


The absolutely true diary of a part-time Indian (Chapter 1-7)







diary of a part time
Chapter 1
Jurliot (Arnold)
Spokane lodian
lives in Wellpinit rez Creservation)
hydrocephalus (water
diary of a part time
Chapter 1
Jurliot (Arnold)
Spokane lodian
lives in Wellpinit rez Creservation)
hydrocephalus (water
diary of a part time
Chapter 1
Jurliot (Arnold)
Spokane lodian
lives in Wellpinit rez Creservation)
hydrocephalus (water

5 Summaries diary of a part time indian Chapter 1 Jurliot (Arnold) Spokane lodian lives in Wellpinit rez Creservation) hydrocephalus (water head) → too much grease, complicates processes (such as thinking, breathing) + brings up physical restrictions limitations/ (the Black-Eye-of-the-Month-Club) insecure about himself and his disabilities (except of his drawing Skills (cartoon)) retard ! - has a funny tone (irony etc.) gets beaten up at least once a month drows to get world's attention & speak to the world; feels important, to escade reservation + become famous (chance as an artist) Chapter 2 ( Why chicken means so much to me) don't poverty: poor family, don't have regularly mear have enough money to take sick pet (dog) to the vet going to die fother shoots. him to reduce I remove oscars pain L → all of the family members. weak escar: •more dependable then anyone else, though this more than teachers obetter. CV₁7-12) than any • other person adopted strony mutt + nobody paid attention to Indians and their dreams. a } would've been college teacher mother sax playe (one of the best): father being Indian brings up negative thoughts: is deserve to be poor (because stupid & ugly) → stupid & ugly (there for) → destined to be poot / Chapter 3 CRevenge is my Middle Name) Junior's best friend: Randy poor 2 thoughest kid on the rez ↳ long, lean, strong as a snake lo. 18) Scanned Willi Indian uoty & Stupid IL CamSc IG truth tella; cares about Junior! → like a family member → both of them born in November 5, 1932 (currently 14 old) years → almost...

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never polite → only person that listers to him. Junior is his only friendl → loves comic books (pretends to live inside them? trinal nebri • both of them ge to pow now (gathering of Indians) ↳ Junior ends up beatenue by the Andrews brothers is revenge: Rowdy shaves off eyebrows of cuts off braids Kill Chapter 4 (Because Geometry is Not a Country Somewhere Near Trance) - first day of school 47 excited about geometry class Cisosceles triangles nake hine hormonal) La more in love than Curves of women. Chapters (Hope against Hope M. p² (teache) walked up to him. bafter he said that he forgives hird (against his will) for throwing the book on him & breaking The confesses! his nose • as a young teacher he was supposed to kill the Indians to save the child (p. 36 11. 31 (Saying) hurt Indians, regrets A doesn't want hin ter end up like his sister (fail, fade away), You deserve better " (p 411.28) • he himself & teachers let them kids pick on culture him → says that Rowdy will get meaner & reamer (has givenue → likes to hurt sme) • all people on the rez have given up except for Junior Crefuses to give up) is has to leave reza if not they're going to kill him he's been fighting them since he's been has to go somewhere, where other people have hope Hope + Hope Double Hope Chapter 6 CGO means Go • parents admit that white people have most hope -> Junior wants to transfer schools (to- Rearden) Scanned with Camsc IG • Rearden has one of the best small schools in the state. Lanch, while form e Parents quickly agreed to suggestion because want a better life for him L Lo but say Indians on the rez will be mad, first one to leave like this Chapter 7 (Rowdy sings the blues) Rowdy was in pain & sick-mad when he Ihmot is transfering Schools ↳ punched him etc. (hart hom I Juniors wer's best friend became his worst enemy figured out Scanner with Cam Sc