


The Circle (written by Dave Eggers)







Main body.
The novel "The Circle", written by Drave Eggers and published
powerful Internet
The focus is on
Main body.
The novel "The Circle", written by Drave Eggers and published
powerful Internet
The focus is on
Main body.
The novel "The Circle", written by Drave Eggers and published
powerful Internet
The focus is on
Main body.
The novel "The Circle", written by Drave Eggers and published
powerful Internet
The focus is on

Introduction: Main body. example The novel "The Circle", written by Drave Eggers and published powerful Internet company. The focus is on ・company. and monitoring. Title, author, type, publication, topic. Summary Analyse the language. register Sprachebone choice of words: Wortwahl Ton tone English - Exam : • to show • to highlight. -> about the textporl Verben für die Analyse: • to point out • to make it clear the in 2013 is about the description of the tech worker Mae Holland as she joins a "The Circle", which generates increasing social control through comprehensive transparency Tone - attitude of the author (ironic, serious, humorous, sarcasm, anger...). register & choice of words & sentence structure - language : formal, familiar, polite, negativ, unkindly : long sentences, easy •Sentence structure question, short or. · stylistic devices.. - alliteration -> Peter Piped Picked of Pickled Peppers accumulation (Wortanhäufungen)-> The sun rises and the sun sets, and rushes back again to the place from which it rises. - parallelism - The report card stated that the student often talked in class, that he bullied other stuckents, and that he rarely finished his home work (some sentence structure) of complex sentences...) a Peck ·ane phore -> So let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire. Let freedorn ning from the mighty ·mountains of New York. Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania.. -climax -> If you think that's bad, it gets worse. (increase =) Steigerung). -- euphemism ->...

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He has passed away => Euphemism for He has died difference (Widerspruch. (Beschönigung) , Same in -Oxymoron -> pretty ugly, --paradox →. Nobody goes to Murphy's Bor anymore - it's too crowded (extremer Widerspruch) 7 überfüllt - antithesis ->. That's one small step. for man, one giant leap for mankind. (Gegenbehauptung) rhetorical question -> why do these things always happen to me? sich) -- onomatopoeia -> The sheep went, "Ban"; Silence your cellphone so that it does not beep during the movie. L (Geräusche geschrieben). Conclusion: • Summarise the main points of the text again. Exp. In conlusion..... All in all... 1.- metaphor -> heart of gold; Her tears were a river flowing down her cheeks. symbol -> White (stands for life and purity); a red octagon is a common symbol for "stop"; rose (symbolizes low). - connotation -> blue colour & describe a feeling of sadness (verschiedene Bedeutungen) - personification → Lightning danced across the sky; My house is ofriend who protects me ·-pun-> Every calendar's days are numbered; A bicycle can't stand on its own L> (Workspiel) ・Simile -> As cold as ice; Her eyes shone like diamonds. (Vergleich) - enumeration -> Old Mc Donald had a pig, a dog... (Aufzählung). a cow, a horse... - repetition → Over and over; Home sweet home (Wiederholung) -exclamation - 0 Girls, Girls, How I love you! (Ausruf) - hyperbole -> I'm so hungry that I could eat a horse; I love you to the moon and back. because it is two-tired Place: • The novel is set in the San Francisco Bay Area. Although specific places in the novel fictional, it comes as no suprise that the novel's setting alludes to silicon as Facebook, Google, & Twitter. Valley, home to transnational internet companies such •The campus is like. seperate town or even nation. • It can be seen. as Overview about. -Book Ipp.. - Book II pp. 1-304 .305-486 -Book III - pp. 487-491: a the 3. Books: • Moe She utopian (or dystopian) haven, secluded from the outside world. dre starts her new job at the is thankful for the opportunity • Work in Customer Experience is stressful but rewarding. •The Circle also expects Mae to invest most of her free time for the • Furthermore, dealing with a · She is expected to "smile", "frown", & "zing" (which roughly translate as ."like", "dislike", & "tweet / twitter" respectively). on the Circle's social media platform when Mac takes time off for her parents or her only habby (kayaking) she is immediately reprimanded by her superior Don, which Mae finds rather embarrassing. • The novel's first climat takes place at the end of Book I, when Mae decides to "go transparent", i.e. to Wear a video camera around her neck that streams all of her activities, which are also stered in the Circle's cloud computing system. Bailey, one of the three wise men, i.e. one of the founders of the Circle, is persuading Mae of the benefits of the Circle and its programmes. • Meanwhile, there is Circle. to work at the world's leading tech company. rele, a ttending " semimandatory events a flood of social media activities takes up much of Moe's time.. a hey player in a considerable friction between Mae and various other characters. L> her ex- -boyfriend Mercer, who warns Mae about the Circle and who finds that genuine interaction with Mae has become impossible; ."> her parents, who- although benefitting from the Circle's health care programme - are unhappy with the Circle's constant surveillance and with the flood of social media activity the Circle generates;. 4) and also her mysterious lover Kalden, who tums out to be Ty, one of the Circle's three wise men". Despite this, lae is more convinced than ever of the Circle's ideology. • She has become one of the Circle's most important public faces and enjoys the attention she receives. • The second climax of the novel occurs toward the end of Book. I, when Ty wants to persuade. manifesto of digital rights and to stop the Circle from "completing". • Ty believes that if left to expand further. the Circle will have disastrous effect Mae to read • At the end of Book II., Mae states that she sees. "very clearly now" (p. 486) (Ende) on humankind. ^ • Book III comprises only few pages and can be seen as the resolution or denovement of the novel : ↳y It turns out that Mae exposed Ty's plan to stop the Circle, thinking that she - in turn- has averted a catastrophe.. At the end of the novel, she sits beside Annie, her once best friend, who is now in a coma after she has had a breakdown - the psychological demands of the Circle were too much for her to bear.. an ideal world. • Mae, however, is looking forward to what she thinks is a utopian future in Circle Programmes: - Circle Money. - Circle Surveys:. - Child Track - Conversion Rate: a measurement of the connection between online activities and purchases. collect real-time health data from every Demotie: - Complete Halth Data Program, CHAD: • a • Homie : - Juvduv: -Retail Raw: - See Change: - SoulSearch: • a - Truyou - Tru Youth: • the Circle's market research - You th Rank: payment system & plattform to sell products online • a child protection programme that Francis works ·body of every. child. a - Partipicipation Rank, Parti Rank: • a computer - generated number resembling a person's activity in the so-called Inner Circle - Project 9: for clandestine (secret) research and development at. the Circle a · voting algorithm developed by the circle, to be used. smart home system ... a term to programme .. a a tool to find out information about any person, allowing it to function as a match maker and set up the perfect date programme • SoulSearch • the total price of all products that people buy based on a • high resolution, battery-powered, WiFi cameras. causes to trace a person's. Annie great a master. account that on aiming to implant a chip. into a bone in the ( • a potential alternative Circler ancestry in national elections. stress combines all of name for Francis' child protection programme. system to compare & rank the academic achievements and learning processes of students ..person's recommendation person's online accounts, payment methods, identities etc.. An Overview of the characters. Mae (Maebilline Renner Holland): - Annie Allerton. - Mae's parents. - Eamon Dailey' - Tom Stenton :. Ty (Tyler. Alexander Gospodinov): -Mercer. Medeiros : - Kalden - Francis - Kevin: - Dan. - Marion: Garaventa: .- Senator Williamson. • She is in her early twenties &. starts work at the Circle. The reader learns about the circle primarly from her perspective As Alea takes . b the main character in the novel • Is. Mea's best friend from university. As the novel, their relationship becomes rather competitive. • Annie ultimately suffers from a mental breakdown Play an important role with one hand, they get better health insurance ↳ On L> On on . a the key position in the Circle, the circle's future depends one Is one of the He shuns publicity. Toward the other hand, however, Mae's their family. relationships. a .He manipulates Mae. are "Three Wise Men", the founders of the • Owns regard to llae's relationship with the Circle: proud of Mae's position at the the end of the novel, Ty tries to • Is one of the "Three Wise Men", the founders of the Circle... well-known face.. He is the Circle's most He remains in the background and He owns the translucent shark that involvement the way she and Mercer communicate. • He tries to break off contact with Mae. Eventually, n he commits suicide, when lae an convince Hae of the "Three Wise Men", the founders of the circle... mysterious man • It later. turns out that Walden is actually. with the Circle has • Is Mae's ex -boyfriend... • Their relationship is friendly first, but this changes. Framatically Mercer tries to convince Moe that the circle has negative impact on peoples' lives, particularly the kayak shop Circle. looks after matters regarding the law and regulation. is fed toward the end of Book II. as on her. to stop the Circle from completing. • Works at the Circle and is concerned with child security... He & Mae have her knowledge "Maiden Voyages Circle & Hae is able to help her father. who attracts llae's attention alias of Ty's. •Is Mae's team leader in Customer Experience (CE) increasingly negative impact uses the resources of the Circle to trock him down. (Deckname) affair, although llae is repulsed by him recording an intimate video without •Is Mae's former boss • Mae refers to him in order to contrast the Circle with her old job, thus emphasising the qualities of the Circe. • Wants to break up the Circle. She. calls the Circle "a on monopoly in its purest sense. (p. 173)