


Sonnet 61 analysis (Shakespeare)







Sonnet 61 analysis
"Sonnet 61" is one of Shakespeare's many poets that he wrote in his lifetime. It is about unrequited love
and jealousy wi

Sonnet 61 analysis "Sonnet 61" is one of Shakespeare's many poets that he wrote in his lifetime. It is about unrequited love and jealousy within a relationship. In the beginning of the sonnet the lyrical I asks the person he loves if it is their will that the thought of them keeps the lyrical I from sleeping (11.1-7). The lyrical I then continues to ask if his lover's spirit following him everywhere is a result of their jealousy but quickly answers their own question by determining that their lover's love cannot be strong enough for them to do such a thing (1.9) The love of the lyrical I is the thing keeping him awake at night, as they care about their loved one and want to protect them, even though they are awake far away from them while having others near (ll. 10- 14). The overall theme of this poet is the questioning of love within a relationship, as the lyrical I questions their lover's love, but also jealousy, both from their partner and themselves. "Sonnet 61" consists of 14 lines, decided into three 4-liners, quatrains, and two concluding lines. As typical of a Shakespearan sonnet, it is written in iambic pentameter. This sonnet has a lot of rhetorical questions and even starts with...

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one. The lyrical I asks his significant other if they want them to be unable to sleep, a question which the lyrical I already answered themselves. „My heavy eyelids to the weary night" (1.2) shows how much power their lover holds over them, as they cannot seem to even be able to close their eyes because of the thought of their loved one. Describing the night as weary strengthens this, because the night itself is painful for the lyrical I. The lyrical I speculates about the motives their lover could have for keeping them awake. They wonder if it is their lover's will to see the shameful and lazy side of the lyrical I that their sleep-deprived self cannot hide, or if it is a result of their jealousy (11.6-8). The lyrical I questions if these rather negative motivations are what thrives their lover to keep them from sleeping, therefore elucidating the impression that the they are insecure and unsure about the relationship, as one would not speculate if their significant other wants to harm them when they are in a content relationship.