


Timeline of the Commonwealth Nations







Making of the Empire (1497-1583)
• exploration and discovery
establishment of trading posts
• emigration and settlement

Making of the Empire (1497-1583) • exploration and discovery establishment of trading posts • emigration and settlement Belize Jamaica SONORASLANAN Commonwealth Countries 1607: Jamestown (Virginia) first permanent settlement 1497-1583 The Bahamas Dominican Republic .Barbados Trinidad and T Guyana d Tobago Sierra Leone Ghana Cameroon Zambia Nam Botswana South Africa- Ugand Tanza "First British Empire" (1607-1783) • West Indies . Canada • Bengal (India) • North America 1783: loss of the 13 American colonies 1607-1783 The Commonwealth Today Mozambique Swaziland Lesotho New Zealand "Second British Empire" (1783-1918/45) • Cape Colony (1795) / Union of South Africa (1902) Australia (1813) • British Indian Empire (1858-1945) 1876: Queen Victoria was crowned Em- press of India. 1783-1918/45 From Empire to Commonwealth Development in the "white" colonies "Dominion status" for - Canada (1867) • Australia (1900) • New Zealand (1900) - South Africa (1910) - Ireland (1922) 1931: Statute of Westminster replaces "Empire" by "British Common- wealth of Nations" Decolonization and decline of the British Empire (1945-1997) development in African and Asian countries: process of decolonization after WW II First colonies to become independent: . in Asia: India (1947) . in Africa: Ghana (1957) end of empire: handover of Hong Kong to China (1997) 1945-1997 (1950s) "New Commonwealth" members: recently decolonized, non- white countries Legacy 15 British Overseas Territories (e.g. Gibraltar, Falklands) 1951: official name "Commonwealth of Nations" today The Commonwealth of Nations today a voluntary association of 52 independent sovereign states, most of which are former British colonies

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