


Summary, Characterization and Continue a story







1) Sum up:
→characterisation, ending a story
Introduction →
The body
2) Characterize :
Author, Title

MA 1) Sum up: Englishklausur →characterisation, ending a story Introduction → The body 2) Characterize : from outside 8 inside Author, Title Date of publication, Place of publication, text type, Main idea Conclusion BRUNNEN 1. use your own words 2. only work with the source at hand 3. Simple present (sometimes simple past) 4. only main facts 5. It has to be shorter than the story. 6. the 5-W's before writing: 1. name 2. age 3. outward appearanze 4. Social backround (family, friends, education...) 5. job 6. Introduction - The characters role in the story his/her name. genre of the text title of the text. general Stodement about the character behaviour 7. direct speech 8. emotions (can be seen by others) 9. thoughts 13. feelings (inside the person) The main part →→ 1) outside - inside structure 3) 2) interpreted the given information supported your interpretation by directly quouting from the text briefly (kura) summed up the main results of the interpretation have not included. new aspects 3) Continue 1) Content: -stick into everything. - use information from the text to write a logical continuation specific details that already have been used (place, wasther) 2) Point of view: - same perspective as the author -language. Stick into the given terse →writing style → Adopt the authors register - everything can influence the way of speak DONTS →compi new →illogical twists own writing style →quote

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