


Skills: How to analyse a speech







How to analyse a speech
In a speech, a speaker expresses his opinion on a certain topic in front of an audience. Since the
audience usu
How to analyse a speech
In a speech, a speaker expresses his opinion on a certain topic in front of an audience. Since the
audience usu

How to analyse a speech KING In a speech, a speaker expresses his opinion on a certain topic in front of an audience. Since the audience usually only listens to a speech once, the speaker has to make sure that the audience immediately comprehends what he/she is trying to say. KING Basically, there are four different types of speeches, depending on the speaker's goal: → it serves to provide information to the audience →it informs but also teaches the audience something 1. the informative speech 2. the demonstrative speech 3. the persuasive speech 4. the entertaining speech → it aims to win over and persuade the audience to change sth. → it provides pleasure to make the audience laugh However, speeches can also be a mixture of all these types. Knowing the speaker's objective is critical to analysing the speech. Your speech analysis should be made up of three parts: Introduction When studying a speech, you should keep in mind the audience itself too! A speaker will use different strategies to connect with an audience of 2000 than with an audience of only 20. The same is true for the key demographic features of the audience such as age, background and knowledge. Write an introduction in which you mention the speaker, → The speech "..." delivered in/on... by ... deals with ... his/her...

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position or role at that time and the relevant The speech is addressed to ... circumstances in which the speech was delivered. → It is an election speech/ an address to the nation/ a state of the nation speech/... Identify the type of speech. The focus is on ... → The speaker wants to/is aiming to/is trying to ... Summarise the topic as well as the speaker's supposed → The speaker wishes to stir/persuade his audience... intention. Main Part Describe the structure of the speech. List important stylistic devices and strategies: > Use quotes to exemplify the devices and strategies. > Explain their intended effect. (not just in general, but → The most powerful strategy... in context of the speech!) Conclusion The speech can be divided into ...; In his opening words/ At the beginning...; ...; Towards the end of the speech/ At the end of the speech... → One of the most important stylistic devices the speaker employs is ... source (picture): A recurrent/ striking rhetorical device is ... → One of the most efficient devices ... At one point in his/her speech he/she makes use of ... → In line..., the speaker illustrates/argues/claims that "..." → As the speaker observes in line ..., ... → The speaker intends to make the audience aware of ... to engage the listeners effectively to arouse interest/ to appeal to the listeners' conscience/ to emphasize ... to establish a personal relationship with .../ to win over ... / to trigger off emotions/ to create immediacy and urgency/... Briefly summarise your results. > All in all, .../ In conclusion, .../ To put it in a nutshell, ... > In my opinion, ... (Evaluate the effect with reference to the speaker's > From my point of view the speech is convincing, because ... supposed intention.) > The speech is moving/... > The speech makes you think about ... Important: Structure your text by using (sensible) paragraphs. - Write topic sentences. - Use connectives within the text. - Vary your sentence structure. Stylistic and rhetorical devices Stylistic and rhetorical devices are used in speeches to convince the listeners of the speaker's idea. The most frequently used stylistic/rhetorical devices in speeches are: alliteration, allusion, anaphora, antithesis, climax, direct address, enumeration, euphemism, hyperbole, irony, metaphor, parallelism, personification, repetition, rhetorical question, simile https://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/01/16/us/16xp-MLKDay/16xp-MLKDay-facebookJumbo.jpg