


The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time India







1. ,,The Black-Eye-
2. ,,Why Chicken
Means So Much to
3. ,,Revenge Is My
Middle Name"
- Junior
1. ,,The Black-Eye-
2. ,,Why Chicken
Means So Much to
3. ,,Revenge Is My
Middle Name"
- Junior
1. ,,The Black-Eye-
2. ,,Why Chicken
Means So Much to
3. ,,Revenge Is My
Middle Name"
- Junior
1. ,,The Black-Eye-
2. ,,Why Chicken
Means So Much to
3. ,,Revenge Is My
Middle Name"
- Junior
1. ,,The Black-Eye-
2. ,,Why Chicken
Means So Much to
3. ,,Revenge Is My
Middle Name"
- Junior
1. ,,The Black-Eye-
2. ,,Why Chicken
Means So Much to
3. ,,Revenge Is My
Middle Name"
- Junior
1. ,,The Black-Eye-
2. ,,Why Chicken
Means So Much to
3. ,,Revenge Is My
Middle Name"
- Junior
1. ,,The Black-Eye-
2. ,,Why Chicken
Means So Much to
3. ,,Revenge Is My
Middle Name"
- Junior
1. ,,The Black-Eye-
2. ,,Why Chicken
Means So Much to
3. ,,Revenge Is My
Middle Name"
- Junior

Chapter 1. ,,The Black-Eye- of-the-Month Club" 2. ,,Why Chicken Means So Much to Me" 3. ,,Revenge Is My Middle Name" Who? - Junior Mother,father,big sister, grandma, cousins, aunts and uncles - Indian health service - Everybody on the rez - best friend Rowdy Where? - Junior Rowdy - The Andruss Brothers - rez Junior home - parents of Junior - lawn Dog of Junior: Oscar When? (=reservation months - the powwow - In the age of 6 What? - talks about disease in his childhood and the consequences he had to live through because of it has to stay at home for his safety because others bully him talks about his favourit activity: drawing others, why and who he likes to draw talks about poverty and the consequences of it one is hunger, and because of that he enjoys, when he has a chicken as dinner Another one is that he couldn't help his dog which suffered from sickness, so his father shot him Junior lost his best friend - This chapter is dedicated to Juniors best friend Rowdy. He describes him as a hard, agressive, tough and goofy comic guy. - Junior tells about how he feels safe with Rowdy, because Rowdy is the only one who listens to him and also he kind of protects Junior from people who beat him up or at least he gives revenge Chapter 4. ,,Because Geometry Is Not a Country Somewhere Near France" 5. ,,Hope Against Hope" 6. ,,Go Means Go" 7. ,,Rowdy Sings the Blues" 8. ,,How to Fight Monsters" Who? - Junior - Rowdy - Mr. P - Junior Mr.P - Juniors sister - Junior - Juniors parents - Junior Rowdy - Juniors father - Junior Where? - Wellpinit Highschool - Juniors home - Rez - at home - tribal school - Rearden When? - at the age of 14 - a week into suspencion -...

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after Mr.P was gone What? - Is attracted to geometry - Is afraid that Rowdy gets as ignorant towards him as the others Is happy about going to highschool Talks about his sleepy teacher Mr.P Hits Mr.P accidentally with book and gets suspended Mr.P visits Junior and talks about his sister, who had a dream that she gave up He suggests Junior to leave the rez to have a better future Junior talks to his parents about wanting to change the school His wish is to change to the Rearden school, a school full of rich, white people - In this chapter Junior tells Rowdy he is going to transfer to Rearden and Rowdy gets mad and punches Junior in his face - It's Juniors first day at Rearden and on the way to Rearden he tells his dad he is scared As he comes in class (late), he gets stares from everyone Gets to known Penelope As Roger makes a racist joke Junior punches him Because Roger doesn't do anything and all of his friend get confused Junior suddenly feels strong Chapter 9. ,,Grandmother Gives Me Some Advice" 10. ,,Tears of a Clown" 11. ,,Halloween" 12. ,,Slouching Toward Thanksgiving" 13. ,,My Sister Sends Me an E- mail" Who? - Junior Juniors Grandmother - Roger Eugene Penelope - Rowdy - Junior - Dawn - Penelope - Junior - Three boys in the same costumes - Junior Mr.Dodge Gordy - Mary Where? - at home - At Rearden - at Juniors - In school - from Montana When? - at theage of twelve What? - Junior asks his grandma what it could mean that Roger didn't fight Junior back - Her response: Roger pays respect to Junior - Penelope still doesn't pay attention to Junior Junior tells Rowdy about an Indian girl named Dawn he fell in love with After Rowdy sais that dawn doesn't care about Junior, Junior cries - it's Halloween and Junior and Penelope wear the same costumes: homeless They plot to collect money to donate to homeless people when trick or treating but Junior got assaulted and robbed by three boys Junior thinks of Rowdy Junior feels lonely Junior contradicts Mr.Dodge und Gordy has Juniors back as Mr.Dodge doesn't take Junior seriously Junior finds Gordy as a new friend with who he studies - Thursday, - Mary writes an email to November 16, 2006 Junior. 4:41 PM ->She tells him about Montana and about the hotel she was in. -> She is really excited about everything, especialy the and the phone in the bathroon of the hotel Chapter 14. ,,Thanksgiving" Who? - Junior - Juniors parents - Juniors Grandma - Rowdy Rowdys dad Where? - At Rowdys When? - At Thanksgiving What? - Junior and his family have a great dinner and Junior is very happy - Then he is sad because Rowdy isn't there like he has been the last 10 years Junior draws him a cartoon, goes to his house and gives it Rowdys drunk and unfriendly dad because he says Rowdy's not home Junior sees him at the window looks sad but he respects Juniors cartoon Chapter 15. ,,Hunger Pains" 16. ,,Rowdy Gives Me Advice About Love" Who? - Junior Penelope - Junior Rowdy Gordy Where? - at school When? What? - Junior goes out of history class because it's boring and goes to the toilet He accidentaly ends up in the girls bathroom Suddenly he hears a strange noise, which sounds like someones vomiting As he tries to speak to the person vomiting the person tells him to go away He wants to go away but is furious and wants to check if the person's okay After all he sees penelope coming out and she tells him she is bulimic -> Maybe we can say that it is the social pressure that brings penelope to the thought that she has to be thin and this is what makes her beautiful and famous - After that Penelope and Junior become friends or start kind of dating Junior tells Rowdy about his feelings and asks for advice After Rowdy doesn't help him Junior asks Gordy for advice Boths, Rowdys and Gordys conclusion: Junior is racist Chapter 17. ,,Dance, Dance, Dance" 18. ,,Don't Trust your Computer" 19. ,,My Sister Sends Me a Letter" Who? Junior Penelope Roger - Junior Rowdy Gordy - Juniors sister Where? - Winter Formal Spokane - computer lab When? What? - Junior lies about beeing poor - He takes Penelope to the winter Formal After the winter formal he goes out with Roger, Penelope and some other friends They drive to Spokane After Junior isn't able to pay what he ordered for him and Penelope he says he forgot his wallet Roger figures out Junior is poor and Penelope asks him After telling Roger and Penelope the truth he sees that it has benefits to let people in your live sometimes Roger emails Junior his bare butt Junior explains Gordy what and who it was after Gordy sees the picture Junior and Gordy talk about mobbing and how tribes are built - Juniors sister e emails him - She tells him that she still hasn't found a job but that she and her husband have moved into a new and even better house She says she misses her family Chapter 20. ,,Reindeer Games" Who? - Junior Roger Coach Rearden team Wellipint team - Juniors parents and grandma 21. ,,And a -Junior Partridge in a Pear -Juniors dad Tree" Where? - Rearden - The Rez -at home When? - around christmas eve What? The boys at Rearden have to show the Coach how they play to get in the basketball varsity team First Junior is sceptical if he can make it but then he makes it to the team. Then he found out he has to play against the school he went to in the rez When they went to the game in the rez Junior experiences hate from his former school and schoolmates He ends up getting injured by someone in the crowd and has to stay in the hospital He has to stay awake so his brain can be monitored because of his hydrocephalus - His coach stays with him the night and they talk Junior tells about his dad getting drunk every holidays because he couldn't afford presents - At christmas eve he did the same and came home back with a hangover His dad gave him his last five dollars out of his boot Chapter 22. ,,Red Versus White" 23. ,,Wake" 24. ,,Valentine Heart" Who? - Junior - Junior - Juniors parents - Indians - Ted - Junior Eugene Bobby Mrs.Jeremy - Class Where? When? What? - Junior is very grateful for his mom's, dad's and grandmother's support. - Unfortunately his grandmother gets run over by a drunk driver but her last wish is to forgive him. - Her last act on earth was a call for forgiveness, love and tolerance. On grandma Sprit's wake, a white guy called Ted comes and tells a story about how he stole a powwow dance outfit from a beautiful lady. He says that he hired a profesional that said, that the outfit was from Spokane. When Junior's mom sees the outfit, she says that she is sure that it is not from Spokane and embarrased Ted. Everybody starts laughing, after Ted leaves. Eugene gets shot by Bobby Bobby kills himself Junior gets depressed and misses a lot of classes As he goes to school Mrs.Jeremy mocks him for his grief Class doesn't agrees with this and demonstrates Junior makes list about things that give him joy Chapter 25. ,,In Like a Lion" 26. ,,Rowdy and I Have a Long and Serious Discussion About Basketball" 27. ,,Because Russian Guys Are Not Always Geniuses" 28. ,,My Final Freshman Year Report Card" 29. ,,Remembering" 30. ,,Talking About Turtles" Who? - Junior Rowdy - Rearden team Wellpinit team - Juniors parents - Junior - Rowdy - Junior Miss Warren Mary - Juniors parents Rowdy - Rearden students - Junior - Juniors parents - Junior - Rowdy - Juniors dad Where? Wellpinit Gym - Turtle laks When? After the match What? - Rearden and Wellpinit have another basketballmatch agaist each other Junior wants to win this, first he is a scared or nervous yucker but then he gets self confidence from the others expectations He guards Rowdy He points three points and Rearden wins with 40 points Rowdy and Junior text with each other -> Rowdy talks the first time after Junior left Wellpinit - In school Junior gets told by miss Warren that Marry died When his dad drives him home Junior just laughs - At the Wake he sees Rowdy crying - Rowdy says her death is Juniors fault - At school the students try to comfort Junior - Cartoon of Juniors report card They clean the graves Junior remembers everything and thinks about it - In the last chapter Junior reflects about the rez and Rowdy After that Rowdy comes over and wants to play ball with Junior because he is bored - They begin to talk to each other and even if he doesn't admits it Rowdy forgave Junior already