokes ten cigarettes every day. 4. On Tuesday Sheila plays the piano. Fragen I Do you smoke? 2. Does he like going to the cinema? 3. Does Susan hate playing tennis? 4. Do we get up early on Sundays? 5. Do they speak English? Past Participle taken taught torn Verwendung o Regelmäßige Handlung O Ausdrücken von Gewohnheiten o Beschreibung von Tatsachen Eigene Beispiele o I listen to audio books every evening. O I like to draw. o I brush my hair every day. o I like to organize all sorts of things told thought thrown woken worn won written Deutsch (mit)nehmen lehren/unterrichten zerreißen erzählen denken werfen aufwachen (Kleidung) tragen gewinnen schreiben 3. Sally does not got to school any more. 4. We do not learn enough grammar at school. 5. You often drink a glass of milk. 5. The children do not like to watch horror films. 6. Jim does not play football very often. 6. Every week my sister goes to the cinema 7. I never get up before 6 in the morning 7. Sue does not live in London. 8. Paul catches the train to London every morning 8. His daughter Linda always cries when he leaves 9 9 The child always finishes his/her dinner. 10. We clean the...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

rooms twice a week. Bildung Infintiv He/she/it: Infinitiv + s Negative Sätze II do not smoke cigarettes. 2 I am rich I do not work I do not know the answer. The cat does not catch a lot of mice. 10. We do not have problems learning vocabulary Do I work at weekends? 6. 7. Do your parents live in Liverpool? 8. Do you wash you hair every day? 9 Does the cat play with the mouse? 10. Do a lot of people adore lying on the beach in the summer? Present Progressive/Present Continuous Signalwörter O At the moment O Now o Right now Verwendung o Handlung geschieht im Moment des Sprechens (jetzt) Bildung von Present Progressive/Present Continuous Sätzen Positive Sätze o Bildbeschreibung some parents about the outing 5. The students are studying hard before the Exam next week. II am doing my homework. 2. Tom is helping to tidy up right now. 3. The nurses are planning a project. 3. We are not going to the cinema 4. At the moment Janet and Lisa are informing 4. The children are not brushing their teeth. 5. She is not reading a book. Fragen 1. What is the little girl asking Janet? 2 Is Tom helping with breakfast? 3. When is Janet beginning to enjoy her work? Eigene Beispiele 6. When Janet arrives, the staff is preparing breakfast. 7. Me and my family are staying at home. 4. Who is preparing lunch? 5. Why are the sitting there? 0 0 O O o I like to draw. o I brush my hair every day. I listen to audio books every evening. Bildung Be (am/are/is) + Infinitiv + ing Negative Sätze I like to organize all sorts of things I He is not going home. 2 I am not feeling good at the moment. 6. Is the boy drawing a picture? 7. What are the children building? 8. Where are Mary and Tom going? 9 What is she playing with? 10. How are you laying the table? II Are you enjoying the meal?