


Summary- "Locker 160"







Locker 160
The short story "Locker 160" that is written by Lee
Busselmann is about two girls named Karen and Julie who
are bullying a studen

Locker 160 The short story "Locker 160" that is written by Lee Busselmann is about two girls named Karen and Julie who are bullying a student called Miriam. This bullying first starts off pretty harmless but after a while it gets very serious. The text starts with the two girls Karen and Julie. Karen thought that it would be a good idea to write a short hate note to someone and put it in their locker. Julie agrees and so they put it in the locker of Miriam, a girl that they barely know and don't even hate. Miriam, in the authors eyes, is even described as a pretty, not hated but an unpopular girl. The two girls only chose her because she writes poetry which makes her in the eyes of the two girls a weird kid. After Karen and Julie put the note in Miriam's locker they begin to laugh and walk off. Unfortunately the girls don't want to stop now, so on the next day and the following days they're continuing the bullying but not only that, the bullying is also getting worse day by day. A few days later Julie and Karen decide to make a petition to declare that Miriam is weird and that people hate her but instead of letting people sign it they write...

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names on it themselves. After they placed it in Miriam's locker the girls wait for her in their classroom but Miriam doesn't attend the biology class today. Right before class ended the girls hear an ambulance and their teacher is leaving the classroom to talk to the principal. Lastly the author explains that the girls hear how the principal says that Miriam tried to kill herself and Karen and Julie begin to laugh. All in all the author tells us that you should never bully someone because this could lead to big and serious problems and it could even destroy a life as we've seen it with Miriam. Sophie