


Sport in Australia







Sports in Australia
General remarks:
The different sports:
4 types of sport :
The Australian football :
Very popular and extrem
Sports in Australia
General remarks:
The different sports:
4 types of sport :
The Australian football :
Very popular and extrem

Sports in Australia General remarks: The different sports: ● Cricket: 4 types of sport : The Australian football : ● Very popular and extremely widespread Australians love sport (many people who watch it, much more than in other countries) Weather enables to do sport all year round ● The government of the country gives lot of money for sport Wide variety of sports Hockey: Rugby: lots of sports which are played outside Most complicated in world ● Aussies love it (have the best teams) games can last five days Bat and ball game between 2 teams of 11 players How to play/win: many important sports and famous sportsmen: Australian Football (Tom Wils...) Rugby League (Duncan Hall...) Rugby union (George Gregan...) Cricket (Jack O'Connor...) Football (Lucas Neil...) Formula 1 (Mark Vebert...) Cycling (Cadel Evans...) Swimming (lan Thorpe...) Surfing (Nat Young ...) also many other sports such as Tennis, Golf, Net Ball, Baseball, Touch Ball, Hockey... invented in 1857 by Tom Wills is a collective sport setting two teams of 18 players on a big oval ground, with an oval ball mix of rules of rugby and football sport is native of Australia season goes from March to September To win/how to play: O O Punch or kick the ball (not throw) → the 4 posts (the middle 2 are goal posts; the shorter ones behind posts Get six points by kicking the ball between the goal posts or one if it goes between...

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the behind posts Team with more points win O 2 players from one team (batsman),11 players from other team (fielder)are on the field (1) 1fielder throw the ball to the batsman (staying in front of 3 posts; called wicked) (2) O If batsman can hit the ball from his wicked; he runs to his mate's wicked to get a point But!: if the fielders catch the ball in air or get it to wicked first →the batsman is "out" To win: get more points and the other team 2 times "out" O 2 teams with 11 players (10 field players ;1 goalkeeper) +5 exchange players They play outside (on a artificial turf = Kunstrasen) 1 game take 2x 35minutes Team with more points win Contact sport; played since 1850 2 teams: 13 or 15 players and a oval ball (only played backwards) How to play/win: O Players move the ball down the field towards a line →to score a try (5 points) by taking the ball across the line → a conversion (= Freitritt; 3 points) by kicking a ball between two goal posts Winner: team with more points By Ellen Müller and Janine Fleischer Sources: ● https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rugby (10.09.2018 16:45) ● https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cricket (10.09.2018 16:46) ● https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hockey (10.09.2018 16:46) https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australian Football (10.09.2018 16:48) http://www.thefitworldtraveler.com/australian-football-in-melbourne http://championsports.com.sg/index.php?route=product/product&product (10.09.2018 16:47) id=945 (10.09.2018 16:50) GILBERT RUGBY 2015 AUSTRALIA