


Speech Analysis







speech analysis
- Title
place and date
to what audience ?
· occasion.
main aim ?
Alliteration (b
speech analysis
- Title
place and date
to what audience ?
· occasion.
main aim ?
Alliteration (b
speech analysis
- Title
place and date
to what audience ?
· occasion.
main aim ?
Alliteration (b

speech analysis - Title orator place and date to what audience ? · occasion. topics main aim ? RETHORICAL DEVICES Antithesis Alliteration (being born, happy home) (we owe them,... we owe them) (a nice bike, a cool fool, star - sprangled banner) Anaphora Assonance • Enumeration (My parents, my friends, my colleagues...) Euphemism (he passed away = he died) (No, no we are ...) (This man weighs a ton). (ask not what a country...) unusual word order (no small achievement) Metaphor (jungle of suspicion) ono ma to poeia (Her shoes clattered loudly) Parallelism Geminatio introduction / opening paragraph Hyperbole Inversion Litotes personification (we are not this story's author] ("Free at last") quotation Rhetorical question (But what can I do?) repetition (out of step out of arguments ...) simile / ( rolls down like water, you are as beautiful as... I comparison like, as, if aim contact emphasis illustration, memory aid self presen- tation rhetorical devices. making a joke using personal pronouns (we, our, us) · directly addressing the audience · emotive language. • rhetorical questions repetition giving example emotive language parallel structure. directly addressing the audience · repetition • metaphor giving examples alliteration ·contrasting words/ ideas · parallel structure. emotive language making a joke personal pronouns ·emotive language. personal words phrases to establish contact with sb. to for analysis reach out to sb. connect to make sb. feel personally addressed. to reinforce to emphasise to sb. stress to underline to evoke a positive mood/reaction creale (a) picture around. sth. contact with sb.. illustrate / visualise a idea memorable phrase. create explain sth. understandably. an highlight one's own personal values or beliefs present oneself as... persuasion quotation giving an example contrasting words Talking about function The function/aim/purpose of ... is to ... The intention behind this ... is to ... The speaker uses/makes use of/employs this device in...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

order to ... By using a device, the speaker tries/hopes/aims to achieve... A device serves/helps ... The function/effect of ... Situation formal: in a formal speech or letter; addressing someone unknown or higher in a hierarchy Describing style, tone and register The author/speaker makes use of/combines ... everyday/colloquial/informal/vulgar language. informal: used in spoken rather than written language, when speakers know each other well ... formal/literary/archaic/slang expressions. ... a concise/witty/eloquent/clear/impersonal style. literary: used mainly in written literary texts evoke offer an . Talking about a line of argument positive reaction The speaker starts off with points out that claims demands provides information about · easy-to-understand " presents facts on focuses on offers solutions to/for promises ... Features • respectful, neutral, detached style complete and complex sentences formal expressions • foreign/specialist words • more personal and familiar style • simple sentences, can be incomplete or ungrammatical, dialect or slang vivid, colloquial or vulgar expressions eloquent/elevated style image • complex sentences rich vocabulary • use of stylistic devices • can combine registers for various effects Talking about body language An atmosphere of ... is created by using ... ... a humorous/ironic/serious/critical/positive tone. His (lack of) eye contact with the audience captivates (alienates) vivid/animated/exaggerated language. ... a polite/blunt/rude way of addressing sb. The speaker's erect/ relaxed posture conveys the message... His conscious use of hand gestures suggests ... Examples After analysing the evidence, the hypothesis was concluded to be correct. I would be grateful for your advice on this. Morning all! How's things? Fancy a cuppa? Gotta go get a donut. Ain't you got brains? C'mon, stupid. "So we went on in the quiet, and the twilight deepened into night. The clear blue of the distance faded, and one star after another came out." (Wells, The Time Machine)