


The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian- Sherman Alexie// Zusammenfassung Kapitel 1-7 (getrennt) (Reading Diary)







Reading diary:
Chapter 1 is about Arnold,introducing himself. He's different than other kids, because he was born
with water on the brain ak

Reading diary: Chapter 1 is about Arnold,introducing himself. He's different than other kids, because he was born with water on the brain aka with too much cerebral fluid inside his skull. On the age of 14, he still has all sorts of physical problem that are directly the result of his brain damage. He explains that the world perceives him as not "normal". As a retard. And he is shown that on daily basis by the other kids bullying. But he has his one and only way to escape and express his feelings to the world: he draws cartoons. He shuts himself in his home to be safe of all the judgmental things the world has to offer. Chapter 2 is about Arnold's living conditions and origin. He and his family live in poverty on the Spokane Indian Reservation and couldn't consequently afford any medical treatment for Oscar, their adopted stray mutt, who got really sick in July. This hit Arnold particularly hard since Oscar was his best friend, the only one he could ever depend on, which is why he tried to find a job to earn some money. But because there was no job offer near his place, he had no other choice than to accept the fact that stopping Oscar's...

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endless pain with a rifle was for its best. Chapter 3 is about Arnold's best friend Rowdy, the person he spends his time with almost everyday since the day he was born. And even though Rowdy has problems of aggression sometimes, which resulted of the abusive household, he grows up in, and a mean and strong nature, Arnold loves him like a blood related brother and visa versa. A good example for this is when they went to powwow together in this chapter, an Indian ceremony. When Arnold got beat up by the Andruss brothers, who were thirty year old triplets, Rowdy wanted a pay back which is why he shaved their eyebrows and cut their braids when they were asleep. He did it for Arnold. Chapter 4 is about Arnold's interest in masturbation and isosceles triangles. In this chapter he tells us about his first day as a freshman in high school and his excitement about his first geometry class. He explains what it's like having Mr. P as his math teacher, a chaotic, weird-looking dude, who forgets to come to school sometimes and teaches class in his pajamas and discloses that his school and his tribe is so poor that they can't even afford new school books. Chapter 5: Arnold got suspended from school after he smashed Mr.P in the face with the geometry book. After the incident, they sit together on Arnold's front porch, when Mr.P confesses to have hurt Indian kids and their culture in the past before. He feels ashamed about what he has done, so that's why he tells Arnold to leave the reservation before he gets hurt or even killed for being an Indian kid and find his hope somewhere else. It was an emotional conversation as they both started to cry. They also talk about Mary's dream writing romance novels before she got depressed. Chapter 6: Arnold asks his parents to transfer schools and decides to go to Reardan, a rich, white farm town that sits in the wheat fields exactly twenty-two miles away from the rez, as it has one of the best schools in the state with the smartest and most athletic kids. His parents tolerate and support his decision even though they know they will have to struggle with financial problems. Chapter 7: Arnold tells Rowdy about his plan to transfer to Reardan and proposes him to change schools with him. Rowdy didn't really believe him at first but when he realized that Arnold was serious about his decision, he calls him a retarded fag and punches him in the face for leaving his best friend behind.