


The American Dream







The American Dream exam-prep-
"life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness"
1607 - first English settlement
1620 -voyage of P

The American Dream exam-prep- "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" important dates 1607 - first English settlement 1620 -voyage of Pilgrim Father with their ship Mayflower 1733 -the British own thirteen colonies along the east coast. 17.73 - the Boston Tea Party (colonists throw tea into harbour from ships of the British East India Company → slogan: "No taxation without representation because colonists have no political voice in British parliament 1775 -begin of War of Independence. • leading American general: George Washington 4.7.1776 - Declaration of Independence drafted by Thomas Jefferson 17.83 - Treaty of Paris: Britain recognizes its former colonies as independent nation - Bill of Rights 1791 antil 1850s-exploration of the West 1861-65 - Civil War -between Confederate States of America (South) & the Union (North) 1863 - Emancipation Proclamation official abolition of slavery Bill of Ri 9 because Declaration of Independence was lacking Amendment 1: freedom of religion, speech, press, assemble Amendment 2: keeping & bearing weapons "What is - definition by J. Hector St. John de Crèvecoeur Imain ideas: an American?" -melting pot +united race -Alma Mater nourishing mother, plentiful resources - Manifest Destiny -meritocracy: hard work is rewarded -self-interest /individualism as the guiding principle -state does not interfere / low taxes no aristocracy - church demands little -new principles,ideas & opinions h ts - continual challenge of respective frontiers -multiculturism (multi-ethnicity "The American + definition by James Truslow Adams, 1931 -better richer, fuller land land of plenty -meritocracy: opportunity...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

for each according to their ability & achievement - manifest destiny Dream"