


the atmosphere in Brave new world







The Atmosphere of BNW
grey, squat buildings 34 floors high
✔ugly; no colours, not natural colour, grey is usually boring; inanimate environm

The Atmosphere of BNW grey, squat buildings 34 floors high ✔ugly; no colours, not natural colour, grey is usually boring; inanimate environment - like stones, nothing can grow on stones → fictional, futuristic, lifeless the Fertilizing Room is cold despite its tropical heat and the summer outside the light is described as harsh, thin, “glaring, frozen, dead, like a ghost" → sterile, artificial (normal light is yellowish) the people working there are like as robots, working all the time white, pale, rubber gloves, no colour; everybody is the same, no differentiating features humans are impersonal like clones; they are used like machines → the initial atmosphere is joyless, cold, unwelcoming, discomforting, maybe even intimidating the world motto evokes a community spirit, a feeling of togetherness

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