


The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian







The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
Book review
April 21, 2020
The novel "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
Book review
April 21, 2020
The novel "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
Book review
April 21, 2020
The novel "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
Book review
April 21, 2020
The novel "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time

Englisch The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian Book review April 21, 2020 10b The novel "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian" by Sherman Alexie is as the title says about a teenager called Arnold Spirit who lives in two different worlds. Arnold Spirit is not a normal boy because he was born with water in his head and still suffers from the consequences. He grew up on the reservation in Wellpinit where he went to school and had all his friends. But there he could not make something of his life, that is why he decided to transfer to Reardan. There a new life began for Arnold. He met new people, made new experiences and learned a lot about other people and himself. He went through ups and downs. And while it worked out better and better in Reardan, the opposite happened in Wellpinit. The story is exciting and the book is interesting to read. About Indian life and reservations I have learned new things e.g. that there are so grave problems. And I also appreciate the style how it is written. The form of the diary makes the story even more touching. The book is very gripping to read because in some parts I can relate to Arnold and want to know how...

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he will handle the situation and what is going to happen next. The novel is easy to understand and the story makes sense to me. The cartoons in the book often illustrate the things very good and so the situations become even more intensive e.g. funny, afraid or depressed. The novel effects me in an emotional way. I laugh when something funny happens to Arnold and I feel gloomy when he is sad and cries. While reading the book I really symphatize with Arnold who is my favourite character. I can relate to him and I like how he develops during the story. First he had been shy and very introverted but during the story he is evolving to an outgoing person who knows what his strengths and weaknesses are. There are learnings for me in the story and also in the way Arnold is changing his life. He seems to have much knowledge of human nature and is self-reflected in a way that impresses me. In conclusion, I absolutely recommend this novel. It is the best book I have read in school and I enjoyed reading it very much. The story is gripping and I have learned a lot about Indians, reservations and their problems. It suits very well especially to English classes because if you are not only reading but also working on it the book becomes even more interesting. All in all, I give the novel "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian" by Sherman Alexie 9 of 10 points. Englisch The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian March 19, 2020 10b Summary Introductional sentence The novel ,,The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian" by Sherman Alexie published in 2007 is about an Indian teenager who lives his life in two different worlds. Chapter 7: Rowdy Singst he Blues" The day after Junior decided to transfer to Reardan, he tells Rowdy about his plan. First Rowdy does not believe him but later on he gets angry. Junior asks Rowdy to join him but Rowdy hates Reardan and Junior's idea of leaving their school. That is why Rowdy screams and insults Junior. Both of them start crying and when Junior touches Rowdy's shoulder a second time, Rowdy punches Junior for the first time in his life. Chapter 15: Hunger Pains" While Junior uses the bathroom, he hears a vomiting noise out of the girl's bathroom. He waits in the hall for the girl to come out and to see if she is all right. When the door opens, Junior sees Penelope. She says that she is not anorexic, she is bulimic and only when she throws up. Junior sees that she has an addiction as his dad. So he remembers what he is saying to him and tells Penelope the same. She starts crying and tells him how lonely and scared she is. Over the next few weeks, they are like friends with potential and all of the others know about them. Junior realizes that he has important things in common with Penelope like having a big dream. He loves all of her, even her pain. Chapter 27: Because Russian Guys Are Not Always Geniuses" One morning Junior sits in chemistry when Miss Waren wants to speak with him. When Junior asks her what is going on, she starts crying. While Miss Waren hugs him, Junior gets an erection just before she tells him that Mary is dead. Junior runs outside and waits for his father to take him home. In the car his father explains him why his sister died. At the funeral two days later Junior panics and runs straight into Rowdy who hides in the wood nearby. Rowdy cries and wants to punch Junior but he misses. He says that it is Junior's fault that Mary is dead because he has left the rez. Then Rowdy runs away. Englisch The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian April 15, 2020 10b Characterization of Junior's grandma The novel "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian" by Sherman Alexie published in 2007 is about an Indian teenager called Junior who lives in two different worlds. Hereinafter the protagonist's grandmother will be characterized based on the information in chapter 22 and I will concentrate on the role she plays in Junior's life. As written in the former chapters of the book Junior's grandma is the mother of his mother. She lives together with Junior and his family on the reservation. For Junior the best thing about Wellpinit is his grandmother (p.159, II.25-27). That shows that his grandmother is a very important person for Junior and even more important than his parents. It seems like they have a really good relationship to each other. She also supports him wholeheartedly after he decides going to Reardan (p.162, II. 1-3). Furthermore, Junior describes her as an amazing (p.159, 1.28), smart, kind (p.160, 1.5) and especially tolerant (p.159, 1.32) person. He says that her "...greatest gift was tolerance" (p.160, 1.8). Based on this description she is open-minded and relaxed towards others. She does not care about other people's origin, religion, etc., she just cares about who they are. Junior also mentions in the book that "She still hung onto that old-time Indian spirit, ..." (p.160, 1.31). That shows again that she is tolerant but also that she is traditional and different from other Indians. Moreover, Junior's grandmother knows many Indians at powwows (p.162, II.7-8) and "Everybody loved her" (p.162, 1.11). This demonstrates that she is very kind and extroverted. Because of that she gets along with many people. She "had never drunk alcohol in her life" (p.164, 1.1). She does not see the meaning of drinking alcohol because in her opinion it just would limit her in her abilities (p.164, II.6-9). That confirms that she is different from other Indians. And it also shows that she is smart and that she does her own thing. Junior's grandmother died because of a drunk driver (p.162, II.12-14). Her last words were that her family should forgive the drunk driver (p.162, 1.28). On the one hand it demonstrates another quality of her: forgiveness. And on the other hand it shows that she has a lot of respect in her family because they follow her last words and do not kill the driver. In conclusion, Junior's grandma is very important for Junior. On Junior's descriptions, they have a really good relationship and his grandmother supports him. Junior thinks that she is a special person and admires her for her character and acting. He fully respects her character and will probably be influenced by her good example for his own life. Englisch The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian March 19, 2020 10b Characterization of Mary The novel "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian" by Sherman Alexie published in 2007 is about an Indian teenager called Junior who lives in two different worlds. Hereinafter the protagonist's sister Mary will be characterized. Mary is Junior's older sister. Her nickname is "Mary Runs Away" because "she is so crazy and random" (p.38, I.1). She has acne stars which junior think make her look tough and pretty at the same time (p.37). She has a lightening-bolt tattoo on the back of her neck and wears a tie-dyed T-shirt, distressed blue jeans and Birkenstock sandals (p.37). Her hair is bonded in two braids (p.37). Mary did not got to college and did not get a job (p.36, II.20-21) even though Mr. P, her former teacher, says that "she was the smartest kid {he} ever had" (p.46, 1.8). Although he thinks that she is beautiful, strong and funny (p.36, 1.22). That shows that she is smart but not ambitious and more pessimistic than optimistic. Moreover, she does not believe in herself and does not trust in herself achieving her dreams. Mr.P says that she "wanted to be a writer" (p.47, 1.16). But she did not follow her dream because she was shy about it, {...} She always thought people would make fun of her" (p.47, II.21-22). Mary is self-conscious since Junior says that Mary "is good in ruining things" (p.36, 1.19). In the book she gets married with a Flathead Indian and moves out to Montana without saying goodbye to anyone of her family (p.96, 1.35). Her acting shows that she is an impulsive person which is a sign of being self-conscious. In an email to Junior she writes that she loves her life and that everything is so great in Montana (p.108-109). It looks like she hopes that living in Montana is a new beginning for her and that she can change something in her life to make it better. This is naive because she is still the same person and a new home, husband and all other things does not change someone's personality. In conclusion, Mary is someone who seems tough on the one hand because of her style and acting but on the other hand she is a very self-conscious person and does things crazy and random. She does not want to let anyone know about her dreams because she does not believe in reaching them. She prefers ruining other people's things to be not alone with her problems.