


Speech Analysis Robin Cook Chicken Tikka Masala







Speech Analysis - Chicken Tikka Masala
The "Chicken Tikka Masala" speech was held by Robin Cook on 19 April 2001 as a speech
by the foreign
Speech Analysis - Chicken Tikka Masala
The "Chicken Tikka Masala" speech was held by Robin Cook on 19 April 2001 as a speech
by the foreign

Speech Analysis - Chicken Tikka Masala The "Chicken Tikka Masala" speech was held by Robin Cook on 19 April 2001 as a speech by the foreign secretary to the Social Market Foundation in London. The speaker Robin Cook was a member of the Parliament and president of the Foreign Policy Centre and also of the Party of Europeans Socialists until his death in 2005. In his speech Cook talks about the people of Britain and their identity can be defined. According to him the british are not a race but instead a collective of all kinds of people with different backgrounds whom have migrated to Britain and are now a part of the british society. This multicultural society is not a bad thing as one may think. Instead the different kinds of nationalities are just a benefit for the country itself. First off the speaker say he wants to "celebrate Britishness" (line 1). He uses an anaphora to emphasize how important the relations with foreign countries are "to the strength of [the] economy, to the security of [the] nation, to the safety of [the] people against organised crime, even to the health of [the] economy." (line 2-4) Cook says that the British are not any kind of race, instead a group of all kinds...

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of for example communities that have migrated to the country. Only a couple of people in Britain are indigenously British. All others have ancestors from other parts of the world. But all together they have influenced the development of Britain. The speaker mentions few examples of countries that now british citizens have migrated from for example Germany and Italy. In Robin Cook's opinion immigration is quite important especially for the economy. It gives the british economy strength and increases the attractivity for international companies as it is the "preferred location for multinational companies setting up in Europe." (line 24-25) Furthermore he mentions the role of international cultures that have influenced the british lifestyle. He uses the indish dish "Chicken Tikka Masala" as a metaphor and symbol of Britishness and the development of the country (line 31 ff). The British have adapted the dish and have slightly modified it just like the different foreign communities have down with the whole country. This metaphor makes it easier for the listener to understand what Cook is trying to explain them. It illustrates the speakers words. The national identity of Great Britain "cannot be based on race and ethnicity, but must be based on shared ideals and aspiratis." (line 38-39). Cook then describes the United States and Canada as successful countries due to their cultural diversity which serves them as a source of strength (line 41 ff). He demands to draw inspiration from the modern world's most successful countries. The speaker gives his audience the courage that their country has the needed requirements to become equally successful. In his conclusion Cook repeats that his listeners “should be proud” of their own identity, to be british and of the real Britain of the modern age (line 51 ff). This repetition is an anaphora at the same time and makes the listener not forget what he said and of what they should be proud. He then enumerates a few other British values the people should be proud of and uses the inclusive "we" a lot to give the listeners a feeling of togetherness and that their all in this situation together as a "successful multi-ethnic society" (line 56). Cook uses a parallelism in the last part of his "Chicken Tikka Masala" speech "We should celebrate" (line 60) "And we should recognise" (line 62). This rhetorical device reinforces the effect of his words and lets listeners think more about what he said. All in all the speaker Robin Cook wants to spread his opinion on Britishness with his listeners and convince them that their multicultural society is not a disadvantage. Quite the reverse! He tries to connect with them especially by using the inclusive "we" and repetitions of important phrases. Cooks intention is to give the immigrant society strength and courage to keep on working at the development of their multicultural nation to become more successful and give everyone no matter where their ancestors are from an equal chance of citizenship.