


Smart Homes







Today I am going to tell you some interesting things about smart homes.
So, first of all. What is a smart home?
It is a house with a lot of

Today I am going to tell you some interesting things about smart homes. So, first of all. What is a smart home? It is a house with a lot of useful technical devices to make our lives easier. A lot of people are not familiar with this type of house because as experts say it is very difficult to make customers aware of the possibilities. Nowadays you do not find many of them because they are still very expensive, but some houses have already included parts of the possible technology. Security systems get more and more popular in modern houses as well as door and lightning sensors. Talking about the security systems it possible to install cameras so you can watch every corner of your house but with a lot of people this could cause the feeling of being watched. I think that soon every house in going to be a smart home with a lot of new appliances. There will be sensors which can control the motion of the grass in the garden and cut it when it gets too long. All rooms will have a Heating, Ventilation and Air conditioning systems which can be used to heat or cool rooms even before you are coming home. Living efficiently is very popular today....

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With smart homes energy-saving modes can be used which is good for the environment. A lot of these functions can be controlled by smartphones or tablet which is great because nearly anybody got a phone today. Although there are many advantages with smart homes there are also some things I do not like about them. Because of all the technology in the houses there will often be something to be repaired. Furthermore, the risk of getting hacked increases. That's something I do not want to think of. There are so many terrible things that could be caused. (air control ->put gas in the house) Concerning all possibilities, I think there are a lot of useful appliances which should be installed in every house like security systems, light and door sensors. But thinking of the aspect of hacking I would not advise to completely automate the house.