


The Absolutely True Diary - Chapter 1-8







Chapter 1:
... is about a boy, namend Junior, who was born with too much cerebral spinal fluid in
his head and he ist insulte

FIRST CHAPTERS Chapter 1: ... is about a boy, namend Junior, who was born with too much cerebral spinal fluid in his head and he ist insulted by others, but he's found his hobby in drawing. Chapter 2: ... is about Junior being poor who can't afford meals. He doesn't have enough money heal his sick dog. Chapter 3: ... is about ohne day in Junior's life with his best human friend Rowdy, how Junior get's bullied by some 30 year old men and the way Rowdy reacts. Chapter 4: ... is about Junior's sister, his very old teacher, Mr. P and very old school book which even his parents had. Chapter 5: is about Junior's teacher who tells him to switch the school. ... Chapter 6: In chapter 6 Junior want's to go to Reardan, because for him it seems unfair that white students are more preferred than natives. Chapter 7: In chapter 7 Junior tells Rowdy that he is going to Reardan and Rowdy goes mad and punches him in the face. Chapter 8: In chapter 8 Junior has his first day at Reardan and he is scared about that.

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