


Stolen/Lost Generation in Australia







 Lost Generation in
while and after the first
World War
published by Ernest
Hemingway and his book
The Sun Also Rises
Gertrude Stein
 Lost Generation in
while and after the first
World War
published by Ernest
Hemingway and his book
The Sun Also Rises
Gertrude Stein
 Lost Generation in
while and after the first
World War
published by Ernest
Hemingway and his book
The Sun Also Rises
Gertrude Stein
 Lost Generation in
while and after the first
World War
published by Ernest
Hemingway and his book
The Sun Also Rises
Gertrude Stein

Lost Generation in Europe: while and after the first World War published by Ernest Hemingway and his book The Sun Also Rises Gertrude Stein promoted the fame also Stolen/Lost Generation (Handout) general Facts: between 1905 and 1970 in Australia approximately 100.000 children not only in Australia also in the United States and Europe in Europe while the first World War and after in the US the Indians were removed or caught Vorname Nachname, Klasse Stolen Generation in Australia: Aboriginal children removed from their families most of them were under five years. because they "couldn't look after their children" no legal basis very cold-blooded policemen when taking them most children had alcohol problems or went crime after the camps The Stolen Generation |Stolen Generation in Australia: Aboriginal children removed from their families most of them were under five years because they "couldn't look after their children" no legal basis very cold-blooded policemen when taking them TO most children had alcohol problems or went crime after the camps camps aimcaziel von den Camps) -Bild -Flag of it -many people of the government (now) said sorty approximately 100.000 children (Australian The Stolen Generation

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