


The ambiguity of belonging







is not accepted by the white kids, althought
it should not be too difficult for him at a
time when skin color alo
is not accepted by the white kids, althought
it should not be too difficult for him at a
time when skin color alo

THE AMBIGUITY OF belonging is not accepted by the white kids, althought it should not be too difficult for him at a time when skin color alone conveyed an automatic sense of privilege. LARRY: ● • he prefers reading - his interests make him stand out when he wants to fit in • because he is considered strange, nobody wants to risk exclusion from their peer group by getting too friendly with him • after Cindy Walker's disappearance he is Ostracized by the local population -> no customers at his repair shop -> he becomes more and more isolated from society - he comes to accept that he will always been an outsider. • he cannot imagine ever being completely accepted for who he is SILAS: · the ambiguity lies in his family background only son of a black maid now living in relative poverty in small town Mississippi he is a new boy at the middle school ->he assimilates quickly tis accepted by his peers, helped by his baseball skills he doesn't know his father. he is secure in his place in society - She has a responsible job, a loving girlfriend + is a figure of respect in the small town his discovery that Carl Off was his father, along with the realization that this makes Larry his half-brother forces him to re-assess his identity she is not the person he thought he was • connection between Larry + Silas...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

is ambiguous ne goes from disliking his new home to feeling as if he belonged there • he is torn away from his old life + forced a completely different one to live Silas develops a sense of belonging to the place where his roots are