


Speech analysis







The speech delivered in on... by..., at that
time, deals with....
The speech is addressed to...
The f
The speech delivered in on... by..., at that
time, deals with....
The speech is addressed to...
The f
The speech delivered in on... by..., at that
time, deals with....
The speech is addressed to...
The f

SPEECH ANALYSIS INTRODUCTION examples: The speech delivered in on... by..., at that time, deals with.... The speech is addressed to... The focus is on... The speaker wants to / is aiming to / is trying to... SUMMARY: (1 }} The speaker is canvassing for... The speaker wishes to stir/ persuade his audience... INTRODUCTION examples: ... examples: The speech can be devided into.... In his opening words... Halfway through the speech.... Towards the end of the speech.... In his speech support his opinion. ANALYSIS Uses many devices to examples: One of the most effective devices the speaker employs is.... The most powerful strategy... At one point in his speech he makes use of... A recurrent rhetorical device.... A striking rhetorical device is.... One of the most efficient devices is.... In line the speaker argues/ illustrates / claims that... As the speaker observes in line. to establish a personal relationship with... to make the audience aware of.... to make the audience feel understood... to trigger of emotions.... to engage the listener effectively to create immediacy and urgericy to make a lasting impression by to involve the difference between A and B to deceive an audience to avoid offense to heighten the audience's attention to make a speach more memorable to make easily regognizable references to emphasize sth. to make the listeners aware of the extent of the problem to arouse interest to simplify complicated matters by referring to everyday experiences to launch into a polemic against.... to appeal to the listeners conscience to leave no room for doubt to impose...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

one's opinion on... to increase intensity to create the illusion of mutual understanding to win over so to catch the listeners attention to make the listener think to create vivid / graphic mental images to emphasize certain aspects to amuse/ entertain the listener to criticize/ satirize to evoke associations to focus the listeners attention on... to put emphasis on.... to point out to the listener to appeal to the listeners imagination CONCLUSION: examples: All in all, it can be said that..... In conclusion, I would like to say that... I would like to conclude by saying that... To put it into a nutshell.... The message of the speech is clear and simple: ... In my opinion the speaker displays a thorough intimate superficial knowledge of... The speaker twists/ perverts the truth by. from my point of view the speech is convincing, because... The speech deeply moved me I left me cold/ made me laugh... The speech made me think about...