


Stylistic Devices & Their Effects







Stylistic Devices & Their Effects
Stylistic Devices

Stylistic Devices & Their Effects Stylistic Devices alliteration anaphora antithesis epiphora hyperbole metaphor simile Definition Repetition of initial consonant sound. Repeating the first part of a sentence. "The beginning of wisdom is silence. The second step is listening." Having two opposite ideas in a sentence. "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." Repeating the ending words of a sentence. "I am an American, he is an American, everybody is an American." Exaggeration of ideas. Comparing two things without using the words "like" or "as". Comparing two things using the words "like" or "as". · • Adds rhythm making it easier to read and remember. Emphasises ideas. ● Makes it easier to understand the point being made or the complexity of the situation. ● ● Emphasise words/message.. Gives a unique rhythm to text. Convey the importance of something. ● Effect Grabs reader's attention, sort of punctuates words. Also creates mood for e.g. if it's an 's' sound, maybe shows snakelike quantity or hissing. Perhaps slyness of the narrator. ● Emphasis on words. Could create emotional effect like passion in audience (this is why many famous speeches use anaphora). ● 。 Helps visualise. ● Create amusing effect. Common human feelings sound remarkable. Can also create contrast if something is described using exaggeration and the next thing isn't. This attracts reader's attention. O Gives readers another way of thinking about something. Creates an image for the reader. Make it easier to understand what the reader is saying (mostly applies to similes). onomatopoeia parallelism personification repetition rhetorical question synecdoche (si-nek-duh-kee) Metonymy (me-ton-uh-mee) enjambment A word which imitates the natural sound of things like "buzzing", "rustling" or even "meow". Using components in a sentence that are grammatically the same or have similar...

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sounds or construction. "Like father, like son." or "They got together and talked, laughed and giggled." When an idea or animal is given human characteristics. "The sky weeps." Repeating words or phrases. (There are actually many different types of repetition like anaphora and epiphora.) A question which is meant to be unanswered. Referring to something by one of its parts. For e.g. "wheels" to refer to a car, or "bread" to food or money. When name of something is replaced with name of something else that's associated with it. For e.g. "crown" refers to power or authority. Not to be confused with metaphors-it's not comparing two things! In poetry, when the sentence continues on to the next line. . ● ● O Helps readers hear the sounds, allowing them to enter the author's world. Adds rhythm to sentences. In literature, usually used to convey some message. Also persuasive because an idea is emphasised and easy to remember using this structure. Helps readers empathise with non-human characters. Gives deeper meanings as well. To grab the reader's attention. For e.g. repeating a line. ● Emphasise and create rhythm. . Emphasise a point being made. Mostly used to as an effect. Used to persuade people. ● Achieve symbolism! · Keeps writing concise and engages the reader because they have to think deeply about what the word is referring to. Can also sound more colloquial to connect to audience more. Symbolism! Draws reader's attention because words have deeper meanings to them. Makes poem's rhythm faster. Adds surprise because reader has to keep reading to know