


The Character of a country







• A Political State:
Great Britain: largest island of the British Isles and in Europe, England is a country on this i

CHARACTER OF A COUNTRY • A Political State: Great Britain: largest island of the British Isles and in Europe, England is a country on this island United Kingdom: includes England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, state with a population of about million people Union Flag: called Union Jack, national flag of the United Kingdom since 1908 and represents the powerful community and strong individual identities of the different nations Scotland has always been seen separately but they still voted to stay in the UK Royal family as a very important British institution, celebrate them and the modern and fresh image portrayed by their monarchy • Multiculturalism • UK head of the British Empire, was a colonial superpower with a lot of territories • Still a strong bound to former states and most of them part of the Commonwealth of Nations • Work towards world peace, democracy worldwide, ending racism, sexism, poverty, ignorance and disease Immigrants from all over the world settled in the UK, shaping its culture and adding to diversity Very multicultural society, everyone should feel at home • An uncertain future Significant role in world politics with a lot of representation e.g. in the UN or NATO Very influential economy Financial crisis in 2007-8 did not leave them unaffected and has led to economic problems, increased unemployment,...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

social inequality and poverty Increased feeling of Anti-Immigration in some parts of the population Characterization of Britain Great Britain is the longest island in Europe and includes England as a country on the island. England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland represent the United Kingdom with its own flag and a huge population. The royal family has always been seen as an important institution and is celebrated by the British population. Due to the huge number of former colonies, Britain still has a strong bound with them thanks to the Commonwealth of Nations. The UK is home to a lot of immigrants and has a very multicultural and diverse society. There are still some negative aspects, for example the increased feeling of Anti Immigration or the negative side effects of the financial crisis in 2007 to 2008. Britain is home to a lot of famous musicians and actors and has a very traditional culture. Moreover, it has a lot of monuments and sights as well as a long history. All in all, Great Britain is a very diverse island with a long history. It developed from an empire to a member of the Commonwealth and was a former member of the EU. Its future is uncertain taking a look at recent decisions and opinions of the population.