


Summary Billy Elliot







Summary Billy Elliot
In the mid-eighties, eleven-year-old Billy lives with his father, brother, and slightly confused
grandmother in Durham,

Summary Billy Elliot In the mid-eighties, eleven-year-old Billy lives with his father, brother, and slightly confused grandmother in Durham, northern England. His mother died several years ago. For his father and brother, who work as miners, the struggle for survival is tough. Their colliery is to be closed, the workers are on strike, and the family's livelihood is at risk. But the father holds on to one tradition, even though money is very tight: he sends Billy to boxing training for 50 pence an hour, as is the family tradition. However, Billy very soon feels that he does not have much talent for this rough sport. Once, when by chance the students of the ballet teacher Mrs. Wilkinson practice in the same hall, Billy comes into contact with classical dance. The teacher invites him to join in and quickly notices Billy's extraordinary talent. After initial hesitation, Billy discovers his passion for dance, which soon becomes the most important thing in his life. Except for his best friend Michael, Billy tells no one about the ballet lessons, knowing only too well that his father would be completely against it. Ballet, so the general conviction, is only for girls, and if a boy dances, he is probably gay. Finally Billy's father finds out and forbids him dancing,...

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boxing and any other activity. Instead, he is supposed to look after his grandmother. But Mrs. Wilkinson is so convinced of Billy's talent that she starts giving him free private lessons in secret to prepare him for an entrance exam at the famous Royal Ballet School. When the day of the audition arrives, the miners' strike has also reached its climax. Billy's brother is beaten up and arrested by the police. As a result, Billy misses his appointment. When Mrs. Wilkinson arrives at Billy's house, a heated argument ensues. The dancing seems to be over and done with. On Christmas night, Billy demonstrates the dance for the entrance exam to his friend Michael. His father discovers him and recognizes his son's extraordinary talent. Now he wants to do everything to make it possible for him to take the exam. He even pawns his late wife's jewelry, and the striking workers organize a benefit concert and a raffle to finance Billy's trip to London. In the strange atmosphere of the Royal Ballet School, father and son feel visibly intimidated. With no look, no gesture, the strict commission lets them know what they think of Billy's dancing. But after long tense wait, he learns that he has passed the exam. Billy's successful career is shown in a short sequence that takes place 15 years later: His father, his brother and Michael are enchanted by Billy's fantastic performance in a London theater.