


The Absolutely True Diary: Reading Log Kapitel 1-20







Reading Log
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
• his family
•The Andruss Brothers
The Absolutely
Reading Log
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
• his family
•The Andruss Brothers
The Absolutely
Reading Log
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
• his family
•The Andruss Brothers
The Absolutely
Reading Log
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
• his family
•The Andruss Brothers
The Absolutely
Reading Log
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
• his family
•The Andruss Brothers
The Absolutely

Reading Log chapter 1 chapter 2 chapter 3 chapter 4 who? Junior junior • his family Oscar Junior Rowdy •The Andruss Brothers The Absolutely True Diary, by Sherman Alerie what? when? ·he talks about his deficits and problems • talking about his cartoons. -Junior Mary runs away Mr. P Rowdy describes his family (his parents) •his best friend Oscar ( his dogl gets sick and they don't have money to help him so the father shots Rowdy was beden up by his drunk father so he always comes to juniors house. He wants to take Junior the powwow but Junior is scared to be picked on. Rowdy said he'd protect him and Junior agreed. Roudy. had aggressions and destroyed a van. The Andruss Brothes bet Junior up while Rowdy destroyed their camp -Junior talks about masturbation describes his sister him he he talks about Rowdy and him. dreaming to play in the basket. ball team describes Mr. P ・he is very excited for his first geometry dass and he is very. dissapointed because the books are older than 30 years • Last week (in July). ・first weekend in september. powwow at the in school - in school. why? ・it all startet with the on the brain. · talking about his life so get to know him. we he was sick couldn't afforth the and they it's and Indian tradition and Rowdy really wanted to visit it. ・he's good at it ·she's special he likes the idea vet but the books. old we got to know who he is, he is special · he wanted to learn much. are too Reading Log chapter 5 chapter 6 chapter 7 chapter 8 who? Junior Mr. P -Junior ∙his parents. -Junior ・Rowdy Junior •His Dad The Absolutely True Diary by...

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Sherman Alerie, what? when? Mr. P comes to Juniors house. They The week of Juniors sit on the porch and talk about suspendation Mary and her dream to write romance Penelope · Roger and his Gang. nowels and that she loves to read those. They talk about Rowdy and that every white teacher did bad things to indian students. Mr. P tells Junior that the Rea had given • not Junior, not yet Mr. P tells up, him to walk away, where people have hope more •Junior that he wants. his parents to go to the white schod to Reardan (rich, white farm town, 22 miles away from the rez). Itis parents. agreed immediately because their childs to everyone in tells they want. become somebady and have better life. a to Junior tells Rowdy that he's the Rez but going to leave Rowdy doesn't want to believe him. They cry and Rowdy. screams. He is really angry. Junior suggests Rowdy to come with him. but he doesn't want to. Rowdy. punched Junior hard and walked away. a few hours Mr. P has gone. after One day after the talk. with Mr.P and Juniors. decision Junior's dad I drove him to the First day in the new. new school. He asked Melinda for school the way and went to his homercom. Everyone stared at him. The gorgeas. Penelope made fun about his name. and everyone laughed. The teacher him by his real name. "Arnold Spirit" In the break Roger (a white Giant and is friends came called to Junior. He made a racist "Joke" and Junior punched him in the face. He said he wanted to end this Pight after school. why? •Mr. P thinks Junior is and the only pepon very smart with hope left on the Rez. He wants him to do something. with his life couse. Junior te deserves a better life. wants he thinks life fly to the to change his and he wants to moon. Rowdy is/was Juniors best friend and he wants. him to know the truth and The also wants to give him the chance to go with Junior. He punched Roger because of the Rules wich say you have to fight every- one how is mean. to you, your family Reading Log chapter 9 chapter 10 chapter 11 chapter 12 who? ∙Junior ・His grandmother | Eugene · Roger (Penelope) Junior •Rowdy ∙Junior ·Penelope The Absolutely True Diary by Sherman Alerie what? when? •Junior · Mr. Dodge ・Gordy Dunior I came home from school and told his grandma about Roger. She sad Roger respected him beause he punches him. Next morning Junior started walking. to school but his Dad's best friend · Junior's picked him up with his indtofbike In. School, everyone stared at him and he couldn't believe that Roger was friendly. to him and didn't punch him in the face. Penelope ignored him. When Junior was twelve he fell in love with a girl named. Dawn. On a sleep-over with Rowdy he told him about her. and cried because Rowdy said. she gave a fuck on Junior. She called her names but Junior didn't care. treat second day at the new school •When they were 12 Penelopes costume for trick or in school, two days around. trick or treat was a homeless guy, just for like Junior look like. Penelope told Junior that she collects everything. she get on trick or treat. homeless guys and Junior joined. her. He lost all his collected things because three guys beat him up and stole everything. Penelope is about very friendly to him and cares him. bunior is very lonely at first. Then, he-In school. contradids his teacher so he hates him. Gordy helped Junior but he didn't want to talk to him. Junior often has to walk to school or back home because noone can pick him up. The next day at school, he talks to Gordy again and they become. friends. They study together and • Gordy teaches Junior a lot, especialy about books why? · he asked his grandma how she was thinking about the situation She was a good dancer. and very pretty. •Junior likes her pretty much. ∙Junio wanted to become Friends with Gordy beause he is very smart and he's a Preak too. Reading Log chapter 13 chapter 14 chapter 15 chapter 16 who? what? when? •Mary (she wrote an email Mary writes an email to Junior. Thursday, November 16, 2006 to Junior) She tells him about Montana and about the hotel she was. in She is really excited about. everything, especially the food. and the phone in the bathroom of the hotel.. ∙Junior •Rowdy's Dad. ・Rowdy •Junior ·Penelope Junior ·Penelope ・Gordy •Rowdy Junior and his family have a great dinner Junior is. very happy. Then he is sod because Rowdy isn't there like he has been the last 10 years. Junior draws him a cartoon, goes to his house and gives it to Rowdy's drunk and unfriendly. dad because he says Rowdy's not Junior sees him at the window home. He looks sad but he respects and The history class is very boring so Junior goes to the toilet (girl's bathroom). He hears somebody making strange noises. It was Penelope who was vomitting. She is bulimic. They talk about Penelopas unrealistic dreams to traved all over the world and what she wants to be later. Junior loves her and stares at They dated and kissed but her often, her father hates Junior. Junior watches Penelope playing volleyball. He loves everything about her. He writes Rowdy an email and asks for his advice but Rowdy. answers very short & rude. He also. asks Gordy for advice who searched for an answer in the internet. The answer wasn't better than Rowdy's. •On Thanksgiving. ・in history class •During Penelope's volleyball match why? Mary wants about to tell Junior her great life. -Junior misses Rowdy •Junior gets popular racist •He cares about Penelope. she wants to provokate her dad with Junior -Junior in love but he doesn't know how to make Penelope loving him too. Reading Log chapter 17 chapter 18 chapter 19 chapter 20 who? -Junior •Penelope ・Roger Junior ・Rowdy ・Gordy -Junior • Roger ·Coach what? Junior wanted to go to Winter Formal (high schoo dance) with Pene- lope. He'd nothing to wear because he was poor. He got an old and ugly suit from his Dad. Penelope. loved it so everyone loved it. Later •Rowdy ・Eugene a big group of student went eating. Roger was very friendly and lent. Danior 40bucks so he could pay. They found out that Junior was Friendly all the poor but they were time and drove him home Mary runs away. another letter to junior) find Junior miseed Rowdy so he e-mailed him a picture of him. smiling. He got a pic of Rowdy! bare ase back Gordy came up and saw the pic. They talked about Rowdy, the Rez and Juniors life between white and indian. The figured out both of them were freaks. Mary tells him she couldn't a job because she doesn't have enough experience. Because she has much free time now, writes her life story. moved into new, gorgeous house, she she Her man and her a Said when? why? •The Night of winter Formal. Junior pretended not to be poor - He wanted to go with in, he was hit by something thrown by the audience. Eugere gave him 3 stiches. Then, Rowdy hit him hard and he passed away. He ended up in the hospital with a minor concussion Coach visited him and they fold stories to each other all the night. •One day in school Penelope Because Gordy saw the picture, Junior had to explain who's ass it was •She wants to tell Junior how it's going. Junior wanted to join the badet. The night of Juniors first .He became a player because ball-team and played against match in the new team. Roger. He mode it and his first match was against welpinit, his he's a very good shooter ・he's in the hospital because Rowdy Poulded him old school. When Coach sent him