


Still Analysis Gran Torino







Second Analysis
Gran Torino -Film Analysis
The given still from is taken from the film "Gran Torino" which shows the maned up Thao Vang Lor.
Second Analysis
Gran Torino -Film Analysis
The given still from is taken from the film "Gran Torino" which shows the maned up Thao Vang Lor.

Second Analysis Gran Torino -Film Analysis The given still from is taken from the film "Gran Torino" which shows the maned up Thao Vang Lor. He is a an insecure shy and always calm guy who is developing a relationship to his neighbour Walt Kawalski. As the film develops Thao has an enormous change in his personality and learns how to properly act in different kind of situations. In the presented still we can see a scene situated in the middle of the film. Through an over the shoulder shot over Thao's shoulder the viewer sees Thao's perspective on the plot in which the Hmong gang is driving toward Thao. Thao is wearing a dark shirt with light greyed arms and a bag and is walking at the side of the street. The ambient the scene is taking place is a neglected street in Detroit. After Thao was spending several days with Walt and learned how to properly act in company, Walt helps Thao finding a job and cover him with few tools that he can start working as a construction worker. On his way home from his first day at work Thao accidently runs into his cousins' gang the Hmong gang. After trying to avoid them they confront him and start bullying. But...

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the situation evolves differently from the other encounters with his cousins' gang. Thao does not just let them bully him and does not defend him like he used to. He makes some cheeky comments about them being jobless and tries to defend the tools Walt lend him for work. He even cares more about the tools than about his own well-being. The atmosphere in the entire scene is loaded full of tension. The overall low light and the eye-level shot let scene seem like a modern recreation of an old wild-western-movie in which to men start dueling and are about to settle the situation with a fight. In addition, the viewer gets to see Thao's perspective through the over the shoulder shot and gets the feeling to be right in the action. By setting the focus on the car and hereby declaring the Hmong gang as the threat the producer contributes even more tension to the scene. Considering the film in its entire dimension, the presented still is a display of Thao's developing character. Although it seems at first as if Thao has not changed at all and just tries to escape from them by trying to avoid them you can see a clear change in his own mindset. As soon as the Hmong gang approach him he does not let them bully him the way they want to. He starts to make some cheeky comments and actively tries to protect the tools he was given earlier by Walt. The fact that Thao tries defending something for the first time shows that Thao has maned up and that the efforts made by Walt to help him man up are quickly yielding results. Additional to the maned up Thao the viewer can see the bonding created between Thao and Walt. Thao probably sees Walt as father-figure he does not want to disappoint and is filled full of gratitude towards him which is why he even cares more about the well-being of the tools than his own well- being and tries to protect them instead of himself. To put in a nutshell, the given still shows the character development of Thao after Walt's training and the evolving bonding between Walt and Thao.